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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. Thank you, Kiz and Bearbandit. We had a Protein tasting at my last support meeting, and I found a couple I really liked. I liked the Isopure pineapple blue raspberry,and the Protein Drink from Trader Joe's in a can. My surgeon's office recommends Worldwide Pure Protein, which I guess you can also get at Trader Joe's. I'll be on the pre-op diet for two weeks. Guess I'll be drinking a lot of chicken, beef and vegetable broth. It's a good thing I like sugar free pudding and fudgecicles, too! :-) Maybe I won't when this is over. I'm already dreading the Jello! :-) Debbie
  2. Hi all, I don't drink coffee, any kind of milk, well, sometimes soy, and I don't really like yogurt. Any suggestions for substitutes, or will I just be drinking a lot of Water and Crystal Lite? (Not that I'd mind.) Oh yes, and I mustn't forget juice Thanks in advance. Debbie. .
  3. serenity55

    banded 3 days ago

    Hi all, My name is Debbie. I'm being banded February 10th. I'll start my pre op diet next Monday, and it's all I can think about. My partner is very supportive although she was just a little scared when I first brought up the subject of being banded. Bubz, congratulations on losing so much. And yes, I'll try to visit more, too. Debbie
  4. serenity55

    February '09 bandsters?

    Ok, Fabulous February Friends, am I the only one who feels like all I can think of is my upcoming surgery? I'm going about my day, but it's always in the back of my mind. How much time are you taking off work? And last of all, I've had a few suggestions for a group name, in the February 2009 forum, so I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to force this one on you. I happen to like it, and think of you all as friends since we're going through this in the same month. :-) Debbie
  5. My best friend had some dental procedure, I think it was having her wisdom teeth pulled.She hadn't slept much the night before, but the anesthesia wasn't working. They still had ether at that time, and gave her that. She said she was dreaming that she was dancing, and there were psychedelic lights flashing. When she woke up, she was moving her feet. this isn't coming out of surgery, but, when I was a kid, I had two eye surgeries. The first one I didn't really understand what was happening. They put a mask over my face, and I kept yelling, "Take it off! Take it off!" Of course, every time I took a breath, I was inhaling ether. And I was out. the second time I knew what was happening, so I somehow wrapped my arms around the gurney, and they had to pry me loose. I bit the doctor!
  6. serenity55

    What should we call ourselves?

    How about Fabulous February Friends? The fab February I stole from someone who made the suggestion, I just added the friends.
  7. serenity55

    February 10th bandsters! Where are you?!

    Hey SunnyCoconut, it's my turn to say I know what you mean. My surgery is almost a week after yours and my mind is racing already! While you will have passed in to band land, I'll be slowly going insane! Hahaha! Let me know how everything goes, especially starting your pre op diet, if you have one. Good luck!
  8. serenity55

    February 5th is my date....

    Hi Ashley, Congrats on your surgery date! Mine is the 10th, and I haven't done anything yet. My surgeon's office has a support group and next Wednesday we're having a Protein shake tasting, which will give me some ideas, I hope, about what to get for my two week pre op diet. I know there are lots of suggestions here about what to take to the hospital and I must have read them a dozen times, but I can't remember much now. Guess I'll have to check them out again!
  9. serenity55

    February '09 bandsters?

    Fabulous February friends? Thank you, Tam. And thank you, Sarah, for going to check out my thread, which is in the monthly forum, February, 2009 forum. Ivernous, my surgery date is also the 10th. I'm excited, and maybe just a little anxious.
  10. The things that helped me make a decision to go for the lap band are, 1. It's minimally invasive. 2. there are fewer risks with lap band. 3. Though bypass patients do lose weight more quickly at the beginning, it all equals out to the same in the long run. 4. There can be malabsorption issues, as other side effects. 5. The band is simply placed around the top portion of the stomach and nothing else is rearranged. Of course, this is just my opinion, and there are lots of people who have success with bypass, so, as you say, you will have to do lots of research and decide what is right for you. But don't let anyone, doctor or layperson, try to sway you. Good luck.
  11. serenity55

    An early birthday present!

    I found the calendar. Thank you. I also read the stuff you can do, but I can't seem to save the stuff I put there. Oh well. I'll just add it to my signature the way a lot of people do. Thank you, Michelle. As for taking off work, I think I will take off a full week. The 10th is on a Tuesday, so I'll take that week of course, and the following one as well. I'm a switchboard operator, and I would imagine sitting might be uncomfortable after a while, and I can't really move around that much, because the board rings a lot. Maybe giving myself almost two weeks will allow me to go back to work and sit for longer periods. Thanks again, Michelle.
  12. After having had two psychological evaluations, going for the second cardiology exam tomorrow, being denied each time I submitted letters and previous exams, I got a letter today saying I've been approved! I think I'm still in shock! But I'm excited, too! I am on my way to band land! Yay!!! Oh, yes, my birthday is this Sunday! Happy birthday to me!
  13. serenity55

    February '09 bandsters?

    Help me out, February friends! I've started a thread titled, What should we call ourselves? I've had a couple of responses, and I'd love to have more! We need a name, don't we? Ok, maybe not, but humor me! :-)
  14. Nooshie, I don't think there are many here who have Dr. Quilici as their surgeon, but there are some. He has support groups the first and third Wednesday of every month--well, I should say members of his staff facilitate them. I found them to be very nice, and maybe they will have some idea about what can be done. I hope everything goes well at your consultation, and maybe we'll meet at the support group meetings. Look forward to hearing how everything goes for you, and thank you for the good luck wish.
  15. serenity55

    An early birthday present!

    I wish I could have done it on my actual birthday, too, but the gift is getting the approval, so I'll take it! You're right, it is the bestest present ever!
  16. Hi Nooshie, Welcome to lap band talk. I have been going through the motions with my HMO for the past nine months, and was finally approved a couple of days ago. I was involuntarily switched from one medical group to another, and that was a big part of the problem. It sounds like you're on the right track, though, if you got a referral to see Dr. Quilici; who, by the way, will be my surgeon. I'm sorry I don't have an answer about the changing of insurance companies, and I'm truly sorry to hear about your husband being laid off. I hope things work out all right, and someone more knowledgeable than I comes along with answers for you. Please keep us posted on how things are going.
  17. serenity55

    An early birthday present!

    Thank you, and congratulations to you for your band date! I hope we all have uneventful and speedy recoveries!
  18. serenity55

    An early birthday present!

    You are awesome, Michelle! thank you so much for those kind words! I have a couple of questions. Did you put my surgery date on your calendar on this web site? I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do that, but it could be something my computer isn't reading. (Don't you love how I blame the computer?!) And secondly, how much time did you take off work? thank you again.
  19. serenity55

    An early birthday present!

    Michelle, I think my computer has been the most expressive I've heard it since I've had it. Thank you so much! I remember when I tried to go to my first seminar and was given the wrong time. When I posted about how disappointed I was, yours was one of the responses that really made me feel better. So your post here means a lot to me. I thank you, and so does my computer! Hahahaha!
  20. serenity55

    February '09 bandsters?

    I got my approval letter yesterday, had my second cardiology exam today, and scheduled my surgery for February 10th. I never thought I'd be writing this, but I'm so happy!
  21. serenity55

    An early birthday present!

    Thank you all! Yes, Michelle, I think it's finally sinking in. I went to the cardiologist today and he gave me clearance for surgery. When I told him that I'd heard that the anesthesiologist didn't like the cardiology tests to be an older than six months, he said, "Well, that doesn't make any sense." So I didn't have to take the stress test or another ecocardiogram. My surgeon's office was in the same building, so I went up to make an appointment. My surgery is scheduled for February 10th! I'm gonna be a February bandster!!!
  22. You know what I tell myself? That I have a tool to help me be successful, something I didn't have before. And I have also read that a lot of times the insurance companies are just interested in seeing if we are willing to commit. That's more important than the actual weight loss. We can all do this. Good luck, and keep posting. You're not alone! Be gentle with yourself.
  23. Christy, I just read another post in which you described all the things you've been going through. I'm glad you're doing better. You say they think you've developed MS? I'm truly sorry if that is the case, but you sound like someone who will come through whatever is dealt you with flying colors. I wish you nothing but the best.
  24. serenity55

    Please talk some sense into me!

    I think we tend to be harder on ourselves than anyone else would. Your doctor may just be glad to see you, to know that you're coming in for a fill, and I know he/she will understand about the loss of a parent. I lost my mother when I was nine, to breast cancer which had spread. I was so young, but the pain is no less whatever your age. Be gentle with yourself and know that you are taking care of yourself for you, for those who love you, and in loving memory of your mother. Debbie
  25. Hey Christy, congratulations! I'm still going through the process, but I love hearing about everyone who gets approved! And congratulations to your husband as well. Be sure to let us know when you get your surgery date. Good luck! I hope it's soon!

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