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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. I'm glad your steri strips came off, and I'm also glad yousaid you were still a little sore around the port area. Me, too, though it seems to come and go.

    Most of my scars I can hardly tell are there, but the incisions near my port I can still feel.

    Let's here it for mushies! I'm just so afraid of gaining weight, but I know that's to be expected--well, I've read that it's common anyway.


    Keep me posted on how you're doing.

  2. serenity55

    Just wondering ...

    There is an exercise program connected with the hospital where I had my surgery, and they will focus on patients who had bariatric surgery. Apparently, there is a whole team of people, which may or may not include a physical therapist, I can't remember. I'm not sure if my insurance covers it, but I'm definitely going to check it out. Debbie
  3. A pilates instructor came to one of our support group meetings. She talked about, and I'm not sure I'm saying this right, the changes that would take place with regard to the way we walk. I think it had to do with the way it (weight) was distributed, and how that changes as we lose. I've been feeling slightly off balance, I don't know how else to describe it, and was wondering if anyone else experienced anything similar. Debbie
  4. serenity55

    Just wondering ...

    Thank you all very much. Jodi and Heather, my stomach is definitely where I carry all my weight, though people say that I'm solid, so it's fairly evenly distributed, to them, anyway. I'm a pianist, and have always had pretty good posture, but my back bothered me more as I gained weight. Now that I'm losing it, I don't have that problem so much. Hopefully that will improve. Mel, thank you, too, for sharing what the physical therapist said. I'm going to try to remember that as my ligaments try to adjust. Interesting stuff! Debbie
  5. Hi there!


    Thank you for checking in.


    I'm doing great. I took off my steri strips and the only place I can feel scars is near my port. Otherwise you can't even tell.


    How are you doing? Are you still on full liquids?


    Let me know.



  6. Hi there! Thank you for checking up on me! I'm doing pretty well, can eat mushies, and had my staples out. I'm not having any pain. How about you? I'd do this again!



  7. serenity55

    Feb 10th bandsters - How's it going

    Shaggs, I did finally rip off my steri strips. It didn't hurt, and I do feel much better. But I still have some scabs, I guess, where my port is, and I can still feel something that seems like swelling, I think. Yes, I'm getting hungrier now, and envious of people who can "eat normally." It's great to be able to eat mushies, but I don't want to gain any weight I've lost; it's been such a hard won battle. I did have a little pity part for myself this evening because I guess I'm still saying good-bye to my old way of life. But I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. Debbie
  8. serenity55

    Feb 10th bandsters - How's it going

    Shaggs, you couldn't be too far over on your left side. For me, it was the right. I would feel a stinging, pulling sensation, and I thought I was going to damage my port. But it's better, now. When I got my staples out, the nurse put steri strips over the incisions. They're starting to loosen. The doctor said I could just pull them off, but I don't want to. Anyone else dealing with that? Debbie
  9. How do people put things underneath their user names? For example, John249, and underneath, Banded. (I'm using a screenreader, so it seems like it's underneath to me. thank you. Debbie
  10. serenity55

    May be a stupid question, but ...

    Thank you, kiz! Debbie
  11. serenity55

    How do I slow down??

    I also put down my glass between sips. That seemed to help, too. Good luck! Debbie
  12. serenity55

    When to start working out...

    I'm almost two weeks post op, and I've been on the treadmill. I was wondering the same thing. should I wait a little longer before doing crunches and weight training? I'll call my surgeon's office tomorrow, but I'm just curious. Haven't had any problems on the treadmill. Debbie
  13. serenity55

    San Fernando Valley/Los Angeles Bandsters

    Hi, Yes, we're still planning to have meetings. The woman who said we could have meetings at her home has just moved, and I think she's finally settled. I'm going to talk to her, and will let everyone know when the next meeting is. thanks for asking. Debbie
  14. serenity55

    Am I in "bandster hell?"

    Yes, I think this is the time when we really struggle. No restriction. I'm not there yet, just had my staples out today, and began mushies, so I don't really have any advice. I just wanted to give you support and say that I know how hard it is, because I was getting so tired of liquids. I thought I liked the Isopure, but it takes me longer to drink that because it tastes so awful. I pour it over ice, and let it melt a little, which seems to help with the taste somewhat. You will make it! Why? Because you sound determined. Just by the fact that you say you will. Hang in there! Debbie
  15. Hi all, EvaB and Hedostar, I will keep you in my thoughts. I feel like I could always do something like that, and am thankful that I haven't so far. I got my staples out today, and was given the go-ahead to have mushies. Mashed potatoes never tasted so good! According to the scale in my surgeon's office I'm down to 306, which means I've lost 32 pounds since October. Not really a lot, but I can really tell the difference, and I hope it keeps me motivated. Hang in there, Fabulous Febs! We can do this! Debbie
  16. serenity55

    Feb 10th bandsters - How's it going

    Hi all, I got my staples out today, and according to the scale in my surgeon's office, I weigh 306. I can't believe it! Shaggs, like you, I notice a lot of difference. I can go up and down stairs more easily now, I'm going much faster on the treadmill. All I have now are steri strips, and the doctor said that they will fall off naturally. My first fill is March 19. Imhopeful, congratulations! I don't blame you for having tears in your eyes. Way to go February 10th bandsters!! Debbie
  17. serenity55

    Wooooooooooohooooo! S.v.!

    Catherine, 25 pounds is nothing to sneeze at! Congratulations! I can't wait untill I'm there! good for you! Debbie
  18. serenity55

    Scared to Death

    Hi there! I'm just one week post op and I would definitely do it again. The worst part for me was the waiting. I had some gas pains, but never took the prescribed pain medication, not because I'm a martyr, but because I really felt like I didn't need it. You might find yourself becoming hungry at some point either during the pre op diet, (if you have one) or the post op. I've been on full liquids, and that's also very hard. But the changes I'm already noticing are worth it all! Good luck to you, and keep asking questions! this site is fantastic! Debbie
  19. serenity55

    Itching Staples

    Anyone else have this problem? It's not a rash or anything, I think the incisions are just itching, and last night they drove me nuts! I'm glad I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow! And how is everyone? Debbie
  20. serenity55

    Itching Staples

    Thank you. I'm hoping that when I see the doctor tomorrow he'll remove the staples and I can put some kind of cream on the incisions. Right now, they're still bandaged. Debbie
  21. February Foxes Fabulous February Friends Victorious Valentines 2009 Fortunate Febs 2009 Valentines
  22. serenity55

    :crying:Emotional effects of anesthesia

    Thank you, mzmouse. I'm going to go out tomorrow. I'ts been raining here, but I think we're going to have a reprieve. Even if we don't, I'm going out. I think it will make a difference. Spud.mama, good luck with your banding. I hope you come through with flying colors. This web site is a wonderful place to come and talk, so if you have anxieties or panic attacks, I'm sure you'll get lots of support. I'm here, too, if you want to talk. Debbie
  23. Hi everyone, Today for some reason I've been feeling kind of weepy. I was listening to a musical which should have had no effect on me emotionally, or at least, I don't think so, but I suddenly found myself crying. And it just happened again. Even now I feel like I could just burst in to tears. And I had a hysterectomy six years ago, so it's not anything like that. I experienced this before then, and just wondered if anyone else has been effected post op.
  24. serenity55

    :crying:Emotional effects of anesthesia

    Thank you, Valerie and Sue. It could be a combination of lots of things, I thought it might be anesthesia because that's the way I was after my hysterectomy. But it could also be the stress of not eating; I'm still on full liquids. I want these stupid staples out; I'm starting to get tired of creamy Soups and Jello and Protein shakes. But I need to focus on the fact that already there is a change in my body. My roommate, who is also my best friend, is very supportive, and someone I can lean on, and my coworkers have been wonderful. thank you both; it helps to know that I'm not the only one who cried. Debbie
  25. serenity55

    Feb 10th bandsters - How's it going

    Blklad, in my nutrition class I was told that women need between 50 to 70 grams of Protein, and men 70 to 90, I think. It's also my understanding that it might help to prevent hair loss, but I could be wrong about that. Debbie

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