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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. serenity55

    Scared to death

    I was banded on February 10, 2009, and it's been a breeze. I'm terrified of needles, and even my first fill was no big deal. It could be that those who are doing well don't post as often as those who are not. I would do it again.
  2. Hi, I know there is a sticky on this forum about scars, but I can't see them. Sooo ... I'd like to know how long it took before you could no longer see, or feel your scars? I'm six weeks post op, and can definitely feel them. There is one in particular on the left where there is still a little hardness--maybe it's a keloid? (Not sure if I spelled that right.) I guess what I'm asking for is if people would be willing to share with me, verbally, your scar stages Thank you. Debbie.
  3. serenity55

    Anyone Willing to Share?

    Thank you, that's good to know, because I don't like the way that one feels. It worried me a little.
  4. serenity55

    Anyone Willing to Share?

    Thank you, MacMadam. I am black, and totally blind, so I won't freak out, and they're nice and smooth because I use cream on them. I just want them to be smaller than they are, or should I say, less feelable! :-) Debbie
  5. serenity55

    Apnea and will NOT use Cpap

    Don't want to scare you, but there is a chance that your apnea could get worse without using your CPAP. Some suggestions are trying to watch Tv with it on, just to get used to the mask. There really are lots of different ones out there . Also, when you have lap band surgery, you won't be laying on your side. Just something to think about.
  6. serenity55

    Anyone taking Celexa?

    When I crushed them they tasted terrible. I never thought of mixing them with my Protein supplement. Now I'm six weeks out, and I can swallow pills whole again, thank goodness! Debbie!
  7. Hi, :-) I had my first fill today. It was a piece of cake, and this, coming from someone who is extremely needle phobic. I drank Water afterward and it stayed down. And I've lost two more pounds! I was afraid that I'd gained, or that I just wouldn't lose anything, but I did. I'm happy! Debbie
  8. serenity55

    My first fill

    Tutornmom, I would have done more than yelp! You should have gotten a gold star! :ohmy: My doctor said that it was easy for him to find my port, although he did have me raise my head a little, I guess it tightened my stomach. At least, I think that's what he said. I hope my next fill is as easy. Jennifer, I was really nervous, so much so that my blood pressure went up. I hope your first fill is as easy as mine was, too. Here's to nothing but easy fills for us all! Debbie
  9. Hey Derbin247, Can you call your doctor's office on Monday and tell them about your concern? Try not to freak yourself out--sounds like something I would do. There's a good chance that everything is fine. I don't know anything about band slippage, but wouldn't it be uncomfortable? You're probably able to eat normally because you have no restriction. Maybe try putting servings on small plates--something I read here. When I start worrying about things, I try telling myself to just stop, because I don't really know what's going on. You won't either, until you see your doctor, but again, things may be just fine. Hang in there! Debbie
  10. Hi fabulous February Bandsters! I was banded on February 10th, and have lost 34 pounds. I went for my first fill today, and it was a piece of cake. I'm pretty needle phobic, so it was a pleasant surprise for it to be so easy. Debbie.
  11. serenity55

    Anyone taking Celexa?

    Thank you, thank you! Wow! You sound like me this week at work! I took it last night and feel better today. I don't know if it's psychological or not, but whatever it is, I'll take it! Debbie
  12. I still think you're being much too hard on yourself. You absolutely deserve credit for every pound you have taken off. I'm only four weeks post op, but I try to focus on the changes that have taken place with a 32-pound weight loss. Maybe you can do that too, because there are bound to be some differences. It doesn't matter when you lost all 81 pounds, the point is, in my opinion, that you have lost them. Good for you! Easy does it. You can do this--and we're here for you! Debbie
  13. And how is everybody? Are you on mushies? Solid foods? Is the swelling gone down? How are you doing emotionally? Physically, I'm doing great. I haven't weighed myself, but my clothes feel different, in a good way. Emotionally it's been a struggle. I really know that the swelling has gone down, because it feels like I can eat much more, but I can definitely tell when I'm full, even if it is twenty minutes later. So the trick, for me, is to just eat small portions, and, as someone said, if I'm hungry an hour later, eat a little more. Mostly, though, I think it's head hunger. I want to eat the way I used to, and that's what got me in trouble in the first place. But enough about me. Let me hear from you Debbie!
  14. Thank you. It helps knowing someone else didn't think it hurt. It feels like I have restriction sometimes, now, too. Tonight I'm pretty full, and I didn't have a large portion, so maybe I'll have some real restriction after next Thursday. Debbie
  15. serenity55

    San Fernando Valley/Los Angeles Bandsters

    I'm going to suggest that we have the meeting during the week in which Dr. quilici's groups don't meet, and also that it be on a tuesday. I'll talk to the woman who is hosting the meetings and see if that's all right with her. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd love to have a meeting at least once a month. I could sure use that! Debbie
  16. How was your first fill? Did it hurt? I'm a little nervous about that, because I'm terrified of needles. Some people say it's easy. I've seen posts with titles that make me feel uneasy, too. My cousin has a lap band, and she said it was "nothing." Guess I'll find out next thursday. Debbie
  17. Yes, we can do this! shaggs, just like you, it's been up and down, and I think it's the emotional stuff that's really hard--well, that was pretty obvious, I guess, and it leads to physical actions, meaning eating. though I have been trying to be careful, as you said, and people are still telling me I'm losing, I haven't weighed myself. My first fill is next Thursday, the 19th, and I really hope I get some restriction, because I need all the help i can get. I find keeping a journal has helped a lot. But like you, I love my band in spite of everything, and would do it again in a heartbeat. Debbie
  18. serenity55

    Words of Discouragement?

    One of my coworkers said that she thinks people who have weight loss surgery simply have no will power. Another person I thought was a friend posted that I was having the lap band on another web site, and her excuse was that she was "concerned" about me. She didn't, and still doesn't want to know anything about the hows or whys, because she thinks I could just control what I eat. And the people who responded to her post said all the things we're so used to hearing: Just don't buy the stuff; try harder, people who have surgery are taking the easy way out. They haven't got a clue!
  19. serenity55

    What's wrong with me?!

    Thank you, sexylips. This morning I went out to breakfast for my best friend's birthday. I read somewhere, just recently on this site, that it takes about twenty minutes for the stomach to get the message that it's full, which is why it's a good idea to eat slowly. I guess the swelling has really gone down, because I felt like I could have eaten a whole lot more, but, sure enough, about twenty minutes later, I was feeling quite content. I'm going to try to just take it one day at a time, and realize when I'm hungry and focus on something else, or allow myself a snack of some sort.
  20. Hi!


    I just read your post about the German chocolate cake! I loooove that stuff!


    I really know how you're feeling, and I understand what you're going through. It's really hard for me sometimes to make myself push away from the computer and get on the treadmill. And it's right here in my house! But I think it's probably easier than going to the gym after work, so I hope you get the eliptical.


    I had something that caused me to gain 5, count 'em! 5 pounds, but it's gone now, and so will yours. It's like someone said in your thread, and someone told me the same thing: this is a time for healing. I was also told to try not to worry too much about gaining.


    I know it's hard, but when you're depressed please feel free to send me a message, even if it's just to say that you feel awful. The wonderful thing about this site is that we don't have to go through this alone.


    Take care and be gentle with yourself.



  21. serenity55

    What's wrong with me?!

    Yes, I agree; my food issues are definitely emotional. If I am being honest with myself, I know that I'm not having a physical craving. I guess I should be grateful that I'm aware of what's going on, and I really appreciate your responses, Simon and Misty. It helps when I remember that I'm not terminally unique, not the only one who is, or has, or will go through this. Sometimes I'm better than others. It's a little harder this evening. If I can just get to the point where it doesn't feel like it so all-consuming! Debbie
  22. serenity55

    What's wrong with me?!

    I went to a support meeting last night, and talked about this a little. I felt like eating today, and when I came home from work, I just went on the treadmill for 25 minutes, and I pushed myself harder than I have been. It helped because I put the energy I spent on thinking about food in to the walking, and I did fine. I also ate a little something every couple of hours--some sugarfree jello, fruit, (I don't like yogurt) and sugar free pudding. And water, water, water. One day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time, I'll get through this. It really is a roller coaster! Debbie
  23. serenity55

    What's wrong with me?!

    Thank you all. I did a little better today. I know that since I'm eating less it helps to have something more often. So I have fruit, or a protein shake, and I try to drink lots of water. Even though I'm nervous about my first fill, I'll be glad when March 19 comes. I hope it helps as much as all of you have Thanks again Debbie. .
  24. serenity55

    What's wrong with me?!

    Michelle, thank you. As always, your words give me encouragement. I guess I just have to accept the fact that I'm going to be all over the place emotionally until my first fill, and maybe even after it. March 19 can't come soon enough. I'm actually doing a little better today. bubblegum, you're so right about the hobbies. I'm a pianist, and I had the opportunity to do some recording with a friend of mine. It took my mind off things. I attend a support group meeting facilitated by a psychologist who is part of the team in my surgeon's office, and I'm getting together with some bandsters this evening. It's wonderful to know that I'm not alone, that you both understand. Debbie
  25. serenity55

    What's wrong with me?!

    Thank you, niterun. Even your kind words of encouragement make me want to cry. I'll be rooting for you on March 9th. Debbie

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