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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    Gloucester, you were ripped off! Those glasses aren't telling you the truth! The trophy is Mine!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! Debbie
  2. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    *Susan* I really admire and respect all of the moderators, and you are no exception. I can't imagine that you'd want to be seen with that old dinged-up trophy, so I'll just take it off your hands, shall I? :smile: Debbie
  3. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    Y'all are so funny! I'm smiling as I walk away with my trophy!!!! Give me an S ...!!! Debbie
  4. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    While you ladies are clapping and exfoliating, I am walking away with the trophy!! Yay!!! Debbie
  5. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    Ha!!!! It's Mine again!!!! See what happens when you let down your guard, tapshoes?! Debbie
  6. serenity55

    Insensitive Nurse

    ON Wednesday, I went with two friends to visit another friend in the hospital. We were all talking when the nurse came in and began doing something, I'm not sure what it was. She seemed friendly enough, but at one point in our conversation, she stopped, came very close to me and asked, "What's wrong with your eyes?" I should explain that I have cataracts, and had cornea transplants when I was a child. The cataracts have given my eyes a filmy appearance. One of my friends said, "She's blind." The nurse said, "Yes, but what's wrong with your eyes? What happened to them?" My friend said, "Well, that's really rude." The nurse patted me on the arm, and said, "I'm sorry, dear." Though she may have been sincere, that too, I found condescending. I grew up hearing comments like, "She'd be cute if she wore glasses," (When I was in college, and much thinner.) Children have asked what happened to my eyes. I answer them, because it's important for me to explain blindness to them. Some kids, sadly, including relatives, used to scream when they saw my eyes, and for that reason I did wear dark glasses for a time. But I met a friend in college who said to me, "Take off those glasses. I want to see your face." I have worn glasses very rarely since then. I've asked most of my friends and they don't seem to find my eyes difficult to look at. Dark glasses also cut down on the amount of light I'm able to see. That's all I can see, maybe an occasional shadow. Anyway, my best friend, who was with me, went on to say that she thought this nurse was very unprofessional. My friend who was in the hospital said the nurse came back later, and she told the nurse the same thing, adding, "You don't know that woman, and there are much more tactful ways to ask about something like that." At the time it happened, I was just stunned. But later on, it made me sad, because it reminded me of how I felt when I was a child, and in college. I even had one doctor say to my sister, "That's a shame," referring to my blindness. My best friend did speak to the floor supervisor, and is considering writing a letter to someone in administration. If you've gotten this far, thank you for reading this. I guess I just needed to vent, but I didn't want to put it in the rants and raves forum, so if this is the wrong place for this, I apologize. Debbie
  7. serenity55

    Insensitive Nurse

    You might be surprised Plain, to hear the so-called professionals' attitude toward blind and visually impaired people. I can only speak for the population of which I am a part, and I've heard quite a few stories about doctors and nurses who you'd think would know better. (Come to think of it, maybe you wouldn't be surprised. Maybe you'd just shake your head and say, Tsk Tsk!) :sad smile: Debbie
  8. serenity55

    Insensitive Nurse

    Nancy, send your dog. I love it! Kristine, I've experienced that kind of behavior from people. I'll be in a store, for instance, and a child will ask, "Mommy, what's wrong with that lady's eyes?" The mother will shush the kid and probably go down another aisle. When people ask about my blindness the way you ask about disability, I have no problem answering questions; in fact, I think it's really important for me to educate and be educated. As someone who has been blind since birth, there are lots of visual cues I wasn't aware of for years. It was the same friend who told me to take off the glasses that explained so much about sight to me. Thank you both. Debbie.
  9. serenity55

    Insensitive Nurse

    Thank you, Nancy, and ThePoolGirl. I like the idea of getting a guide dog and sicking it on the nurse! :frown: I have friends that have dogs. Too bad they're not trained to attack insensitive people! Debbie
  10. I think I started a thread called "What's wrong with me?" when I was newly post op. It's depressing to know that everyone around you can eat whatever they want, and moreso for those of us who didn't always make healthy choices, which is why I got my band. (Well, one of the reasons.). I'm no medical professional, but I wonder how much of our post-op depression is due to anesthesia. But you know something? One day at a time, you'll start to feel better, the weight will start coming off, and what you're going through now will be a bad memory. Keep posting, even if it's to say the same thing. No one understands like we do. Debbie
  11. serenity55

    Michael Jackson Dies

    I know this thread is over two weeks old, but I have a memory I'd like to share. When I was a teenager, I belonged to an organization for the blind in Los Angeles. Some of us had been to the White House, where we sang for Mrs. Nixon. We did a lot of wonderful things the week we were there, but the night before we were to return, the founder of the organization told us that the Jackson Five were going to come to our Christmas party. I don't know how he got them, but what a show they gave! Afterwards they walked through the audience shaking hands with us all. Michael blew kisses, and though I didn't get to shake his hand, he gave that performance his all. My friends and I still talk about that, and it was almost 40 years ago. Debbie
  12. serenity55

    Little Progress - Encouragement/Advice Needed

    Hi Lisa, I'm really sorry that you're having to go through so much. I'm not sure I can offer any advice, and sometimes hearing "just hang in there" isn't what we want to hear. Are you eating slowly? Exercising? With regard to the first question, I used to eat pretty quickly which caused me to have hiccups, and someone suggested that it was because I had too much air in my stomach. I don't know if that's true, but since I got my band, well, even before, I tried to eat more slowly and haven't had any problems. Do you drink with your meals? If so, would you consider drinking 30 to 45 minutes before or after? Maybe that would help. I can't offer any suggestions as far as throwing up, because I haven't had that problem, but perhaps you've found an answer. If not, maybe someone will be able to share experiences with you. Good luck, and I really hope things get better. Debbie
  13. serenity55

    February Fox's July 4th Challenge!

    Ok, ladies, it's confession time. I'll start first, maybe because I was the last to join. But let me ask how everyone did? I didn't lose 20 pounds, but I am down 9. I got on the scale this morning, a little past July 4, I know, but I now weigh 279. Yay! So come on, everyone! Let's hear how you did! Lor, I hope things have calmed down for you at work and home, and you're not too stressed out anymore. Debbie
  14. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    And the winner is ... me!!! Debbie
  15. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    No!! It's mine, mine, mine!!!:redface: Debbie
  16. serenity55

    Anyone else NOT a fitness overachiever?!

    It was supposed to be really hot here yesterday, so my friend and I walked on the track before work. It was really nice up there. We went again today, but during my lunch hour. I weighed myself this morning, and the scale said I've lost two more pounds, so I'm down 54. I won't actually add it to my signature until I go for my fill in a couple of weeks, because my surgeon's scale says I weigh four or five pounds less than my scale here at home. The good news is that the scale is heading in the right direction--down! YAY Debbie!
  17. serenity55


    Hi, Unfortunately, I don't have any words of wisdom, but I know there are people who do. There are local lap band forums on this site, as well as one for women who are, or have been pregnant. Maybe someone there could offer advice. Hope this helps. Debbie
  18. serenity55

    LC Wilson

    Hello, I think that recovery is different for everyone, from how hungry a person is to how much pain one is dealing with. I think the important thing is to get up and walk as soon as possible, follow your doctor's instructions--I did, to the letter, and get as much support as you can. Good luck, and be sure to let us know what happens. Debbie
  19. serenity55

    Hi! I am new here.

    Congratulations, Cookieshay! 43 pounds is something you can definitely be proud of. I hope you'll feel comfortable enough to join in and share some of your experiences, what your surgery was like, how you're doing, all that good stuff. Also, there is a forum for people banded in January. It's under the 2009 bandsters. You can find people who were banded the same day as you. good luck, and hope to read more of your posts. Debbie
  20. serenity55

    New to web site

    Hi Jeane, Welcome to LBT. I've found lots of support and information here, and I hope you do too. In my humble opinion, it's pretty easy to slip back in to old habits, because we've been doing those longer than we've practiced healthier behavior, not to mention all the emotional reasons for eating, at least for me. There are people here willing to be a buddy, and I've always found those who are willing just to listen and encourage. We have a tool to help us win this battle, which is not something we had before. Keep posting and reading. Sometimes just reading someone else's post helps to keep me going. The best of luck to you. Debbie.
  21. serenity55

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    Hi everyone, I wasn't sure how to pull this together, because I'm thinking about experiences I have had as a black woman, and as a blind one. I take paratransit, known here as Access Services, home from work. Basically, it's a curb to curb cab service (or van) for a very small fee. Twice I have ridden with passengers who have not wanted to sit by me, either because I'm black, or blind, or both. The most recent incident was today. I was in a van, and a woman got in. She sat down next to me, all the while talking to someone outside the van. All at once, after what was a halfhearted attempt at trying to fasten her seat belt, I heard the driver put down a middle seat. After we took off, I reached over to see if there was anything wrong with the belt. There wasn't; it moved quite easily. That has happened to me before in an Access vehicle. When I rode the bus, there was a driver who refused to speak to me. He never told me if there was a seat in front, or anywhere, for that matter, but he spoke to a blind man who was not black. They had a rather animated conversation in fact. At the risk of sounding shallow, using an old cliche, I have friends of all races and ethnicities. I went to school with predominantly white kids of necessity. I had to go where the resources for blind kids were. I'm glad I did. I think it taught me a lot about all kinds of people, and how dull my life would be had I not met so many different types. But I have also had several experiences of people who either thought I couldn't possibly help them because I'm blind, or who simply refused to interact with me, sit by me, you name it, for the same reason. If anyone cares to share experiences from any point of view, I welcome them, and thank you all for letting me rant. Debbie
  22. serenity55


    I'm beginning to realize that I actually have slender shoulders. And I can feel my hip bone! Who Knew?! Angel1955, welcome to lap band talk. There are lots of wonderful people here to talk to. Feel free to pm me with any concerns. I'm only four months out, and yes, I was scared, many of us were, so you're in good company. It's the best thing I've ever done! Debbie
  23. Jane, I really enjoyed your surgery day story. I also named my lap band, and I smiled when I read that you had too. I hope everything goes well for you. Congratulations, and the best of luck! Debbie
  24. serenity55

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    Beth, that is neat! My family has been doing some research, but I don't think anyone has gotten very far. We had a family reunion in St. Louis a couple of years ago, and were only able to go back as far as the late 1800's, I think. Debbie
  25. serenity55

    Racism Is Alive and Well

    Oops! did I miss my cue? Uh, yeah, Plain, you da man! :tongue: Debbie

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