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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. I had to take the psych evaluation twice. The first time was in August, 2008, and it was in two parts, written and oral. Then my medical group was bought out and when I was referred to the doctor who became my surgeon, I had to take it again. I didn't think I was crazy either, but they can sure make you feel that way! :thumbup: I was denied three times before I got approved by my new medical group, which only took a few days. I'm sorry you're having to go through the psych evaluation again. It's easy to say 2010 will be here before you know it, especially when you just want to get things going. Good luck, and I really do hope time goes quickly for you. Debbie
  2. Hi Noura, I think you're probably right on track as far as mixed emotions. It's a big step and not always easy. Lots of us feel like we're saying goodbye to our best friend, food. What we're really letting go of, hopefully, is overeating, but from that, feelings can arise, and that, along with keeping motivated to exercise and make healthy choices can sometimes be difficult. It's different for each one of us, but the rewards are worth it. You mentioned smoking? I'm not a smoker, so can't offer any advice there, but this site is fantastic as far as encouragement and support. Keep posting, and if you can, let us know specifically what your fears are. Again, there are lots of people who haven't told anyone about getting a LAP-BAND®, which is another good reason to come here. Good luck, and let us know how we can help. Debbie.
  3. Do you think your doctor might modify the pre op diet if you tell him/her that you're having a hard time? I think I've heard that suggested before. Debbie
  4. Hi there! I can't answer all of your questions, but I'm sure someone will come along who can. I'm about eight and a half months out from lap band surgery, and it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I'm sure you'll hear lots of people say that it's different for each person, and that's true. Some people find that they can't eat different foods after surgery; some, like myself, have had no trouble. I have never had a productive burp (pb) or vomited. I can eat bread, meat, anything I want, just less of it. And I still struggle with food issues. The difference is that I have a tool that helps me. I started trying to eat more slowly when I knew I was going to get banded. I tried listening to my body--and I still don't do that perfectly--when I get full. People have many different tricks to help with overeating, drinking Water, chewing gum, walking, exercising, anything that will get your mind off food. And as I'm sure you know, it's really exciting to see the weight come off. The good news for me is that, though it's coming off slowly, it's staying off. Some people find it helpful to see a therapist who deals with food issues. I think it's an excellent idea for me, because I have trouble with sweets. My surgeon sponsors support groups, one of them called, "Eating Normally" which basically deals with why we ate (sometimes still eat) the way we do, and how to reframe thoughts, look at feelings that cause us to eat, and what we can do to change those things, one day, sometimes one minute at a time. I'm not sure if any of this will answer your questions, but I think you couldn't have found a better place to start asking. This site has been wonderfully supportive for me, and I hope you find it to be the same. Keep posting. I know you will make the decision that is right for you. Good luck. Debbie
  5. I don't know if Sit N'Sleep is nationwide, but, in case it isn't, or for those in other countries, there is a guy named Larry, who is always selling matresses for good prices. He has a sort of sidekick who always says, "You're killing me Larry!" So I named my band Larry because, if he causes me pain--which he hasn't so far--that's what I'm going to say. My girlfriend said that Lary should have a partner, namely the port, so she named her Patty. Debbie
  6. As someone else said, the first noticeable thing was my face. I'm blind, so I have to rely on my friends and family for the visual cues. One of the first things a friend said to me was, "Look at your face!!" I have walked through places I know I wouldn't have fit before; and a lot of my clothes are falling off, which is awesome! I was involved in a musical production recently at a theater I've been to several times before, and it was gratifying to sit in the seat and realize there was more space there! I guess I remind myself of these things because I still feel like I'm the same size I was when I began this journey, though all the things I've mentioned say different. I have much more energy, and I can feel that certain parts of my body are smaller, and I can reach places I couldn't before. I have a reeeeally long way to go, but I can even feel my arms changing. It's just the dang stomach! :thumbup: Debbie
  7. serenity55

    Feb. '09 bandster

    Hey Jen! congratulations on the weight loss! I was banded on February 10, and have lost almost 60 pounds. I try not to weigh myself between fills. I know I could be doing better, but the important thing is that the weight is coming off and staying off. I feel fantastic physically, but deal with the emotional issues surrounding food. I knew I would have too, but I wouldn't trade any of this. I'd do it all again. I can feel my collarbone. I don't get tired walking any more. I take up less space, and it can only get better. I'm not sure what it is about our group, but February bandsters seem to be scarce. There are a few of us around, but I think many of us have just gone away. It's kind of sad, but some of us are still here. Congratulations again, and the best of luck to you! Debbie.
  8. serenity55

    how has your body changed?

    I know longer have swelling in my calves and ankles. I can feel my collarbone, and people can see it. The first thing one of my friends said to me was, "Look at your face." I'm getting a waist. And I still have a ways to go, too!!
  9. serenity55

    What else have you lost?

    I have Lost: 1. The feeling that I can't wait to sit down after walking anywhere because I'm tired. 2. The inability to tie my shoes easily--I can now put one foot on the opposite knee to tie them. 3. Swollen ankles 4. A blood pressure medication. 5. Fear of hearing a chair creak when I sit on it. 6. The feeling that I don't deserve to go places because I take up too much space.
  10. serenity55


    It has happened to me three times. I'll find a great web site, like this one, connect with people who have the same surgery date as I did, February 10, feel like I really have a lot of support, until after the surgery, when everyone just sort of disappears. I have posted, asking how everyone who had surgery the same day as I did are doing. Nothing. I understand that people get busy. I understand that people get better and move on. But it doesn't stop me from feeling sad, wondering why it always seems to happen--this isn't the first time. Am I so lucky that I just happen to fall in with a group of people who, once they are better, just can't be bothered? Do they forget how terrified they were? Maybe I have abandonment issues--my mother died when I was nine, my father was an alcoholic, and not available. I dealt with physical and emotional neglect. Maybe I just want a bandster buddy, the way it seems so many people have. I read about those who have made some kind of connection and I want that. It can't be blindness, at least not on this web site, because no one can see anyone else, unless, of course, they post pictures. But that's not the same as a face-to-face meeting. Support groups I'm in do have that barrier. I have no problem dealing with that, and I'm not the kind of person who feels sorry for myself. This has happened to me enough times to make me wonder just what it is about me that causes me to fall in to this situation? Guess I just needed to write it all out.
  11. serenity55


    Thank you, Babs--sorry, I can't remember your full username. Looking back on it from the lofty space of one day, I'm hoping it doesn't sound like I'm whining, I'm not. Guess I just have to write things down when I feel them.
  12. serenity55


    It has happened to me three times. I'll find a great web site, like this one, connect with people who have the same surgery date as I did, February 10, feel like I really have a lot of support, until after the surgery, when everyone just sort of disappears. I have posted, asking how everyone who had surgery the same day as I did are doing. Nothing. I understand that people get busy. I understand that people get better and move on. But it doesn't stop me from feeling sad, wondering why it always seems to happen--this isn't the first time. Am I so lucky that I just happen to fall in with a group of people who, once they are better, just can't be bothered? Do they forget how terrified they were? Maybe I have abandonment issues--my mother died when I was nine, my father was an alcoholic, and not available. I dealt with physical and emotional neglect. Maybe I just want a bandster buddy, the way it seems so many people have. I read about those who have made some kind of connection and I want that. It can't be blindness, at least not on this web site, because no one can see anyone else, unless, of course, they post pictures. But that's not the same as a face-to-face meeting. Support groups I'm in do have that barrier. I have no problem dealing with that, and I'm not the kind of person who feels sorry for myself. This has happened to me enough times to make me wonder just what it is about me that causes me to fall in to this situation? Guess I just needed to write it all out.
  13. serenity55

    What can't you eat??

    I am 7 months out and can eat anything. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I have restriction, can feel things if I'm eating too fast, but I've never pb'd or had anything get stuck. I chew, chew, chew, put my fork down between bites. I say "things" because it's hard to describe what I feel, but it's enough to let me know that I'd better watch it! Debbie
  14. serenity55

    Your Attitude Towards "Treats"

    The therapist at my weight loss support meetings says there are no bad foods, just bad choices. I agree with the other posters, and allow myself to have treats, but instead of eating a whole candy bar I split it with my girl friend. I eat cookies, but again, not the whole bag, or row, and I tell myself that if I'm going to eat sweets, I will exercise the next day, whether I'd planned to or not. It works for me .
  15. serenity55

    Anyone else NOT a fitness overachiever?!

    Hi Erykah, My highest known weight was 338 and I'm 5 5, or maybe 6. I can feel differences at 7 months out, and I commend you, even though you gripe (I do too, and I'm sure we're not the only ones!) You're already ahead of the game because you're exercising. I've found it easier to move since I've been banded. I don't like exercising any more than before though! Debbie
  16. serenity55

    Anyone else NOT a fitness overachiever?!

    Okay. So. We haven't checked in for, let's see, two months, maybe? So how is everyone? I finally got another fill, 2.75 CC's, and it feels like I have some restriction. I mean really. I've lost three more pounds which isn't much, but I know why. I'm still walking a mile on the track, and going on the treadmill when I don't walk at work. I'm involved in a musical which has been kind of interesting, because there are all kinds of sweets I could eat, but I've been pretty good, just have water. By restriction, I mean that I don't seem to get hungry as often, and stay full longer, and I am more aware of feeling uncomfortable if I'm eating too fast. Nothing has gotten stuck. Can someone tell me, am I on the right track? Hope to hear from someone! Debbie
  17. serenity55

    Success is how you see it!

    Hi Hilary, I'm about 7 months out and have lost almost 60 pounds. I loved reading your story because of the way you told it as well as the inspiration. Thank you! Debbie
  18. serenity55

    Dr. Philippe Quilici - Dr. Quilici i

    Welcome to Burbank,Josie! My insurance pays for my fills so I can't say for sure how much they are, though I've heard somewhere around $250. I haven't had trouble getting appointments; the waiting has been harder once you're in the office. Good luck, and let me know if I can be of help. Debbie
  19. serenity55

    February 10th Bandsters, anybody out there?

    February 10 people! Where are you?! Is everyone doing so well that you've all moved on? That would be great, but it would also be great to hear from you at our six month bandiversary! Come out come out, wherever you are! Debbie
  20. serenity55

    Let's get ready to rumble...

    Yo mama's so fat that she has to take a bath at sea world! Yo Mama is so fat that when her thighs rub together it smells like ham cookin'! Debbie!
  21. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    Ok Slim, you win! Not!!
  22. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    Don't think so!
  23. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    Ha!!!!!! That's what you think!!!!!!
  24. serenity55

    Life is Good

    Restless Monkey, as Unforgetable and Head Hunter have said, I too enjoy reading your posts, and benefiting from the knowledge you share. Thank you for this thread. When I was in the pre op liquid phase, there was a point at which I thought, If I feel this way tomorrow, I'm going to quit and start eating. I got on the scale the next morning and found I'd lost 8 pounds. that kept me going, and I haven't looked back. I'm down 56 pounds now, am wearing clothes I couldn't wear before, can talk and walk at the same time, can bend over to tie my shoes, reach places higher up on my back and shoulders when I shower ... I could go on. It does me good to write these things down, and to read about others too. I can always come back here and read this thread and keep myself going. I hope we all continue to have success. Debbie
  25. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    You won the chance to hand me the trophy! :laugh: Debbie

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