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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. serenity55

    Just for Fun ... Describe yourself to me!

    Hey LilMiss! What a great description of yourself! I can't wait until I've lost as much as you have. That's fantastic! You were one of the first people to encourage me when I was struggling to be banded, and I'll always remember that. Thank you for that, and for posting here! Debbie!
  2. I'll start a thread in the February 2009 forum. I hope others will join us!
  3. I wonder if anyone would be interested in checking in, say once a week, sort of an online buddy system to help us all, keep us motivated? Just a thought.
  4. serenity55

    Any pagan/ new age bandsters out there?

    Hello all, I guess you could say that I've embraced ideas from Wicca, and have also done some New Age things, a long time ago. I love everything I learned, (which probably isn't much) and definitely think of myself as pagan. I had a friend who was Wiccan, and learned most of what I know from her Debbie.
  5. Hi everyone, How are you? How many fills have you had? How much weight have you lost? And most importantly, how do you feel? Are you struggling emotionally? Physically? Over all, I'm doing pretty well. I still struggle with head hunger sometimes, but I've lost a total of 42 pounds, exercising and eating every three or four hours, and trying to drink all the water I'm supposed to. It's pretty neat to notice the changes in my body, the difference in the way my clothes fit. Would love to hear from you! Debbie
  6. serenity55

    February 10th Bandsters, anybody out there?

    It's easy for me to eat when I'm bored, too. When I'm sitting at my desk at work and things are slow, I find myself wanting to munch on something. I try drinking Water, chewing gum, or eating something healthy, nuts, or a piece of fruit. It doesn't always work, but, again, I try to give myself credit when it does. I think about the old me, too, the person who couldn't walk to the bank without thinking, "I can't wait till I get there!" because I was so tired. The person who ate Cookies and thought, you're fat and getting fatter, and didn't exercise as regularly as she does now, who couldn't go up stairs without getting breathless--I could go on. Every day I get to remind myself of the changes, feel the difference in my body and my clothes. I love my band; it was the best thing I could have done for myself. Debbie
  7. serenity55

    Just for Fun ... Describe yourself to me!

    Thank you, Kat817 and Elcee. I've often thought of wearing earrings, but I'm a big chicken, so never had the nerve to get my ears pierced. And I've always wanted long, straight hair. Only recently have I begun to like the texture, though I'd love to have more than I do. I've always been lucky as far as my teeth, which are beautiful, I'm told. People have always commented on the fact that I have a beautiful smile. Debbie
  8. serenity55

    February 10th Bandsters, anybody out there?

    Hey Shaggs, good to hear from you! It's funny; I was thinking of sending you a private message last night, and here you are! Sounds like you're doing great! Congratulations on the weight loss. I think I even went to your blog once, but wasn't sure how to respond, so I'm glad you dropped by this site. . I still have a long way to go, but I feel better than I have in ages. It's amazing what weight loss can do for one's self esteem. I was musical director for a play in a local theater; I went to an amusement park, and actually fit on the rides! People still tell me how good I look, which is always nice. It hasn't been easy; I still struggle with food issues, but I really believe I have the upper hand. It's mostly in my head that I struggle, though I do eat things that I used to consider "bad" for me. The psychologist at my doctor's office says there are no bad foods, just bad choices. Basically all is well, and I'd get the band again in a heartbeat. Debbie
  9. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    Turkeys are so much bigger than chickens! But that's ok, while you're nibbling on turkey, I'll just take that trophy ... and maybe I'll grab some too! Debbie
  10. serenity55

    Just for Fun ... Describe yourself to me!

    Thank you ladies! Ok, here goes! I'm African-American, though I refer to myself as black. I am five feet five (or six) inches tall, and my skin is a rich chocolate color, so I've been told. My hair is, according to my hairdresser, sable brown, which, again according to him, is very dark, almost black. I have high cheekbones, there's a bit of Native American--Cherokee or Choctaw, I can't remember which--on my mother's side. I've always been told that I look much younger than my 54 years; my skin is pretty smooth and clear. My eyes are brown, but I have cataracts which gives them a filmy bluish color, someone said once. It's my stomach I can't wait to get rid of, though I'm pretty well proportioned, solid, people have said. So the weight is coming off all over, but I can't help focusing on my middle. I'm noticing the back fat getting smaller, and my clothes tell me I'm losing, so I try to hold on to those things. :thumbup: Debbie
  11. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    Chicken dinners for all! And I'll take the trophy!!
  12. serenity55

    Last person to post WINS!

    You've all watched over the trophy, And that's quite plain to see. So thank you very kindly, cuz, It now belongs to me!! Debbie
  13. I am extremely needle phobic, so much so that I've walked out of labs when I was supposed to give blood for my primary care physician. I was pretty nervous about getting my first fill because of this, and was pleasantly surprised when itreally didn't bother me. So for anyone who is needle phobic, take it from me, it really isn't a big deal. And I finally have some real restriction, too! I'm not at my sweet spot yet, but it feels great to not be hungry, actually feel full longer.
  14. serenity55

    Anyone taking Celexa?

    MissyRn, If you're happy in all other parts of your life, maybe it's not hormonal? I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago, and wasn't taking anything. My therapist diagnosed me with clinical depression a couple of years before that, but I was stubborn and didn't want to take an antidepressant. After my hysterectomy, I would sit in my office and just start crying for no reason. I was depressed like I'd never been before, and I've have some pretty bad bouts. Once the Celexa began to take effect, I felt better. I can understand, though, about not being happy at your job. I think that in itself would be enough to cause anxieties. I'm dealing with things right now that, without the Celexa, would probably make me feel more than cranky, like I was today--probably just send me spiraling down in to the depths. Debbie.
  15. serenity55

    SOOOO Disgusting!

    I seem to remember reading a post about someone who slimed in to a coffee cup (styrofoam, I think) at work, placed it on her desk, or near it, and someone casually picked it up and drank from it. It's gross, but kind of funny. (It was a coworker that the poster didn't particularly care for.) . I have been banded 9 months and haven't slimed, pb'd or thrown up. I hope it stays that way! Debbie
  16. Ja9rhone, I'm truly sorry that you've lost your support. I have not lost anyone during the journey, but early last year I lost one of my sisters. My mother died when I was nine, and I've lost quite a few siblings over the past 15, almost 20 years. Because they all died from illnesses, I try to tell myself that the best thing I can do is to try to stay as healthy as I can, in their memory. I agree with the previous poster about support meetings, and this site has been very helpful for me. You know that your mother was proud of you, and would be still. Take care of yourself, and keep in touch. We're here for you. Debbie
  17. serenity55

    Anyone taking Celexa?

    My Celexa is in capsule form, too. I will never go off it again. I felt terrible, and never want to experience anything like that. As someone else said, I have to accept the fact that I'll be taking it, probably for the rest of my life. Has anyone noticed it having any effect on your metabolism, as someone mentioned? Or has anyone experienced any other effects for that matter? Just curious. Debbie
  18. Hi, Someone in my lap band support group just got rebanded yesterday. She told me that she really thought she could make it work without her band, but she started gaining weight and decided she needed another one. I think she feels relieved because she has that tool to help her. Good luck, and let us know what you finally decide. Debbie
  19. serenity55

    Down that slippery slope to Depression

    Thank you, elcee. There is a part of me that knows I won't throw all I've worked for out the window--it's been too hard to get here! I can understand how the wind was knocked out of your sails, though. I thought I was doing so well! Debbie
  20. serenity55

    Why is my partner trying to sabotage me??

    Is it possible that your partner has some fears that need to be addressed? My closest friend, whom I've known since elementary school, told me before I got banded that she was concerned that I'd stop eating the same. I told her that I'd be able to enjoy the same things, just much less. Maybe your partner is afraid that you'll be much slimmer than she is? That's another thing my girlfriend brought up. Just a couple of thoughts. I hope things work out. Please let us know. Debbie.
  21. serenity55

    Very confused

    I have high blood pressure and sleep apnea. As for the fatty liver, I believe that if your surgeon has you on a pre op diet, it will help with that--it is, in fact, the reason for the pre op diet. I have read of people on these boards, and some in my support group, who have been taken off medication--I am one. My doctor took me off one of my blood pressure meds. I also have heard that a lot of surgeons recommend gastric bypass for a lot of their patients, but the final decision is yours. The lap band was the best thing I could have done for myself. Good luck, and please let us know what you decide. Debbie
  22. Hi all, I've seen posts about nonscale victories, and never thought I'd be sharing a couple of my own. A little earlier this year, I went with my coworkers to Knotsberry Farm, and was able to get on rides, and I FIT!!! Today, I was supposed to go for a fill. It turns out I missed a call from my doctor's office; he had an emergency. I was sure I'd gained weight, but according to my scale here at home, I've lost a couple of pounds. I take a public transit system known here as Access Services, which sometimes uses cabs. My best friend and I rode in back with another woman, and a man rode in front with the driver. Again, I fit! No one was squished, everyone was comfortable! Anyone care to share their nonscale victories? I'd love to hear them!! Let's here it for the band!! Debbie
  23. You betcha!! I hate needles and breathing tubes, am just terrified of surgery, but I'd do it again in a New York minute!
  24. Electrawoman, good for you! I love my band, and though I'm losing slowly, the weight is coming off. I don't do it perfectly, but I wouldn't change a thing. The best of luck to you, and I'll be interested to know how your journey goes. Debbie
  25. Hi Chrissee,


    At almost nine months out, I still think the lap band is the best thing I could have done for myself. I knew from the beginning that I would have struggles with food, but that's nothing new. I've been to OA, had therapy, and now attend support groups sponsored by my surgeon's office. I also think it's true that a lot of people who are doing well don't necessarily post anything, simply read and post if they think they can be of help.

    Good luck whatever you do. Feel free to pm me, or send a message if you'd like.

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