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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gadgetlady

  1. Where are you flying from, Josette? I can check on fares for you.
  2. It's deposit week! This week, I'll be touching base with everyone and getting your deposit information (credit card numbers or where you can send a check) and securing your rooms -- if I haven't done so already. Please expect a call by the end of the week at the latest from my - my name is Elisa (pronounced "Eh - lee - suh") - and some of the people I already called thought I was a telemarketer!
  3. gadgetlady

    Doctor "C" Question

    When were you banded, Kay? I'm not diabetic but I don't make the best food choices which makes me a slow loser. I eat dessert every day, without exception, so I'm thrilled to be inching down.
  4. gadgetlady

    Doctor "C" Question

    Kay, I experience virtually the same thing. I can barely get anything down during the day, and then by dinner I can eat a "normal" amount (probably a little more than I should but not much). After dinner snacks also go down pretty easily. If I get an unfill so I can eat breakfast I'll be eating too much at dinner. So -- that doesn't help you except to say you're not alone!
  5. Hi Kelli. I would agree 100%. I trust Dr. Q's surgical skills implicitly but I would never invite him to a bbq at my house . My preference is to have both surgical skill and bedside manner, but I felt he was "over the top" on surgical skill and therefore ignored the rest. And I'm very happy with my decision, more so every time I go in for a fill and he nails the port on the first try by feel alone. Dr. Liu isn't the one I decided against; that one was in the Long Beach area. Still can't remember his name. I don't know anything about Dr. Liu. Good luck to you!
  6. I can feel the EFFECTS of my band when I eat too much, too fast, or don't chew enough. I can feel my port only if i press on the area or lean against something. It's actually like a conversation starter when people ask about my surgery. "Here, push here, hard, you can feel the port!" :-D
  7. Well, I've discovered why some people have no pain with their fills and some find it awful. For me -- it was THE DOCTOR! My surgeon did my first fill. In and out, no numbing shot, I barely felt it. Today I saw the assistant surgeon for my second fill. Again, no numbing shot -- he tried to talk me into it but after my surgeon talked me out of it with my first fill and my experience was so terrific, I said no. BIG mistake! He had to dig and dig around in there, several pokes, couldn't find the membrane, OUCH! As we left he said "See you in a month!" I responded cheerfully, "Have a great day!" and then whispered to the appointment guy, "Next time I want to see Dr. Q. for my fill." He nodded knowingly like this wasn't the first person this had happened to. So for all of you worried about your fill, I suggest asking for the most experienced fill-ER to do it for you.
  8. Just wanted to let everyone know there are balcony staterooms and higher available on this cruise as well. And if the triples/quads sell out there are balcony quads available.
  9. Hi Kelli; where are you located? If you're close to OC I'd be happy to meet with you and/or chat with you on the phone. Where is Dr. Liu? I did meet with one surgeon out of Long Beach that I was very unimpressed with but I can't remember his name.
  10. I love my physician, Dr. Quebbemann, in Newport Beach (right near the intersection of the 405, 55, and 73). He doesn't have the best "bedside manner" but that's not what I look for in a physician. He is very skilled and very competent and I have absolutely no complaints. The surgery also includes free aftercare (fills) for life. The website is www.weightcontrolsurgery.com. Feel free to PM me as well if I can answer anything else.
  11. As soon as you're comfortable with it -- anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks is fine. It's kind of weird the first time because you're very aware of your port.
  12. gadgetlady

    Ladies only please - hormone problems

    See my similar thread: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=20104
  13. gadgetlady

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    I had a barium swallow today (for the past 3 weeks I've felt like I have something stuck in my throat) and I'm wondering how many calories barium has!!!
  14. gadgetlady

    Surgery Question

    I had polish on both fingers and toes.
  15. gadgetlady

    Surgery Question

    Personally, I love the catheter even though I didn't get one for this surgery. I don't handle incision pain well and I hate having to hoist myself up to go to the bathroom (repeatedly) after surgery. I wasn't given a choice; they just did what they normally do for my dr/hosp, which is no catheter.
  16. gadgetlady

    Surgery Question

    I had my period on surgery day and wore the mesh underwear. They didn't take it off.
  17. gadgetlady

    Summer Time with Kids

    You should be able to find some local resources that will suggest interesting places to visit -- museums, etc. Puzzles, crossword puzzles, and activity magazines might be fun. That's such a wide age range that it's hard to find something everyone likes.
  18. gadgetlady

    Summer Time with Kids

    LOL! I homeschool my two girls so I'm ALWAYS home with them and looking for stuff to do. Libraries are good, outside activities are great, nature walks, science centers. Have them do some science experiments -- there's lots of fun ones out there that don't make too much of a mess. How old are they?
  19. gadgetlady


    I asked the same question a while ago because I regularly swallow gum. My dr didn't say anything about it one way or another. But now when I chew gum I'm very careful not to swallow (which is hard, after having done it for years and years). I have accidentally swallowed twice, but both times I didn't have a lot of restriction so I didn't have problems.
  20. I've just recently had my 3rd fill and am on the downward weight track again. I'm losing a bit every day, about 2 lbs/week, but I find that I am exceptionally emotional. I cry at the drop of a hat and am feeling overwhelmed by everything in my life. Are there some weird hormones that are released by weight loss?
  21. gadgetlady

    Exceptionally emotional?

    My dh told me today he didn't know what was stealing my joy. And you'd think losing weight would make you HAPPY!!!! Thanks for the validation, everyone. It's good to know I'm not nutso.
  22. gadgetlady

    Exceptionally emotional?

    I can't wait until it clears up! I've was never emotional in my life until I had kids -- something about either pregnancy or childbirth just threw my hormones off. I remember, after childbirth, thinking, "THIS is what other women go through every month?" Anyway, now it's worse. I'm a total basket case and my family doesn't know what to do with me. I've been going this way for about a week. Hopefully mine will only be a two week stint too (crossing fingers)
  23. gadgetlady

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    That's a beautiful dress, legallyKristin. Have you purchased it yet or are you waiting until you're at goal?
  24. gadgetlady

    cost and frequency of fills

    Free fills for life. I have had one so far about every 6 weeks. I'vd had 3 so far but the last one was a bit too much so I did a slight unfill a week later.
  25. gadgetlady

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Checking in: I was 227.6 this morning, so I'm down a total of 27.8, -2 this week. Yay! Right on target.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
