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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by anniedub

  1. Hey vez, I saw that you're in Brisbane as well! Who was your surgeon?


  2. anniedub

    Trepidatiously Curious

    Welcome Eileen! You've come to the right place to start out. Do your homework, find out everything you could possibly know about the band, and how it will effect your life and your habits. Talk to people who've been banded a while, read up as much of this site as you can, and figure out all the questions you want to ask your prospective surgeon. There's nothing worse than going ahead with something if you don't know what you're getting into! Above all, good luck with your decision. It's not one to be taken lightly. However, if you follow the rules and use the band as a tool, you can change your life for the better! Best wishes, Annie.
  3. anniedub

    Ladies with large chests...

    Hi ladies, I'm another one whose boobs have done strange things since surgery. I've lost 55lbs, and my bra size has gone from 16E (40E) to 12G (34G). Random! I wish the girls would shrink a little. Not too much, just down to a D? I was a D cup at 11 years old. That would mean that I can buy bras at a normal shop again -- in a 12G, I have the same problem as FannyAdams.... all my bras cost well over $100! Bloody hell, who has that kind of money for bras when you're in college! Ugh. Anyway, those are my bra issues. The worst thing is, they've gotten super-saggy since I lost weight, and I guess they'll only get worse. I've been thinking about a breast lift when I reach goal, but I worry the effect of it will be ruined in a few years when I have kids. Anyway, all discussions for another time. Annie.
  4. Hi all, Just thought I would throw my hat into the ring. At 5"2" and 220lbs, I had extreme health problems. Severe PCOS, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, joint problems, depression/anxiety/self esteem problems. I was pre-diabetic and I was advised by my doctor that if I didn't lose the weight, not only would I be infertile from PCOS but I would be risking heart attack, stroke, and various other problems in the next 5 years. I'm 22! I tried everything -- Weight watchers numerous times, liquid diets/optifast, jenny craig, therapy, the works. Nothing helped until the band. You can only decide whether this surgery is right for you -- no-one has the right to decide what is best for someone else. I think it's sad that people have been attacking each other on this board. We are all here to support each other, through THICKNESS and health. Here is a pre-surgery picture of me -- I don't think anyone would disagree that I needed help.
  5. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Wow SpecialK, that's fabulous! Keep up the good work! Thanks for all of your kind comments about my hair. I had a very discouraging night last night, went out dancing with some friends and not only did I not dance with a single boy, I was felt up by one girl and propositioned by another. Then I had guys call me a "dyke" on TWO separate occasions! I couldn't believe it! I hate judgemental people! I'm considering growing my hair again now that the hair loss seems to have slowed. I think it's something about Australian men -- they just immediately think any short-haired girl is gay. I know i've joked about this before, but I'm actually quite upset about it now! I felt really hurt last night.
  6. anniedub

    Nipple piercing

    I want them done, but I'm a bit too nervous! I dont know why, it's not like I'm a stranger to pain..... I have multiple piercings and 4 tattoos.... My boobs have always been a sensitive area. They're bloody big (size 12G) and I would love some cute barbells on them to emphasize. Hmm, maybe I will make it my reward to myself for hitting goal! Gives me time to save up as well!
  7. anniedub

    Jessica Simpson Hair Extensions

    On topic -- I have a set of Jessica Simpson extensions, but I'm not a huge fan. My hair was quite thin to begin with, pre-banding, which is why i used clip-in extensions. The JEssica Simpson ones were so thick that they showed a definite "line" between my thin hair up top and this voluminous mass where they started. And they're much more expensive here. Grr. I was always a big user of clip-in individual swatches -- they look fabulously natural because you can place them all around the head and use as many or as few as you need. FYI Aussies -- also available at Price Attack! $89 for synthetic, $299 for human hair. I have both. Synthetic wear out faster and tend to get a bit ratty after 6 months if you're using them every day. Human hair are harder to take care of and still get the natural hair problems ie frizzy in humid weather, flat in the rain, etc, but they can by dyed, blow dried, curled etc which synthetic cannot. BUT this info is all irrelevant to me because I've cut my hair super short and I now cannot wear any of mine!
  8. anniedub

    Jessica Simpson Hair Extensions

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so glad that there actually IS a Fountain Gate! And is Fountain Lakes a real suburb? Those people must have been PISSED about being paid out so much in Kath and Kim. Made my day!
  9. anniedub


    Hi Snowflake, I've had a number of implanons over the years. Generally no side effects for the first two years. In the third year, however, I had constant spotting so I had it removed. My gyn thinks it is something to do with the effect not being quite as strong in the third year. I just get a new one put in. Other than that, all is good! I love the implanon -- I never have periods! Ever! :tongue2: :wink2: :wub:
  10. anniedub

    Weight Loss to Date

    NAME.........................surgery date.....todays date....Lbs lost 1. SpecialK .................3/17/08........9/7/08............53.9 lbs 2. scrappy_friend .........3/17/08........9/4/08............54.0 lbs 3. aJoneen.................. 3/04/08........9/4/08............31.0 lbs 4. WestCoastMom....... 3/27/08........9/4/08............60.0 lbs 5. julietj1970................ 3/03/08........9/4/08............40 lbs 6. SugarBean.............. 3/24/08........9/4/08............88 lbs (30 before surgery) 7. Tess415...................3/10/08........9/4/08............60 lbs (23 before surgery) 8. jegtlf.........................3/24/08........9/5/08............56lbs 9. emmersglue .............3/18/08........9/5/08............48lbs 10. lglenn3000.................3/17/08........9/5/08............28 lbs 11. Busy.........................3/17/08........9/6/08............41 lbs. 12. tp78..........................3/13/08........9/8/08............36 lbs. update 9/25/08....-44lbs 13.potatie........................3/27/08........9/11/08...........56lbs 14. TKT2FLY.....................3/17/08........9/14/08...........63lbs 15. MSBoss08....................3/06/08........9/17/08..........64lbs 16. Hazel-Eyes...................3/14/08........9/17/08...........31 lbs 17. hungry4help..............3/3/08...........9/18/08........65lbs (10 before surgery) 18. sisterc.....................3/17/08..........9/18/08........28 lbs 19. Anniedub..................3/6/08............9/26/08........55 lbs
  11. anniedub

    This was the last straw

    Seeing THIS photo of myself at my 22nd birthday party....
  12. anniedub

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi Aussies! I haven't posted on this board for ages, last time there was virtually nobody from Brisbane, but now it seems like every man and his dog are Brisbanites! Good to see! Annie.
  13. anniedub


    Good luck Damo! Which doc are you going with in Brisbane?
  14. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks all! The red dress is me at (what is now) my goal weight. That photo is about 5 years old. It's before my then-boyfriend's formal (Prom). I made the dress myself, the night before the formal, because I found out that another girl on my table was wearing the exact same dress I was planning to wear! Bitch!
  15. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Taken 2 min ago.... Annie25.09.BMP
  16. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Shamrocks, I'm excited to announce that I have now lost a quarter of my original weight! Woohoo! To those who are struggling with hair loss, I feel your pain. I've been dealing with it for almost 4 months now. I know that this is not a solution for everyone, but the way I dealt with it (in addition to biotin) was by cutting my hair SUPER short. It is a lot less noticeable this way. Be warned though, there is a potential side-effect of being hit on by other girls. I suppose that's fine if you're into that. Extra benefit -- it can also show off how slim your face is getting!
  17. Hi there, I'm looking for a lap-band buddy who I can email for support. I'm six months post-op, and things were going very well for me, but the last month has been very tough. I've been struggling with head hunger and real hunger. I got another fill today (to combat the real hunger) but I'm worried that the head hunger is going to do me in. I've just lost that excitement and momentum that keeps you going after the surgery... I need to find a way to get my head back in the game. About Me: I'm 22 years old, single, and live in Brisbane, Australia. I'm currently a full-time student (only for another 5 weeks! :redface:). I've lost about 55 lbs (24 kgs) and I have about 30lbs to go (14 kgs). I was banded in March '08. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety (MOSTLY controlled with meds) and I, of course, used to self-medicate with food. I've struggled with bulimia in the past, but got over it 5 years ago. I'm in a particularly rough patch right now emotionally, mainly due to stress associated with my postgraduate studies, and I feel that this is contributing to my head hunger -- my body is trying to get me to go back to self-medicating with food. If there is someone out there who thinks maybe they could help, I would really appreciate it. Annie
  18. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi bandsters! I'm in a slight work lull at the moment (meaning I don't have anything else that has to be done tonight, and it's 8pm) so I thought I would check in. Been reading up on pages of catch-up, it's great to hear what everyone has been up to. I'll try not to be so absent in future! In other news, my sweet spot has gone (as I lost another 6 kilos since I was on it) so I'm getting another fill tomorrow. Hoping to reach goal by the Christmas - it will be tight, but that's the plan! Glad to see that you are all well and just rolling along. Things are starting to slow for us now, (most of us) have just hit the 6 month mark, our momentum is dropping and maybe we are starting to slip back into old habits - I know I am. But hopefully we can all give each other a kick in the ass to get us going again until goal! Much love, my Shrinking Shamrocks, Annie xox
  19. anniedub

    Women Only! Very Personal!

    Hey BlackCherry, I would pursue it. I don't know whether or not you guys can change doctors in the US -- the whole "PCP" thing confuses me no end. Anyway, my old doctor (who had treated me since I was 8 years old) refused to test me for PCOS, despite the fact that she had to put me on birth control pills from age 11 because I could not walk for 4-5 days whenever I had a period, due to debilitating pain. I've been on birth control since my 3rd ever period. I had the works - immensely heavy periods, inability to lose weight, excess hair, sporadic acne and major, constant PMS. She also refused to even refer me to a surgeon to DISCUSS a lap band, as "she'd had a patient who lost nothing and actually ended up gaining more, so the band doesn't work". Eventually, I just said "bugger it" and went to another doc. The new doctor immediately sent me to a gyno/PCOS specialist who informed me that I have the worst case of PCOS she has ever seen in someone so young. I also asked the new doc to refer me to a lap band surgeon. She didn't know much about the procedure, but was happy to let me go and find out. (Obviously) I ended up getting the surgery, my doc is over the moon with my results and is now reccommending the lap band to all her morbidly obese patients. My gyno can't believe how much the lap band has helped me, and on my last visit she informed me that the lap band is the reason I will still be able to have children -- without losing that weight, she said my chances of ever conceiving would be less than 1%. The bottom line (and the point of this bloody long message!) is that YOU know your body better than a doctor who might see you for 5 minutes and make a snap judgement based on that. If they won't even let you get tested, FIND SOMEONE ELSE WHO WILL! Good luck to you, Annie xox
  20. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Shamrocks! Well, it's been almost a month since I have posted. Life has been bloody busy. In my last semester of postgraduate, working two jobs and assignments and study is kicking my ass. I can't wait to finish in November. On top of that, I'm having interviews at the moment (for a "real job" for next year) which is very stressful. In band-related news, I'm going well! Just got to a total loss of 23kgs (51 lbs) as of today! Woohoo, fifty pounds! I've only got 15kgs to go until I reach goal -- about 33 lbs. I've found my sweet spot, after three fills. Hopefully it will not change now, I've been here about 2 months. Well that's what is new with me. I had a quick skim-read of the 20 pages of posts I have missed, and I must say it seems to be drama drama drama! There has been hope, joy, tears, anxiety and near-death experiences. Quite an eventful month! But what is most important is that there has been massive support among the Shamrocks, and that's what I love about you guys. I've missed it! I've made myself a resolution to check back at least every couple of days, despite the current disaster zone which is my life. Sending out my love to all the Shamrocks! Annie xoxoxox :biggrin:
  21. anniedub

    Shamrocks Weight Loss to Date!!!

    FIFTY POUNDS! CAN ANYONE SAY FIFTY POUNDS! YEEHAH! I'm excited. To say the least.
  22. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Ladies! (I notice we are still Fenton-less), I'm mostly just hovering on the board at the moment, work and uni are VERY busy so I haven't had much time. Our weight loss numbers are still going up and up, or should I say our weights are going down and down! Excellent work shamrocks! And yes, we have the occasional slip. We are, after all, human. This many years of bad habits are not easy to break -- and we shouldn't torture ourselves if we take a little step back. Just remember how far we have already run forward, and how much track is left in front of us. We need to try and smash our rear-vision mirrors -- we don't need them any more. Me? I'm on a bit of a plateau. I weigh once a week (thursdays) and the last 2 weeks the scale has not budged. So this week I've been extra vigilant about exercise as well as making sure that little things like chocolate don't start slipping in. All things considered, I SHOULD be set up for a good week on the scales this week. But sometimes you can never tell! Even if I am plateauing, I still find it amazing that only 4 and a half months after surgery, I am half way to goal. Just got to keep that wonderful feeling in mind every time i think about how good some chocolate would be right now. So I will keep you updated on what the scale tells me this week, and anything else newsworthy. Keep on rocking, Shamrocks! Annie xoxox
  23. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hey Texgirl, Not really, sorry. You can try taking Biotin and using nioxin shampoos and conditioners, but other than that there's pretty much nothing. Don't worry, you're not the only one going through this, post here or PM me if you need a shoulder. Annie xox
  24. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Woohoo, BNL! Great motivation! :embaressed_smile:
  25. anniedub

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks everyone, for your kind and supportive comments. I think I've decided to stick with super-shortness, but still not 100% sure. I just want to sleep on it another day. Fenton and others, I can sympathize with the slip-ups in food lately. For some reason, my brain has been telling me that chocolate is the way, the truth and the light lately (once again I hope no-one gets offended!). I've pretty much managed to stay pure, but I did slip last night. And eat a fair amount of chocolate. Nothing like what I would have eaten pre-band, but still. So I'm just upping my exercise the next few days, and preparing for a less-than-desirable result on the scales this week, but accepting that it's my own fault and I am the only one who can change it for next time. Back on the wagon! :confused_smile:

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