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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DragonflyGirl78

  1. Hi all, mine is quite a long story but I'll do my best to keep it short. I was banded at the end of July this year, and after a few initial problems I recovered quickly, and progressed from liquid to mushy to solid with very few problems. Then after 2 months my Mum and I left to fly overseas, and after the first 8 hour leg of flights I was nauseous & dizzy. This stayed with me for weeks until I was in Boston and had to visit an ER because the nauseousness was so bad, I also had diahorrea and retching/vomiting. The did a CAT scan and X-rays and couldn't find any problems with the band. They also removed the 3mls that were in my 10ml band and told me to go onto fluids for the following week or so. I did these things and recovered a little, although I was still nauseous most of the time and couldn't take in anything but Water during flights. Since we got home I've been stuck on liquids/mushy foods with no improvement. I've been to my GP and my surgeon, neither can find any problems with the band, and cannot explain why I am nauseous or why I'm feeling restriction with an empty band. I've been on liquids for almost 3 months now and am going crazy. I've lost a lot of weight in a short time - my total loss from surgery date is 70lbs in 4 months. I have an appointment next week with a gastroenterologist, hoping he will do an endoscopy, but I'm worried he won't find anything else wrong either. I'm getting really desperate for food now, I'm in tears a lot of the time. I never have any energy, and I'm getting dizzy all the time too from the lack of food. It's worse than it was post-surgery, and there's no sign of it ending. To be honest I don't want the band in me anymore, it feels like my body has been invaded by this thing that's keeping me sick & starving. Has anyone else had anything similar happen to them? I'd appreciate any similar stories or a bit of hope. :laugh:
  2. DragonflyGirl78

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    Well, I'm home from having my band removed. I'd actually gone below my goal weight by the time the removal happened, so now I just have to focus on regaining muscle strength, health and not regaining weight. I'm working with a nutritionist who'll help me with meal plans as soon as I'm back on solids, and also with exercise plans. I have 2 dogs to walk and a bike to ride, but have been to weak to do so more than once or twice a week for the last few months. I've had a lot of health complications from my 5 months of liquid diet - hair shedding, no monthly cycle/period, bad circulation, low blood pressure etc etc. I'm feeling very relieved to have had the band out, it really felt like it was slowly starving me to death. Best of luck to everyone else who's had complications, hopefully you can get them resolved without resorting to band removal. It really was my last option, sadly. Here's to a healthier future. :smile2:
  3. DragonflyGirl78

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    Well, I'm having my band removed next Tuesday. It's been nearly 5 months on a liquid diet now, and I just can't cope with the weakness & illness anymore. Thanks for all the support everyone. Armywife4life, I hope your symptoms sort themselves out soon - reflux really is horrible. My hands and feet have also been very cold most of the time, I'm not sure if this is because my circulation is bad from lack of nutrition or just because I no longer have that layer of fat keeping my body warm lol.
  4. DragonflyGirl78

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    Hi all. I'm currently taking a small dose of diazepam (valium) as a muscle relaxant to try & relax the oesophagus as my surgeon thinks perhaps my oesophagus is spasming? I've been taking them for 3 weeks now and am able to take in a little more volume of liquids, but still no more of mushies/solids. After reading a few other similar sounding stories I believe that my body just isn't adjusting to the band. I've had these problems now for almost 5 months, and I've lost a total of 99lbs since banding, and am below my goal weight & still losing. My surgeon told me that if I have the band removed I'll regain all 99lbs that I've lost. He has no sympathy and doesn't seem concerned at my unhealthy diet (sugary liquids/soups) or rate of weight loss. I'm going to ask my GP for a referral to the one other banding surgeon in the state, but I'm worried about how long it will take for me to get an appointment with him. I feel like I've given this thing long enough to be fixed, and tried several different meds with no real success. I can't stay on a liquid diet forever, so I'm thinking that band removal has to happen.
  5. DragonflyGirl78

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    Well, I had my scope done - all seemed normal, and the gastro suggested band removal - something I've been seriously considering too. It's been 4 months now & I'm still on very small amounts of liquid foods. I saw my banding surgeon today and he told me that if I removed the band I'd regain all the weight I've lost in 12 months. I've lost a total of 41kg/90lbs, but I feel lousy. I have no energy, my blood pressure is very low so I'm dizzy all the time, and my folate & Iron levels are low. I'm supposed to be job-hunting but I haven't been well enough to work. I don't want to regain weight, but I can't keep living like this. My surgeon is going to do a scope himself on Friday to see if he can spot any problems that may have been missed. His other theory is that my oesophagus (sp?) isn't moving food through properly. I think that's possible, but it's also possible that he doesn't want to admit that the band doesn't work for some people. :thumbup:
  6. DragonflyGirl78

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    Thanks Nina. I saw a gastroenterologist last week & he's going to do an endoscopy for me - unfortunately the earliest I can get in is mid-February. He also thinks I may have reflux, and has given me a med to take. It does seem to be helping a little.
  7. DragonflyGirl78

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    Not thrown up technically, as my stomach is empty most of the time, but lots of retching & dry heaving.
  8. DragonflyGirl78

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    Thanks for your reply Mindy. Yes, they've checked the band's positioning. I'm wondering too about stomach swelling, but surely after 2.5 months on bland liquids/mush, the swelling should've gone down? My surgeon said he couldn't see any major swelling in the stomach on the CAT scan or X-ray, but maybe if I have an endoscopy that will show something up. Thanks again!

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