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Everything posted by Lola4rmKona

  1. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Hey guys, haven't been here for a while and thought I'd check in. Still losing slowly but surely. Ladies, stay away from wine and other new addictions that might take over where food once reigned! Lol. Keep to your goals and do you. Every journey is different so never compare yourself to others. At 18 months postoperative I thought I would have figured it all out by now. That is not the case. I still am mindful of my Protein and calories intake as well as liquids. Still on my Quest for Vitamins that I can settle on (have tried gummies, pills, patches). Still eat with my eyes and have to remind myself food is simply fuel and not a party. Still have to remind myself I have lost the weight and to stop ordering 3 sizes too big because it might not fit. The list goes on but wherever you are in your journey, you are doing great and you will reach your goal. Might not be tomorrow but keep working at it and you will get there. Most importantly, if you have an off day, dont beat yourself up about it and continue forward. For those of you dealing with naysayers of all sorts, I say do you. Your future self will thank you for it. Who I am now am very thankful for the me 18 months ago. My pictures below say it all. I got to a point where I was so miserable, I rarely took pictures and continued eating myself to death because it was my escape. I posted preop pic, one year anniversary, and most recent. Good luck everyone.Take care and Aloha! Flo Surgery Day: 4/11/17 HW: 312 PreOp after 2 week liquid diet: 302 PostOp at 18 mths: 219 Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks Grapefruit! Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Hang in there. I also had wine issues and yes it will halt your weightloss for a while. Every time I stop, the scale starts moving and that feeling of seeing the scale move again is amazing and motivating. Please seek therapy right away or maybe even just an AA class to get started. I was warned against alcohol as a substitute for food after surgery. I did not take seriously as I was always on control of my wine. For some reason, it escalated after surgery and took a lot of mindfulness to stay away. I am sorry for the loss of your family. I understand completely, I lost my mum 3 days before surgery. I would like to think they would want us to do better and take control our progress and do all we can to continue. Understanding the process it took to get this far, make changes now. Start with putting away the wine which I know is easier said than done, reach out to a local wls support group as meeting others in similar situations help when done on person, most importantly you are your greatest motivator. What do you hope to accomplish with this surgery and what are you doing to be accountable? Also, best food tracking tool to be accountable in regards to food is myfitnesspal app. You log everything you need thereby knowing exactly what you put into your mouth. It counts calorie intake, water intake, fat content, etc. Please start there for diet setbacks. Good luck! Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Lola4rmKona

    Relationship issues after surgery

    Please find a therapist asap. I had a personal therapist for 5 years and counting. I also saw the surgery required psychologist. The surgery is hard enough and the first 3 months out you will experience so much emotions that what you need right now is support and not "distance" from partner. Sounds like he has issues with you losing and who needs that? My spouse was supportive until day of surgery and I argued with him and ended up driving myself to my surgery going under without seeing him. I woke up to him at my side and I told him that he needed to address his baggage or we were headed for divorce. He later went on to sabotage my progress by buying all the crap food that got me to obesity in the first place and keep it in house. He would play the "you look nice, who are you seeing today " game. In short, he became asshat who was jealous all the time of the imaginary men who were now looking at me after losing weight and could not handle all the wonderful changes and confidence I was gaining after surgery. I had to kick him out for him to see and make a difference. He is now seeing a therapist and working on himself. My point, this is a journey to a whole new you. You will lose people and relationships. Determine who matters and be upfront about what you expect of them. If they aren't meeting you halfway, your heart already knows what to do. Good luck and please reach out to a therapist. You would be surprised how empowered you feel when you work with someone who truly cares about your emotional and mental wellbeing. Aloha [emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Lola4rmKona

    Out the other side

    Congratulations! Bets advice is stay hydrated and rest up. You have a whole new wonderful world waiting for you to begin as soon as you leave hospital. Good luck and Aloha [emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. I agree with everyone that surgeon is straight up asshat. I am 18 months out and my surgeon made it a point to see me and have blood panels checked every three months until I made a year. After that, I now have to check in every 6 months with the option to call his office or work cell in case ANYTHING happens. He takes leaks very seriously and encourages me even when I didn't lose half my weight at a year. His advanced nurse practitioner who was in my surgery with him runs support group for wls patients once a month. My point is, this is not only an expensive surgery but it is life altering. This surgeon you have needs to give you all the support you deserve. Since that is not happening, I would research another in the same field/hospital. If not, look through insurance provider lists for options and start making calls. This is your life, change starts with you. Dont let some jack make you feel lesser than. I cannot stand those ones. No support at all. I am sorry you are going through this. You do not deserve that. Please make those calls asap. Rooting for you to find a proper surgeon and team for your revision. Do research, read reviews, gauge attitude towards patients. Ugly can't hide and usually shows on the first day of meeting. Listen to your gut and if it feels wrong, leave asap. Good luck! Aloha Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. Lola4rmKona

    Six Months After My VSG

    Simply gorgeous! You are beautiful in the old pic but that smile in the most recent one speaks volumes. I am happy for you! Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks JSan! Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Lola4rmKona

    Today marks 1 year!

    You look amazing! Congratulations on the success. Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Aloha Njgurl! I am still losing. According to my doctor prior to surgery, I should have lost around 100 lbs at 1 year and slowed down after that. My problem was that I started loving my wine a little too much after surgery than I ever did before it. What I discovered is that for every week I had some, I would not lose for almost a month afterwards. The moment I stop for at least a week, I start dropping pounds again. The upside to that has been a slower loss than anticipated resulting in less lose skin for me. The downside is the disappointment I feel when the scale does not budge. The motivation comes in wanting to see movement on that scale. Thus, I return to accountability and following my plan like I am supposed to[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] That is why we are warned against alcohol because even if we still eat less, I find that I am not as mindful of carb intake when it comes to snacks with alcohol. I am still working my way towards at least 185. Like my doctor says, it did not take me a short amount of time putting on the weight so dont expect it all to disappear in a short time even with the surgery. I have heard some great success stories but again, everyone's journey is different, therefore we all lose differently. Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Lola4rmKona

    11 months post op

    Beautiful. You go girl! Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks AndreaK! Aloha [emoji4][emoji4][emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thank you! Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. You look amazing! I am looking forward to my 2 years in 6 months although my bat wings do get uncomfortable when I am wearing shortsleeves. Keep up the excellent work girl. Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks Tealael! Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks MattZ! Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks Skinnylife! Have an awesome day. Aloha[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks Malcy! Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks Wanda247. I was once here all the time before surgery for encouragement when I was unsure and needed motivation. It really isn't a race and believe me, it is a decision you will not regret. It is almost as if you rediscover yourself everyday you wake up. You start to push boundaries you had set for yourself while overweight. You will lose friends and there will be haters. Prepare for it all but at the end of the day, you are happy and learn to love yourself again. Such joy! I am excited for your journey. Have an awesome day. Aloha:) Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Lola4rmKona

    18 months post op

    Thanks FluffyChix! Have an awesome day. Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. Hi Kaleia, Totally common! As of this moment get used to it. It is a pretty normal part of the process. I am approaching one year post op in a week and I still have to pep talk myself every time it happens. I know it can be discouraging but simply stick to your plan which it sounds like you are right on track and you will be fine. I promise:) Don't give up because in a week or two you will be patting yourself on the back when you hop on that scale and you lost 3 or more pounds in that time you were worrying. It's pretty interesting stuff. Lol. Also, be very mindful that even of your scale doesn't move, your inches might be and you can tell by your clothes rather than scale. Hope that helps. Aloha[emoji2] Flo Sent from my BBB100-3 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Lola4rmKona

    8 months post op

    you're welcome suga! time flies and you will meet the new you soon enough[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4] Sent from my SM-N920P using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Lola4rmKona

    8 months post op

    Aloha All, These are my before and after pics at 8 months post op. starting weight 312 two weeks on pre op diet/ surgery day 302 current weight at 8 months post op 240 which are the two bottom pics. I have been losing quite slowly but can only blame myself due to my weakness for wine. My surgeon did warn against alcohol as it will slow weightloss. I am doing much better at abstaining from drinking! Good luck to those who have not made the jump yet and for those struggling, get back on your plan, you can do this! Happy New Year everyone:) Sent from my SM-N920P using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Lola4rmKona

    8 months post op

    Talofa Celia! It is scary for sure, I felt the same way right up until I was being pushed into the operating room. Find peace and remind yourself of all the wondeful reasons you need this. Whether it is your health, for your kids, or whatever, always keep those reasons in your thoughts. As soon as they give you anesthesia, you literally knock out and wake up to wondering how quickly it went by! Just like that, you are ready for the next phase of recovery and on the road to the new you! It will be hard at times but you will constantly learn more about yourself, what you are capable of, and take pride in the new you that is emerging. Your confidence will skyrocket and you will feel giddy every time you step on that scale and you have dropped some pounds! I can go on and on but keeping it short, you are almost there girl! Manuia lau ta'otoga ma ia fa'atasi le Atua ma oe! Final advice, get a fitbit or some kind of tracker and if no other exercise...walk, walk, walk! Aloha[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N920P using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Lola4rmKona

    8 months post op

    Thanks Angy! Aloha:) Sent from my SM-N920P using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
