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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AK_Bookworm

  1. AK_Bookworm

    Why can't I see my progress :(?

    All my clothes I had pre surgery fit despite 60+ weight loss. They are really big but I still wear them. I see progress in pictures even if the scale barely moves. Definitely take pictures and compare with that and there’s no doubt you’ll see progress.
  2. AK_Bookworm


    I'm 4 months out... I notice my weight loss more than what the scale is saying so while I'm definitely losing weight (about 10lbs a month) I can really see the inches. I recently compared a picture of me a month ago to now and it was only a 6lb difference but my body looks completely different despite "just losing" 6lbs because of the inches I lost.
  3. AK_Bookworm

    How much was you self-pay ?

    I went through Aslimmerme... I'm doing amazing about 3 1/2 months out and down about 40lbs since surgery and 54 from heaviest weight
  4. AK_Bookworm

    Ladies: The Body differences when you are slimmer

    I'm in the same situation as you... I'm about 3 1/2 months post op and still wearing all my preppy clothes because although they are big I haven't had a big enough drop in sizes yet to buy smaller pants (started at a 22-24 and I'm maybe an 18 but I thought I'd be smaller by now).
  5. It took us about 1 1/2 hours even using the medical lane... but it was a Saturday so I'm assuming it not normally that long during the week
  6. AK_Bookworm

    What to do with children?

    My 6 year old couldn't care less... she only knows because she stayed with grandma while I was in Mexico having surgery and overheard me talking about surgeries in conversations. She said I didn't look skinny when I got back from surgery and hasn't really said anything since... kids that age really don't care and I wouldn't have directly told her or mentioned it had she not heard about it in conversations. My older daughter is 10 and I did talk to her about surgery some. She is a bit more mature for her age and was genuinely curious and interested and has done great not telling others about my surgery, however I only went into details with her because she also heard me discussing it with family otherwise I wouldn't have said anything to her either
  7. AK_Bookworm

    Problems in Tijuana?

    I traveled alone also and had no problems... I didn't feel unsafe at anytime while I was in Tijuana.
  8. AK_Bookworm

    How much was you self-pay ?

    $2,799 plus $150 for meds
  9. Thank you both... I'm guessing it's just one of those couple of days where I feel like a bottomless pit. I noticed I'm able to take in a bigger volume of water too. I won't stress it and just make good choices and eat more often if I need to
  10. I started couch to 5k on Wednesday... I'm doing three days a week and have only done one day so far... my appetite seems to have increased since I did the first day Wednesday and I just wondered if it's related to running or if it is just normal VSG post op stuff when you have days where you feel you need to eat more often (still 2-3 ounces). Maybe it's a combination of both running and having periods through this journey where you're appetite increases. I'm about a week or two shy of 3 months post op.
  11. AK_Bookworm

    Favorite exercise

    Yes it's 5k runner in the App Store
  12. AK_Bookworm

    Favorite exercise

    I just started couch to 5k and love how my body feels so far (only done one day so I'm far from a pro lol)... I also love lifting weights, aqua zumba and boot camp, and most if not all the beachbody workouts
  13. I have been taking just fiber but it's not enough so I have to add a stool softener which ends up too strong for my tummy so I'm hoping once I find the right probiotic and start taking it that fiber and probiotics will be enough
  14. I am most surprised that even though I'm heavier (surgery weight was 284) I'm not losing big numbers like a lot of others. My weight loss each week has been consistently 2.3-3 lbs a week but no huge losses. I'm also most surprised at how scared I am to try new sizes and how slow going down sizes has been. I am happy with my choice to have VSG but I'm surprised that I'm actually regretting not doing the original procedure I wanted (SADI-S) and didn't do because I had surgery in Mexico and wasn't comfortable have that type of surgery and not having my surgeon local. Lastly I'm a lot angrier since having surgery lol... my patience is a lot thinner and I just can't handle BS like I could before which is partially a good thing since before surgery I was a doormat and let everyone walk all over me and take advantage of my niceness so I'm hoping with my lack of patience now that I'll stand up for myself more and not let people use me.
  15. I'm 10 weeks out from surgery down 42lbs and have not gone down a size. While my clothes are big on me and I probably could go down a size or two they are just not big enough to actually go down. I am scared actually to try on other sizes so that could be why I'm reluctant to size down also but I feel like if my "big" clothes still work why waste money buying smaller stuff right now. I think that because plus size is cut larger it's going to take me longer to get through sizes (which goes with what Outsidematchinside said) and also many of my preop clothes were getting small so they aren't as big as they would be if they were actually the right size. I think I'll move through pant sizes quicker than top sizes just because of the way my body is shaped and where my trouble areas are.
  16. I'm just over 8 weeks post op and I have this pain in my left side when I move a certain way, move to fast, bend awkwardly, and roll on that side the wrong way. I'm sure it's from the muscle being stitched after surgery but I'm wondering if anybody had this pain and if so how long after surgery did it go away. It goes away immediately after I sit up straight but I've noticed as I lose more weight it hurts more and gets a bit more intense. It never lasts and does feel like the muscle is being pulled but I just didn't think I'd be experiencing issues with the muscle this far out and maybe I thought wrong and that takes longer to heal. I'll message my surgeon but I wanted to see if anybody else experienced this and for how long.
  17. That's a good point I totally forgot about the nerves.
  18. AK_Bookworm

    Leak symptoms

    I read about leaks when I started having that issue and another (pain under my rib) and some people said it wasn't consistent but eventually did start happening all the time and some people didn't even have any symptoms of a leak. What eased my mind was that the shoulder pain would go away or ease up with walking
  19. AK_Bookworm

    Leak symptoms

    Yes!!! Even now (I'm just over 8 weeks) when I over eat I feel it in my left shoulder (same feeling as the gas pain). However if you can I'd just mention it to your doctor just to be on the safe side especially when it comes to a leak. I'm sure what you're feeling is normal but it doesn't hurt to ask.
  20. Thank our or posting!!! This is exactly what I think is going on with me... it's not at my incision but closer to my rib area and is happening more often as I lose more weight... it's not unbearable so I guess intense was the wrong word but there are times when it's stronger than usual. It lasts very briefly and only ever happens in relation to movement or if my activity is too much. I'm going to explain it the way you did to kt surgeon and see what he thinks... one min I'm not worried about it and I'm like it's just muscle pain and the other I'm like but wait what if it's my stomach or the staple line. It never hurts when I eat or drink me doesn't hurt to touch or apply pressure to area so I'm hoping that's a good sign.
  21. AK_Bookworm

    Leak symptoms

    Yeah my gas pain started a week or just over a week after surgery.
  22. I don't have incision pain anymore and I thought this was just normal muscle healing but I'm getting worried it's actually something related to my stomach and/or the staples since most people's muscle pain went away by 3 weeks.
  23. AK_Bookworm

    Leak symptoms

    Are you getting this pain after you eat or drink? I get intermittent pain in my left shoulder when I ate too much... that could be happening to you as well. I also didn't have gas pain right after surgery but did about a week after surgery.
  24. AK_Bookworm

    Compression stockings in hospital

    I had to put mine on before surgery and had to wear them for 5 days post op

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
