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Everything posted by justabitunique

  1. justabitunique

    Puréed food

    I start my puréed food diet next week and was wondering if you guys could give me some tips on what to make? I can't stomach the thought of puréed chicken and drinking it. YUCK! Lol. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. justabitunique

    Puréed food

    This sounds delicious! Thank you so much for sharing Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App That's a good idea! Thank you Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Aw I'm sorry you got sick take it slow next time. Good luck!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. justabitunique

    calling all December 2016 sleevers!

    Good luck! I'll be praying for you ! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. justabitunique


    I think they're the flavoring packets in the aisle with the regular water flavorings. I'm not sure if they're sugar free or not but I definitely am gonna look into them! How are you feeling? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. justabitunique


    Thank you! I have the unjury and really like it. I didn't know there was a chicken flavored one. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. justabitunique


    Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Oh I never thought of the protein water! That's such a great idea. Thank you! How are you feeling? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. I know this is technically pre-op but I have questions about post-op. I have my surgery tomorrow morning and I'm so beyond nervous!!! I'm scared I'll die, have a complication, the pain will be excruciating, etc. I'm kind of just looking for support, kind words, prayers, and to see if anyone can tell me how bad their pain was and what the worst part was? Also, what does the gas pain feel like? It is bearable or is it horrid? Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. justabitunique

    Need support/advice?

    Thank you! That's what I've been doing. It's difficult to walk though. It feels like my stomach is pulling and it's very tender. Plus the gas is still getting to me and hurting my chest. I have to walk hunched over and hold my stomach when I walk. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Did the hospital give you the Bari bear? its a stuffed animal mine gave us so we can put over our stomach when we cough .. getup.. and even walk .. if not that is a okay.. use a firm pillow!No they didn't, I've just been using a regular pillow for that. That's such a cute idea though! I'm walking every 2-4 hours a few laps around the house. I'm seeing that other people are already out shopping and feel fine again by day 5 and I'm not to that point yet at all so it sort of worried me. I know we all heal differently but... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Everyone is different! People i work with came back after 2 weeks and i'm over here thinking.." should i ask the doctor for another week?" I had my surgery on a Monday and went to run errands with my mom on that Saturday.. i was beat halfway through. Just do what you can and you will see this pain will go away.I couldn't imagine getting in the car and going somewhere right now. My stomach is way too sensitive. Good luck on your journey!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Thanks! You as well.. we are friends on IG so i'll catch ya over there! Oh ok! What's your username on there? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. justabitunique

    calling all December 2016 sleevers!

    I had my VSG surgery on December 14th too. I'm having a similar experience with itching and redness at my incision sites, which I believe is normal. I have to keep reminding myself not to scratch. I've been finding some relief by very gently washing my stomach with soap and warm Water. Hopefully it will help you too. Don't look back, turn the page, and let your next chapter begin! Hey! I think this is normal (but you could check with your surgeon to be safe.) my incisions were glued shut and they're a bit red around them and they're also so itchy it's driving me nuts! Lol. But, itching is a good sign! It's a sign of healing. Try your hardest not to scratch so that you don't get an infection. Maybe lightly tap them over your clothes (not directly skin to skin contact to reduce possible infections). My mom is a nurse and says my incisions look great. Feel free to post a pic and I can see if mine are similar! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Didn't notice this before I posted. But I'm glad you're doing better! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Didn't notice this before I posted. But I'm glad you're doing better! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. justabitunique

    4 days post op

    I'm having something similar. I get a spasm sort of feeling. It doesn't last long and doesn't necessarily hurt, but feels really odd. It's also like a gurgle type of feeling. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. justabitunique

    Anyone else this sore!

    If you think about is, please let me know what he says. I don't see my surgeon until Friday so I'll be worried for a while. That's how I feel. Like I've been beaten over and over again in the stomach. I'm so sore and tender. I hold my stomach and lean forward when I want. I carry most of my weight in my stomach which could have something to do with it, but I'm scared to stand up straight. I'm worried it would "break" something lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Btw, thank you for the prayers. They're helping me get through. I will be praying for you daily as well ❤️
  12. justabitunique

    Anyone else this sore!

    Thank you so much love. I will have to try the ice pack technique. How are you feeling? I'll be praying for you! ❤️ Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Doing better. The ice packs are a constant comfort. Hope all is well with you! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App I'm doing about the same. Maybe a little better today. So glad to hear you're doing better ❤️ Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. justabitunique

    Anyone else this sore!

    I hope you feel better soon. It hurts when I get up and walk because my stomach feels tender and also feels like it's being pulled. It's such a weird feeling. Makes me hunch over and have to hold my stomach when I walk. I girl a know that had hers the same day I did, went shopping for hours today and then came home and sat in the floor and wrapped Christmas gifts. I'm no where near ready for that I know everyones different but still Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I hope you feel better soon. It hurts when I get up and walk because my stomach feels tender and also feels like it's being pulled. It's such a weird feeling. Makes me hunch over and have to hold my stomach when I walk. I girl a know that had hers the same day I did, went shopping for hours today and then came home and sat in the floor and wrapped Christmas gifts. I'm no where near ready for that I know everyones different but still Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Wow. That's crazy! I'm seeing a lot of people saying they have no pain. All I'm thinking is, "lucky you!" I went back to work after 6 days. It killed me. I should have taken longer off! Feel better! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Thank you! I hope you feel better soon too. I know a few people who had theirs the same day as me and they've been grocery shopping, going on walks, shopping ... I can't imagine doing any of that right now. I only get up to walk the house and go to the restroom, all while leaning forward and holding my stomach. It's not unbearable pain, just rly sore. I'm scared to stand up straight. I'm worried it will do something to my inside or outside incisions or mess with my pouch. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. justabitunique

    Sleeve and hiatal hernia repair

    Do you have any muscle soreness or pulling in your stomach? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. justabitunique

    When will I feel normal?

    Thank you. I'm a worrier, so it just comes natural lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. justabitunique

    Puréed food

    This was very helpful! Thank you Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. justabitunique

    Puréed food

    I don't even like refried beans, but they sound so good mixed with some salsa! Lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. justabitunique

    When will I feel normal?

    I'm 5 days out and still really sore where they took my stomach out of the biggest incision. It's not the actual incision that hurts, but the muscles behind it. It's a deep and nagging soreness. Feels a bit like a pulling feeling. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I'm a little discouraged because others are feeling almost completely better by now and going shopping and to the grocery store and I only get up to walk and use the restroom. I couldn't imagine going out right now Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. justabitunique

    Sleeve and hiatal hernia repair

    I had both done on 12/14/16 and honestly, I woke up in tons of pain. BUT I don't remember a whole lot about being in recovery. They had me on a pain pump which helped a lot. Now that I'm home and on oral pain meds, my stomach is the biggest pain (literally lol) I am very sore behind my biggest incision that they pulled my stomach out of.. it feels like a pulling and aching feeling when I walk. The hernia repair hasn't been bad that I've noticed. I've had some bad chest pain but I'm pretty sure that's from the gas they put in you during surgery walking and gas x strips helps get the gas out quicker. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. justabitunique

    Sleeve and hiatal hernia repair

    I had mine on the 14th. Are you having any pressure or pulling in your stomach in the muscles? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. justabitunique

    Need support/advice?

    Thank you! That's what I've been doing. It's difficult to walk though. It feels like my stomach is pulling and it's very tender. Plus the gas is still getting to me and hurting my chest. I have to walk hunched over and hold my stomach when I walk. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Did the hospital give you the Bari bear? its a stuffed animal mine gave us so we can put over our stomach when we cough .. getup.. and even walk .. if not that is a okay.. use a firm pillow!No they didn't, I've just been using a regular pillow for that. That's such a cute idea though! I'm walking every 2-4 hours a few laps around the house. I'm seeing that other people are already out shopping and feel fine again by day 5 and I'm not to that point yet at all so it sort of worried me. I know we all heal differently but... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Everyone is different! People i work with came back after 2 weeks and i'm over here thinking.." should i ask the doctor for another week?" I had my surgery on a Monday and went to run errands with my mom on that Saturday.. i was beat halfway through. Just do what you can and you will see this pain will go away. I couldn't imagine getting in the car and going somewhere right now. My stomach is way too sensitive. Good luck on your journey!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. justabitunique

    Bowel movements

    I've been having that hungry feeling too but I've been told that it could be the gas rumbling or acid reflux. I feel like I'm hungry but at the same time I can't stomach the thought of anything that I'm able to have right now. Are you taking stool softeners or anything like that? The all liquid diet should help you go. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Sorry if this is tmi. I'm 4 days post op. I had a bowel movement the morning of the surgery, but nothing since. I have had 2 moments where I felt like I needed to go, but it was just gas that was difficult to pass. How long did it take you guys to have your first bowel movement after surgery ? Thank you. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. justabitunique

    Need support/advice?

    I had mine yesterday!!Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I'm anxious to hear how your surgery went! Mine is scheduled for January 17.The actual surgery itself went really well. I was apparently in a lot of pain in recovery but I don't remember it much. Since then, the gas pain is getting to me and when I walk, the muscles in my stomach pull and my biggest incision hurts. Overall I'm just very weak and tired. If I'm not walking or sipping, I'm sleeping. Keep me updated on how yours goes!!! Not too far from now Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Haha I didn't even realize I already answered this. You can tell I'm loopy lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. justabitunique

    Need support/advice?

    I had mine yesterday!!Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I'm anxious to hear how your surgery went! Mine is scheduled for January 17. The actual surgery itself went really well. I was apparently in a lot of pain in recovery but I don't remember it much. Since then, the gas pain is getting to me and when I walk, the muscles in my stomach pull and my biggest incision hurts. Overall I'm just very weak and tired. If I'm not walking or sipping, I'm sleeping. Keep me updated on how yours goes!!! Not too far from now Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
