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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vickie

  1. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Hi Joanne: I appreciate your comments that you submit. They are all in agreement with my doctors papers and it's good to read them again from someone who is going through the same thing I'm going through. I hope my fill is as easy as your's was and that it helps me with this challenge.
  2. You have lost 60 POUNDS that's a miracle!!!!! Since June 2008. I bet people don't recognize you. I have lost 17 as of today and people tell me something is different. I don't like the part where you tell us that your still hungary. My regular doctor told me I would still be hungary but to stay away from SUGAR and booze and I would lose. Maybe you should have your band checked but 60 Pounds is a miracle.
  3. Vickie

    Bandster Hell

    Sounds like your on the right road, I'm 58 and just recently had the band. It is a wonderful tool. Stay away from sugar.
  4. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    My first fill will be Feb. 2, 2009, I'm a little apprehensive but not nearly as scared as I was on the plane going down for the surgery. I having my fill here at home. The doctor told me yesterday absolutely no sugar and no wine. Those things go strait to your fat cells and will keep you from losing weight. I will try to stay clean.
  5. I haven't had a fill yet and I was banded on the 9th of Dec. I hate to hear that it will take 4-6 fills to start reaching some restriction. That sucks.
  6. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Debi-- Six Pounds? That's good. When were you banded? I was banded on the 9th of Dec. I've lost 15 or 16 pounds. We're in a healing process right now so I'm thinking these pounds are an extra bonus. I'm thinking we're suppose to wait 8 weeks before a fill but it looks like many of the December bandsters "Holiday Hotties" have already gotten their first fill. I'll probably wait until the 10 of February or so. Good Luck, Vickie
  7. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    I drank sparkingly apple juice last night, mixed it with water and all was well. Today, I thought I'd just take a swig of strait sparkingly apple juice----It was a very bubbling experience, not recommended. My papers told me no carbination of any kind but......I had to try it., Now I know why. I've lost 15 pounds since Dec. 9th and I feel so blessed. I guess I'll get a fill in February but I don't feel completely healed yet. How did you guys decide when it was a good time to have a fill done? Warm Regards, Vickie Banded Dec. 9, 2008 Mexico
  8. It's good to see your face Florida Pete. It looks like your doing great losing the weight. Wonderful
  9. Thanks for the suggestions--I'm sure I'm not drinking enough water. Otherwise, it's good to see everyone is doing great. Aren't we glad we did this:thumbup:
  10. I was banded 12/09/2008 and I still can't sleep on my left side so I guess we're all different.
  11. Vickie

    Bandster Hell

    I was banded Dec. 9, 2008 and I have lost 14 or 15 pounds. My papers say we're still in a healing period and so I wanted to share what it says. Hope it makes you feel better. 4. When you begin soft and regular foods, you may find you are able to eat more than you expected. Remember, your band is not really working yet (for most people), so don’t be alarmed! Choose good, nutritious foods and avoid high-calorie ones, sweets, and junk food, and you may be able to lose some weight during this phase. Try to limit your intake to a reasonable amount each day. Some lose weight on the fluid phases, but may regain when they start soft and regular foods. This is normal. Any weight loss you have in these phases before the band is filled is a bonus! 5. Start to learn a lot about better nutrition. Learn what foods contain the protein, fiber, and calcium Bandsters need to assist good weight loss. When you start soft foods, aim for 50-60 grams of protein a day for women (60-70 a day for men.). 25 grams of fiber, and 1500 mg of calcium (1200 for women younger than 50). These are all very important to support good weight loss, as well as for regaining your health. These are things you will need to aim for forever, to maintain your lost weight. 6. FitDay.com is a good internet site to help you track your intake and learn what foods contain the nutrients Bandsters need. 7. Avoid sweets, junk, and poor-nutrition foods. Starting with the regular food phase, avoid pasta, potatoes, rice, and breads – these are all poor nutrition and mostly empty calories. They will often also plug up the stoma later, when you have fills. Choose healthy, lower-cal foods, and you can lose some weight even before you have a good fill. 8. Start some daily, gentle exercise within a day or two of surgery. Even a 15-minute daily walk is a good start. Try to increase a bit every week. Exercise is essential to build up your muscles and strength, and make your body burn fat more efficiently – which will greatly assist your weight –loss efforts, as well as improve cardio health. If you have special medical problems, consult your family doctor before starting an exercise regimen. No intense exercise or lifting more than 10 # for the 6-week healing period, please. We encourage women to join a gentle, formal exercise programs like “Curves” which is ideal for Bandster women. 9. Start to learn about and choose lower-calorie and lowfat foods most of the time. 10. Add a chewable, adult daily multi-vitamin when you begin the full liquid phase (as all U.S. adults are advised). Other supplements are not needed, unless prescribed by your family doctor for a specific condition. 11. Expect some extra gas, belching, and stomach sounds until you heal further, and until your stomach gets used to the band. If the abdominal gas is excessive, you may use some Gas-X. 12. It is normal to have looser stools when you are on liquids. If they become excessive, you may use some Immodium AD with your family doctor’s permission. 13. We urge you to become active in an online support and education board, if you are not yet, where experienced Bandsters will answer questions, explain things, and guide you through the healing and weight-loss Banding phases. ObesityHelp is a good place to start: www.obesityhelp.com
  12. I was banded on 12/09/2008 in Mexico. Dr. Cordova gave me some guide lines that I would like to share with you. Hope it makes you feel better: 4. When you begin soft and regular foods, you may find you are able to eat more than you expected. Remember, your band is not really working yet (for most people), so don’t be alarmed! Choose good, nutritious foods and avoid high-calorie ones, sweets, and junk food, and you may be able to lose some weight during this phase. Try to limit your intake to a reasonable amount each day. Some lose weight on the fluid phases, but may regain when they start soft and regular foods. This is normal. Any weight loss you have in these phases before the band is filled is a bonus! 5. Start to learn a lot about better nutrition. Learn what foods contain the protein, fiber, and calcium Bandsters need to assist good weight loss. When you start soft foods, aim for 50-60 grams of protein a day for women (60-70 a day for men.). 25 grams of fiber, and 1500 mg of calcium (1200 for women younger than 50). These are all very important to support good weight loss, as well as for regaining your health. These are things you will need to aim for forever, to maintain your lost weight. 6. FitDay.com is a good internet site to help you track your intake and learn what foods contain the nutrients Bandsters need. 7. Avoid sweets, junk, and poor-nutrition foods. Starting with the regular food phase, avoid pasta, potatoes, rice, and breads – these are all poor nutrition and mostly empty calories. They will often also plug up the stoma later, when you have fills. Choose healthy, lower-cal foods, and you can lose some weight even before you have a good fill. 8. Start some daily, gentle exercise within a day or two of surgery. Even a 15-minute daily walk is a good start. Try to increase a bit every week. Exercise is essential to build up your muscles and strength, and make your body burn fat more efficiently – which will greatly assist your weight –loss efforts, as well as improve cardio health. If you have special medical problems, consult your family doctor before starting an exercise regimen. No intense exercise or lifting more than 10 # for the 6-week healing period, please. We encourage women to join a gentle, formal exercise programs like “Curves” which is ideal for Bandster women. 9. Start to learn about and choose lower-calorie and lowfat foods most of the time. 10. Add a chewable, adult daily multi-vitamin when you begin the full liquid phase (as all U.S. adults are advised). Other supplements are not needed, unless prescribed by your family doctor for a specific condition. 11. Expect some extra gas, belching, and stomach sounds until you heal further, and until your stomach gets used to the band. If the abdominal gas is excessive, you may use some Gas-X. 12. It is normal to have looser stools when you are on liquids. If they become excessive, you may use some Immodium AD with your family doctor’s permission. 13. We urge you to become active in an online support and education board, if you are not yet, where experienced Bandsters will answer questions, explain things, and guide you through the healing and weight-loss Banding phases. ObesityHelp is a good place to start: www.obesityhelp.com
  13. My papers say I can start eating solids on the 30th day. I tried eating the toppings off of a Pitza. The main thing is take one bite chew it up completely, then swollow it. Wait for awhile and see how it feels before you take another bite. Take your time and don't rush anything.
  14. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Hi December Hotties: I had my band done on December 9th in Tijuana Mexico with Dr. Lopez Corvala and everything went perfect for me thus far. The facility was clean and the service was superb. I don't know how to do that ticker thing that looks so clever that I see the rest of you using. God Bless all of Us that took this step and we have to keep in mind that this is a wonderful marvelous tool and we must use it wisely. We are so lucky to be here at a time that such an invention is being used to help us. I have already stopped having acid reflux and my blood pressure medication I had to cease because my pressure was low. I am excited about becoming healthy and able to get out of this bed that I have been spending too much time in. I want to live life not sleep through it. I believe that after I lose this 60 pounds my back will not be in such pain and life will be worth living. Thank God for this operation and those of us that have chosen to change our lives. I once read:To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. This applies to the December Hotties. Warm Regards to us all and cheers to the New Year! Vickie
  15. Liz, I just read your blog and I am so sorry things went wrong for you. I know they say this happens. I was banded by Dr. Corvala in TJ on the 9th of Dec. and since the 9th I have lost about 14 pounds as of today, Dec. 22. I'm still on the liquid protien diet. With your complications, Did they have to take the band out? I've heard that many times that they do.

  16. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Maybe put that nasty strawberry drink in the blender and add a few real strawberries? Would that get us in trouble?
  17. Pete: So glad you sound so positive and have already gotten started. I'm going to Tijuana on the 9th to have my surgery. I bet you will be out of the hospital and gone by then. My Doctor is Dr. Corvala at Hospital Angeles. I would try to see how you were doing but you'll probably be gone. Good Luck and God Bless you Regards, Vickie
  18. Vickie

    low BMI Mexico patients

    Dear Sandy Beach: Thanks for the positive feedback concerning Mexico and Dr. Corvala. I will use your comments as ammunition for my relatives who are all freaked out about this. I hope my experience there goes as well as yours did. I think I found a doctor in Anchorage that will do my fills but I don't know how much yet (Dr. Jones) Thanks again Vickie
  19. That is so cute--of course I'm from Wasilla. People should take a ride on that Bridge to Nowhere--come see us and then you will change your mind especially if you have to comute to Anchorage to go to work at 6 in the morning.:cool:
  20. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Kerry, I don't have a pre-op diet probably because my bmi is 34.4. You made me wonder if I will have a fill at the time of implant. Good question for me to ask. I haven't met my dr.yet because I'm going to Mexico and because of the low bmi I must pay. Thanks for your input. Warm Regards, Vickie
  21. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    Kerry and anyone interested this is my Post Operation Diet and it seems we're not suppose to expect to lose weight until we have had a "Fill". This diet is for healing purposes and the hardest thing for me will be no SODA ever. The following slow progression back to regular foods is essential to allow the band and its sutures to heal securely in place. You may feel physically *able* to swallow foods much sooner than allowed below, but eating solids too soon will make the stomach contract and move to digest the food (even if you cannot feel the movement), and any movement will disrupt the essential healing process. The life of your band depends on this early healing, so PLEASE follow the post-op diet exactly to minimize later problems! DAY 0: (Day of Surgery) Sips of water and tea, sips of half-strength apple juice, small bites of jello. Days 1-3: CLEAR LIQUIDS only. Start with only 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes. No limit as to how much you may drink during the day, as long as you drink only 1-2 ounces at a time, in small sips. No chugging or big gulps! CLEAR LIQUIDS are liquids that you can SEE THROUGH, if held up to a light. Please drink in a minimum of 48 oz a day, and more is better. If you have trouble swallowing, try WARM fluids, even only 1 teaspoon at a time, and put a warm heating pad on your chest to relax the stomach and stoma. If you CANNOT get in at least 48 ounces of clear fluid a day, please call our Doctors. Dehydration will make recovery more difficult. If you are bothered by nausea, you may ask the hospital nurses (if you are still in the hospital) for anti-nausea medication. If you are home, you may ask your family doctor to prescribe some anti-nausea suppositories. These are safer than oral tablets, as putting anything into your stomach when you are already nauseated can make you vomit. Vomiting must be avoided with the band, especially during this healing phase. Days 4-14: FULL LIQUIDS – any food that is pureed to a TOTALLY SMOOTH consistency (no lumps or bits of anything) and then THINNED enough to get through a straw. You need not actually USE a straw, but the food *MUST* be this thin! To thin purees, add the appropriate liquid: water, juice, non-fat milk product, or broth. Days 15-29: Soft Foods – any food that you could eat if you had no teeth. Days 30 forward: Regular foods Definitions: Clear Liquids Water, herbal teas (hot or cool), regular tea or coffee (if you must), crystal light, popsicles of any flavor (no need for sugar-free), clear juices diluted in half by water (apple juice, cranberry juice, white grape juice) , clear Isopure protein drinks from GNC or similar CLEAR drinks like the “Nectar” protein drinks available online. Chicken, vegetable, or beef broth (low-sodium). AVOID bouillon, as it is extremely high in salt. Any flavor Jello – no need for sugar-free, although some may be. Jello water. Any of the many flavored, NON-carbonated waters. No sodas or carbonation of any kind with the band, please. If you make your own juices at home, they must be strained to remove all bits of fruit. Full Liquids Nonfat milk, “drinkable” yogurt as long as it has no bits of fruit, any full-strength juice (vegetable juices are preferred over fruit juices, which are mostly sugar), any of the lower-calorie protein drinks. ANY purees thinned to liquid consistency: pureed meats, canned or cooked veggies or fruit. Low-fat ice cream, puddings with non-fat milk, lower-calorie smoothies. Thinned cream of wheat or mashed potatoes with no lumps. ANY soup, as long as it is blended to puree and smooth any noodles, meat, or veggies in it. Smooth applesauce. Frozen juice bars, lowfat fudgesickles. Pureed and thinned refried beans. Remember, all Full Liquids must be thin enough to get through a straw. Soft Foods Canned tuna, canned chicken, canned ham or beef with lots of lowfat mayo (try nonfat Miracle Whip!). Soft white fish like Talapia. Mashed cottage cheese. Soft cheeses, like string cheese (small bites and chew well). A mashed, soft-boiled egg, or a VERY moist scrambled egg. A mashed, hard-boiled egg with lowfat mayo. (Dry foods can “stick”) Any yogurt, but chew the pieces of fruit well. Very soft cooked stew meat or veggies. Soft casseroles. Any soft canned or cooked and mashed veggies or fruit. Canned Vienna Sausage, canned “potted” meat. Spaghetti or other noodles with sauce. Soft meat loaf of good quality meat with no gristle. Oatmeal, cooked grits, fiber cereal with milk. Any soup, like “Chunky”, with soft meats and vegetables. **Eat only a few bites per meal when you first start soft foods. STOP with any pain or discomfort. Bandster Eating Rules: Please remember these rules as you progress through the post-op phases: 1. TAKE ONLY TINY bites, the size of a kernel of corn. Extremely important! 2. Chew VERY thoroughly – at least 10-15 times. Also extremely important! 3. Eat very slowly – listen to your body to see how it is doing after EACH bite. STOP eating with any sign of pain, fullness, nausea, pressure. 4. Starting with SOFT foods – no fluids with meals, or for 1-2 hours after meals. Drink all fluids BETWEEN meals. Drink frequently rather than trying to get in large quantities at a time. Drink a glass of water right before a meal, so your mouth and throat will stay moist. 5. All foods should be moist, as dry foods often stick. 6. Get in a minimum of 64-100 oz of fluids a day. In the immediate post-op period, you may be not be able to swallow this much –but at least 48 oz is needed. You may need to sip all day to do this. Many Bandsters carry a drink bottle with them. When you are exercising and when the weather is hot, you will need even more fluids to remain well-hydrated. Your kidneys are working very hard to excrete the broken-down fat, and need plenty of fluids to help. 7. NO CARBONATION at any time after banding, as it is believed to cause pouch dilation. 8. Starting with soft foods – no liquid calories. Drink only fluids that are no-calorie, or VERY low calorie like crystal light or tomato/V-8 juice. Remember, calories do count! . Fruit juices are no more than sugar water, so are to be avoided. Protein drinks are no longer needed, and should be avoided, as they too are “liquid calories”. Get your protein from real foods that will make the band work. One exception to this rule is MILK. You may have 2 glasses of nonfat milk or dairy daily to help meet your calcium needs (as below) 9. Aim for 3 meals a day at regular intervals. 1-2 small protein snacks are allowed, if needed. General Information about the Post-op Phases: 1. Some people may have no hunger for several days or even weeks after surgery. Others may feel hunger again soon. Both are normal. The band is not working for most people until you get to a good fill level, which is usually only after an adequate fill. Your initial fill can start as early as 6-8 weeks after your surgery (NO Exceptions); however you don’t always need a fill at this time. Some patients experience restriction, even without getting a fill. 2. AVOID vomiting, as this can dislodge the band. If you are vomiting, please contact the Doctor for help. 3. If you have trouble with a new food phase, return to the old phase for a few more days, then try again slowly. There is no rush to progress. 4. When you begin soft and regular foods, you may find you are able to eat more than you expected. Remember, your band is not really working yet (for most people), so don’t be alarmed! Choose good, nutritious foods and avoid high-calorie ones, sweets, and junk food, and you may be able to lose some weight during this phase. Try to limit your intake to a reasonable amount each day. Some lose weight on the fluid phases, but may regain when they start soft and regular foods. This is normal. Any weight loss you have in these phases before the band is filled is a bonus! 5. Start to learn a lot about better nutrition. Learn what foods contain the protein, fiber, and calcium Bandsters need to assist good weight loss. When you start soft foods, aim for 50-60 grams of protein a day for women (60-70 a day for men.). 25 grams of fiber, and 1500 mg of calcium (1200 for women younger than 50). These are all very important to support good weight loss, as well as for regaining your health. These are things you will need to aim for forever, to maintain your lost weight. 6. FitDay.com is a good internet site to help you track your intake and learn what foods contain the nutrients Bandsters need. 7. Avoid sweets, junk, and poor-nutrition foods. Starting with the regular food phase, avoid pasta, potatoes, rice, and breads – these are all poor nutrition and mostly empty calories. They will often also plug up the stoma later, when you have fills. Choose healthy, lower-cal foods, and you can lose some weight even before you have a good fill. 8. Start some daily, gentle exercise within a day or two of surgery. Even a 15-minute daily walk is a good start. Try to increase a bit every week. Exercise is essential to build up your muscles and strength, and make your body burn fat more efficiently – which will greatly assist your weight –loss efforts, as well as improve cardio health. If you have special medical problems, consult your family doctor before starting an exercise regimen. No intense exercise or lifting more than 10 # for the 6-week healing period, please. We encourage women to join a gentle, formal exercise programs like “Curves” which is ideal for Bandster women. 9. Start to learn about and choose lower-calorie and lowfat foods most of the time. 10. Add a chewable, adult daily multi-vitamin when you begin the full liquid phase (as all U.S. adults are advised). Other supplements are not needed, unless prescribed by your family doctor for a specific condition. 11. Expect some extra gas, belching, and stomach sounds until you heal further, and until your stomach gets used to the band. If the abdominal gas is excessive, you may use some Gas-X. 12. It is normal to have looser stools when you are on liquids. If they become excessive, you may use some Immodium AD with your family doctor’s permission. 13. We urge you to become active in an online support and education board, if you are not yet, where experienced Bandsters will answer questions, explain things, and guide you through the healing and weight-loss Banding phases. ObesityHelp is a good place to start: www.obesityhelp.com 14. We also urge you to become active in local support groups and other Band activities. We find those that do well are frequently those who make the Band and their weight-loss journey a priority in their lives. Hope this isn't too much information.
  22. Vickie

    Do you have a December Date?

    :Dancing_sorry: Hi Girls; Me too, DEC 9. Let's see Carol, MommyJD and Vickie. Anybody else on the 9th? I need tranquilizers. I'm having problems sleeping because of the excitment. Yes we're suppose to be on a diet but I keep baking and eating. I guess because I know this is coming up--I don't know. I hope this really works and I will get in control of my health.
  23. so what day will you be banded?
  24. Holiday Hotties that's cool. Regards, vickie:thumbup:

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