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About DisneyMom2El

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  1. It may cause gas and discomfort while still healing from surgery -especially if you are still suffering from the gas given to you during surgery. I was cleared for straws at two weeks and carbonation at 6, both as tolerated, which I had no issues.
  2. DisneyMom2El

    Whoa! Moments

    Finding out how muscular my thighs are and actually touching that muscle, not flab, when I rest my hands on my leg. And looking at pictures for the first time, thinking it's my 15 year old, size 0 niece (no, I'm definitely not a size 0), and having to do a double take because it's me! Those are a couple big ones that pop into my mind, my wow moment when it really hits me how drastically I've changed.
  3. DisneyMom2El

    How did you choose your goal weight?

    I really struggle with this if I put too much thought into it. Ideally, I should say 155 so that I'll be within the normal range for bmi, but I'm currently 165 and a size 8. I was able to get down to 150 one other time in my life, and at that time I was a size 8 at 155, size 6 at 150 and was beginning to look to boney, I looked and felt better as a size 8. So this time around I'm slightly heavier in the size 8s and suspect I'll be a size 6 once I get into the 150s. I guess I'll see when I get there. I want to be in the 'normal' bmi range but I do not want to look too thin or boney. Just curious for others (if you know), what size is the top of your bmi range? When I was heavier, I assumed it would be a 10 - that was always my ideal and "average weight" in my mind.
  4. DisneyMom2El

    What Post-Sleeve Rules Do You Break?

    My doctor didn't have a lot of rules regarding diet, just restrictions for healing after surgery (such as straws, cleared to use at 2 weeks, no diet restrictions after 6 weeks). In fact, I remember telling him how I couldn't imagine going the rest of my life without certain foods, and what comforted me most was him saying I can eat whatever I want, I'll just eat less. I drink pop - full calorie- on occasion. I don't chew my food a certain number of times (again, this was only suggested to me while still recovering from surgery and to make sure I didn't hurt myself). I drink liquids up until I eat, but I do wait after or I'll feel miserable. I eat sweets if I want them. One benefit of surgery is that I can limit how much I eat and many no longer appeal to me. I eat carbs. My nutritionist actually said I should be eating more carbs than protein by 6 months. I'm 9 months out and went from a size 20/22 to an 8, my goal size, though I am going to keep going until at least a 6 and re-evaluate then.
  5. DisneyMom2El


    I really don't understand how greatly doctors' plans vary after wls. At 6 weeks I was cleared for all foods. I did have sushi, but I will warn you that rice expands. That is something you'll only be able to eat a tiny bit of for a while. And on my "purée" stage, all but the rice would have totally been acceptable. I could eat fish, canned chicken, even spinach during the purée stage, I was just warned to chew thoroughly.
  6. DisneyMom2El

    Calories per day

    At 3 months they said 900, 6 months 1200 and I need to aim to always hit 1200 so I don't destroy my metabolism.
  7. DisneyMom2El

    100 miles in 100 days fitness challenge

    11.95 miles ran this week
  8. DisneyMom2El

    Michigan Sleevers

    I saw Dr. Foote
  9. DisneyMom2El

    Suggestions for a slow loser???

    As others have said...you may be surprised to find you're not a slow loser after all. I have been a slow loser after an initial rapid loss. I lost 34 pounds in 3 weeks, that includes 10 pounds during my one week pre-op diet, and then nothing for a month. My suggestion is to track your weightloss and remember that good things come with time. Don't focus on the now, keep your eyes on the finish line. Slow and steady wind the race, and any other cliche you can think of Looking back at my progress, early on there were times when I was loosing 10 pounds a month, but then I would go through significant stalls. Now that I'm 8 months out and have a lot of data to analyze, I can see that I have been averaging 5 pounds per month since week 2. This has been regardless of caloric intake or how much I exercised. In the beginning I was getting 2-3000 steps per day, now I'm training for a 10K, running for an hour at a time, and easily get over 10000 steps a day. Still 5 pounds a month. It has for sure been frustrating, but I don't have any loose skin, nor did I ever have that exhausted, sickly looking face that some people experience after wls. It may have nothing to do with losing slowly, but in my mind I tell myself it does. I'm now 15 pounds away from goal.
  10. DisneyMom2El

    100 miles in 100 days fitness challenge

    Count me in! I've been slacking on exercise for the past couple of weeks now that sports teams have taken over the football field where I've been running. I have a backup, a workout room at work, but the change in routine has not gone as smoothly as I thought it would.
  11. If you were to watch what is happening in your stomach and you have no food in it, you would see that when you drink something it goes right through -it does not stay in the stomach. So if you drink something with a little bit of food in it, it pushes the food through your stomach quickly and into your intestines, allowing you to eat more and sooner than you should. If you already have a lot of food in your stomach and you drink soon after eating, it fills up the space making it uncomfortable long before it starts pushing food through. A couple of sips here and there will be fine.
  12. It's extremely minor compared to a c-section. I've had both as well as my gallbladder taken out, and the sleeve was the easiest to recover from. I never needed pain meds once I left the hospital, very minor gas pain. When I had my c-section, I stayed on top of the pain by taking norco for two weeks. I was out shopping the day I came home from the hospital with the sleeve. As long as you do what you are told to do, get your fluids in and start walking as soon as you get up from recovery, you will find there really is bi comparison.
  13. DisneyMom2El

    Do I Smell Different?

    I smelled different for a couple weeks. It wasn't sweat, but musky. I also have a friend not on these boards who was sleeved one month before I was. I remember commenting to her about my change in scent and she said she was too. It did go away shortly after.
  14. DisneyMom2El


    I love C25k! I don't rest a day in between, rather I go about five nights a week. What I did in the earlier weeks was run the program in one direction, then turn around to head home and repeat the same week/day.
  15. DisneyMom2El


    I agree with pp - it doesn't necessarily change my shape, just tones and gives me more definition. I will say that I've noticed in the past when I was jogging almost daily I had a smaller waist and felt better about my weight (including a smaller clothing size) than what I did this year at the exact same weight after wls.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
