Hi. Hang in there and don't look back. I have restarted after 4 years away; and eating poorly. I thought my stomach was too far stretched to even try. But then I read your post and others, and I have renewed faith to move forward. I am lost, I keep reading, I am in and out of ketosis. Some days I am afraid to eat anything. Other days, I want to eat everything. It's all in my head I know, so now I am exercising, fasting, and into Protein shakes, powder, and liquid. When I am not hungry, I am ok. But seems everything on tv, and outside focus is on food, food, food. I need to lose 25 lbs. I have lost 21 on my own; and now need help to make it to the end. been hovering at 204 for the last week. Well, that's all for now. Glad you are out there and sharing.