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About Nayro827

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  1. Nayro827

    2 Years Post OP and struggling

    yes!!! Everything you said! Im going to do the pouch reset idea to get my mind back on track and my fintess will follow. I've been toying with the idea of a trainer for years but I think since they can hold me accountable its the best option for me right now. I've tried to explain to my family and friends how food is a real addiction and they cant seem to understand why I have to go to such great lengths. Thank you so much for this and your encouragement!
  2. Nayro827

    2 Years Post OP and struggling

    I am the same way- I always enjoy some sugary starch like a croissant or cookie with my coffee and that is my biggest trigger. I'm going to do a pantry purge tonight as soon as I get home and I'm going to try the pouch reset idea for the next 10 days. Hopefully, that will help me get into the restrictive and healthy mindset to really get back to my healthy habits. Thank you so much and good luck!
  3. Nayro827

    2 Years Post OP and struggling

    This was so incredibly helpful, Exactly what I needed to hear! I'm going to try the pouch reset to get me back in the mindset I need to be. Adding workouts to that plan should get me into a successful habit of keeping up with both. Thank you so, so much!!
  4. Nayro827

    2 Years Post OP and struggling

    Thank you Steve! I think you're right. I know what I have to do, I just need to get my a$$ in gear and do it. I'm going to try the pouch reset thing first to get my head back in that mindset and then move onto keto from there. Good luck on your journey! It seems like you're already doing great!!
  5. Hello everyone! Hope you are all well on your weight loss journey. I had VSG in September 2016 and it was the best thing I have ever done in my life. I went from 300 lbs to 199 a year later. After my surgery I was very committed to working out 4-5 times a week, and eating the appropriate amounts thanks to the restriction and not feeling the hunger. However, I am now 2 years post surgery and I am struggling. I stopped weighing myself regularly and was shocked to see I am at 217 lbs. My clothes feel tighter, my body looks a little looser (since I am not working out regularly as I used to) and although my restriction is still there, I am having trouble telling myself to stop when I should, while eating. I did not have surgery just to gain weight and go back to the eating habits that put me here in the first place. Eating has always made me really happy and although I have changed my relationship with food, I feel some of those unhealthy behaviors creeping back up, like: -Eating when Im already full -craving sweets and carbs - emotional eating/ eating as a reward I still do not eat anywhere close to what I used to, but I am struggling to get back on track. I am not sure how to go about it. I've thought about starting keto, which is similar to what I was doing post op anyway, but Im not even sure Id be able to eat all that food in one sitting. Im not really sure how to move forward. I've read about the pouch reset- is that tried and true? And, I would really like to get the sugar and carb cravings under control and not indulge whatsoever. I feel like i have been craving sweets and indulging more than I ever have in my life. I know 15 lbs may not seem like a lot to some people, but it is a huge deal to me. I've also looked at pictures from last year vs this year, and my body is definitely not as small, or toned or cut. I was lucky enough not to have any loose skin and actually toned up when working out so...do i just go back to protein shakes, cut my meals in half and work out 4-5 times a week like post op? How do I kick the carb/sugar cravings? Is there a replacement that would fulfill the craving without the fat etc? Do I invest in a personal trainer so I can commit to this and get my ass in gear? I am really at a loss- I feel like I don't know where to start. And for someone who has been overweight most of their life, this is really getting me down. Any advice or words of wisdom you can send my way, would be so greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!
  6. Thank you for your insight! This def. happens to me. My typical diet is usually an iced coffee in the morning, a protein shake for breakfast (I still do my doc recc. one which is unjury chocolate splendor with skim milk 32g P), around 3oz tuna salad on 2 puff rice cakes for lunch- this is my diet 5 days a week. For dinner, it usually is healthy, sometimes if its not, I try to be good, like if we order tacos, nachos, I will only eat the inside of one taco and have 3 chips etc. The sugar craving is where it gets bad. I usually have an iced coffee around 4-5 PM, and I like something sweet with it. I'm addicted to croissants, which is so strange because I was not before surgery. I've been looking for some kind of healthy alternative, or something not as bad, and think I may try to do "Quest bar cookies" I saw from blogger the world according to eggface. What kind of foods/low glycemic index carbs do you recc? Thank you again!
  7. I still have protein shakes for breakfast everyday! I may try having one for dinner too! Thank you!!
  8. Nayro827

    Pouch Reset?

    Hi all- Has anyone tried the pouch reset? https://store.bariatricpal.com/pages/pouch-reset-plan Does it work? Is it healthy to do, etc..etc..? Any light you can shed on reset will help, thank you!!
  9. Planning my whole week to this right now. Thanks again!
  10. I was thinking I might have to completely cut sweets. All or nothing has always been my issue. Yes, logging as we speak. Do you have any other advice on how to train my body to lose again? Ive heard a few stories about a "pouch reset" but im not sure.. Thank you for your advice!!
  11. Hey Everyone!! Please be easy on me as im all over the place and rambling but... A little background on me- I am 30 years old, live in nyc, surgery was done by Dr.Pomp at cornell (HIGHLY RECC), have always had food issues- emotional eating, love to eat, love food, no control etc. I had VSG on 10/8/16 and went from 304 lbs to 199. My weight loss journey was great- I worked out 4 times a week and ate right, and was able to lose it all and have no loose skin, no major issues, and am pretty happy with results. I mean, it saved my life- i am ECSTATIC with the results. I stopped losing weight at about the year mark, and have been trying to lose that extra 20 lbs for the past couple months. Granted I eat a little more now, but still nothing even compared to a quarter of what I was like Pre-op. I am struggling. I am struggling with food, I am struggling with my emotions. I am struggling with my sweet tooth. I think I am gaining weight. There, I said it. A girl at work even asked me if I had gained 5-10 lbs (she is not a friend, more like a hater but still).., (Ive been hovering at 204 for the past few months) and I am gutted. I take this journey very seriously, but I have slacked on my workouts, and I think I am snacking too much. My sweet tooth is out of control- which is weird because I wasn't this into sweets before surgery. I know what I have to do- go back to being completely planned out and strict- schedule all my meals, and workouts, and be firm in staying away from snacking. I cant be normal like other people because my relation ship with food is not normal, so its different for me and I have to remember that. However, if anybody has any advice on what I can do, or if you have had the same struggles, how did you overcome"? What did you do? For working out- I need motivation- I find it hard to find the motivation I had during the weight loss, which in turn means i work out now probably once a week. For food- Im thinking of cutting sweets out completely since I cant seem to control myself. Or does anyone have any healthy reccs? I do have lennies protein cookies which i csn usually eat half of one and be good. MY weakness seems to be croissants. For emotions- yall i am all over the place. I dont know whether to cry or fight ahahaha Help!
  12. Nayro827

    6 month stall/plateau and scared!

    im usually eating max 500 so ill try to do that thank you
  13. Hello everyone! Hope everyone is losing weight and hitting goals! quick recap: had vsg on 9/8, was 304 lbs. Currently am at 241.5. Have finally hit a stall. Its been about 6 months and i have lost only 5 lbs since dec 19. On dec 19 I had my post opp app. with my surgeon and weighed in at 246. I didn't eat badly for the holidays, and I have been working out and lifting/strength training a couple of times a week. Last week I even cut my food in half and did no snacking, no fat, no carbs etc. I am not eating a lot, I don't think. I would say maybe 2-4 ounces max, 2wice a day. Breakfast is a shake. Surgeon said weight loss was right on track, all Vitamins and levels were wonderful. Weighed myself consistently every week since then and scale only moved down to 241. Im stressing because my next app. is on March 29th, and Im suppose to have lost an additional 30 lbs by then. Im worried I wont make that goal. I look in the mirror and even though I know I lost all that weight, I dont see it. Im also worried I wont lose anymore weight. I know its irrational but Ive been fat my whole life so this for me is scary. Ideally at the end of this journey, Id like to have lost 100 lbs in a year. Ultimate goal would be 160. But lets be serious- ill take 180 happily. Did anybody else have a stall? how did you get out? Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be appreciated! Fingers crossed the scale moves this week or I will probably cry!
  14. Thank you everyone! I feel much better now. It's crazy because I'm eating healthy, I eat 0 carbs and try to keep sugar if any at the very minimum. I figured The amount of food I eat now does not even equal to one meal of food pre-op. And in terms of content, no Soda, carbs junk or sweets I thought I would be losing more. I think I'm just terribly afraid that even with surgery I won't lose weight. I guess it's normal to have that fear after being overweight your whole life; the idea that you always will be no matter what. But thank you for your comments- I do feel better about the scale now
  15. Hi all! I had vsg on 9/8 and weighed in at 304. As of today I am down to 268.2 but, i have a question for you guys. The last 3 weeks I've only lost about 2 lbs per week. Is this normal? I though I would be losing 4-5 a week. I'm lightly exceeding now but am going to have to work out everyday to get this weight down faster. I'm fear I'm overeating-even tho i track and weight my food. I've thought about cutting my food in half but then that means I won't hit my protein. -anyway- just wondering if this is normal and if it happens to you, how to overcome? I'm 30 years old and prettt active with no health problemes at all. Thank you in advance and happy thanksgiving!!!

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