Lately I've been struggling with this question a lot. After getting the band, wow, three years ago next May, I lost a lot of weight and fairly fast, although the last, oh year and a half, I've been dealing with so much depression and stress, haven't gone to the doctors at all, no follow ups or anything after the first year, I've been eating like crazy and hardly working out at all after a devestating knee injury that prevents me from doing almost any cardio. Luckily, I have only gained maybe 10 pounds back, bringing my total weight loss in 2 1/2 years to about 45 pounds or so. I'm not sure whats really causing all of this, I worry that I've totally destroyed my band, some days I can eat an entire pizza, other days three small bites of chicken will make me "slime" for an hour. I know I need to get checked out desperately, but I'm so terrified of actually having my failure out there in front of my doctor (who I haven't seen in forever and probably thinks I moved or died or something.) Getting the lapband so young, I know that I really wasn't ready or perhaps it was the wrong choice for me. I still eat, out of boredom, depression, and just simply that I love food and lots of it. I know I'm stupid for ruining this opportunity, I'm such an "avoider."