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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Allison

  1. Hey there!!! Just checking in to see how your surgery went!!! I spent last night in the hospital, I was pretty comfortable with the morphine drip, hahaha, I'm on liquid percoset now and it doesn't really compare to the morphine, I'm pretty sore, and itchy, but I barely have any gas so thats good. Let me know how your doing!!

  2. Allison

    Wooooooooo Hooooooooo

    Thanks!!! I've actually managed to loose some more weight, I don't really see it or feel it, I'm guessing its jsut water weight. I came home from the hospital today and am really sore and itchy, I can't wait to just start feeling normal!!!!
  3. Allison

    Highest weight? or weight at surgery?

    I'm 5'2, a couple weeks ago I was 229, my highest weight ever, due to all the binge eating, I managed to get back to my starting weight, 225, and then continued dropping weight to 219 yesterday at surgery due to the 10 day liquid diet. Right now I'm really swollen and full of liquids so I haven't lost anymore, but I really hoping I can start loosing weight soon. I'm not even hungry, I've been nursing my one can of protein shake since I got home around noon!
  4. Hey there how is everything going!!? I just got home from the hospital this afternoon, I'm pretty sore but its nice to be back in my bed. Last night all night nurses kept coming into my room to give me all sorts of anti-nausea shots and morphine in my IV. Right now I'm starting to get really itchy too. Are your incisions really itchy as well??

  5. Allison

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    Thanks TMFRITTS!!!!! I got home from my stay at the hospital a couple hours ago, I'm pretty sore, and starting to get reallllly itchy!!!!! I can't wait to start loosing weight. Right now I'm feeling really worried about eating, its like when I first got braces, I didn't eat any solid food for weeks because I was afraid they would fall off!!! Now its kind of the same feeling, I know I can't eat solid food for a while but I'm really nervous about something bad happening!!!!! I don't want my band to slip or anything! There is always something new to worry about lol. Thanks for the support! P.S. Good luck everyone being banded on these last two days of May!!!!
  6. Allison

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    I got my band last night!!!! Norwood hospital with Dr. Adam Glasgow!!!! I spent the night and was very comfortable, no I'm home and have no more morphine drip (I loved that thing!!) I'm on liquid percoset and its not as great, so I'm pretty sore, but I'm really excited! I can't wait to start loosing some serious weight!!!!!
  7. Allison

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Hey everyone!!! I'm finally banded!!!!!!!!! I was banded yesterday morning, then spent the night in the hospital with my roomie, Lucy12!!!! I got a home a couple hours ago and am pretty sore, but its liveable, I'm so excited and I can't wait to start loosing more and more!!!!
  8. Allison

    I am scheduled for May

    AHHHH I'm finally banded!!!! I spent the night in the hospital and just came home a few hours ago, Lucy12, one of our lapband talk friends, was my roomate! She was great, and neither of us were in much pain, there was a lot of morphine hahaha. Now that I'm home I'm pretty sore, I have little gas pain, if any its right around the bottom of my rib cage where are the insicions are anyways. Thanks for all the support guys!!!!
  9. Hey roomie!!! How are you feeling????? I miss my morphine!!! hahaa but I'm doing ok, making everyone help me up and down, hope your feeling great!!!

  10. Aww I'm so sorry!!!!! Just hang in there and I'm sure everything will be ok, I hope your mouth gets better! I just got home from the hospital, I'm pretty sore now that I'm off the morphine, that stuff was a god send ahahhaha. I'll put up some pics after I can walk abound a little more. Keep in touch and my thoughts are with you sweetie!!!!!!

  11. Thanks so much for thinking of me!!!!! I jsut got home from my stay at the hospital, I'm pretty sore but its not too bad. How are you doing???? :)

  12. Thanks!!!!! I just got home from the hospital, I spent the night and was really comfortable, now that I'm home I'm pretty sore but its liveable. Hope your doing well too! Thanks so much for thinking of me!!!!!

  13. I know I'm so pumped! I just got my suregery done yesterday, I spent the night at the hospital and just got home a few hours ago. I was SO nervous at first but I barely remember anything after getting the sedative before the anasthesia, while I was filled with morphine I didn't have much pain, now that I'm home I'm pretty sore, but everything seems to be ok, your day is today right???? Good luck, I know you'll do great, its not too bad :)

  14. Elaine if you are doing a lot of weight training you usually put on weight before you loose it, because you are gaining muscle. Also if you are drinking things like juice and broths, juice has high amounts of sugar and broth has high amounts of sodium, both of which can hinder weight loss, sodium causes you to retain water as well, good luck with everything :sad: And like salsa said, right now just worry about healing your body.
  15. Allison

    I am scheduled for May

    Yeah mine is at 10 am, I have to get there at 8 am, the nurse I met with at my pre-op visit to the hospital said they could give me a "happy pill" as soon as I get there. I am holding them to their word hahaha. I have to stay overnight so its gonna be a long day laying around in the hospital, but I'm sure I'll be so out of it I won't even notice haha, and my mom and my best friend are going to come with me, Good luck to you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll see you on the other side :smile2: !!
  16. Allison

    Mrs. McNeil

    Beautiful!!!! Where did you get married??? I live in Attleboro, MA, and I'm in Providence all the time
  17. Thanks!!! I will have to order some! Hopefully it doesn't take too long to ship, hahaha there is an advertisment for it on this page right now lol
  18. Allison

    Wooooooooo Hooooooooo

    Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been on my pre-op diet for 8 days and have only lost 2 pounds!!!!! Its kind of a let down, did you loose most of that before or after surgery??
  19. I'm trying to find some unflavored protein powder. Every type I find is either chocolate or vanilla and is for shakes. I want some I can add to everything. I'm supposed to get 60 g of protein in a day and the shakes I have been drinking are yummy (their the atkins chocolate ones) but they don't have as much protein as I need, So I figured I would find some unflavored I can add to soup and yogurt and pudding, etc.
  20. Good luck today Kammi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Allison

    Any May Bandsters?

    Yay only today then tomorrow left!!!!!!! Thank god I don't think I could starve on this liquid diet any longer!!!!! Hopefully my band will help with these hunger pangs!!! Good luck everyone with dates coming up!!!!!!!
  22. Allison

    May 1st bandsters!!!

    Good luck with your fill tomorrow!!!! I can't believe you've all been banded for almost a month!!!! Congrats!!!
  23. Allison

    1st day on Pre-Op & I already cheated.

    I can't wait for this pre-op diet to be over!!!! This has to be the hardest part, because we are still our normal, hungry selves!!!!! Once I have my band I'm hoping it controls these hunger pangs a little bit! I was good for all my diet except when I went out for dinner with my whole family while I was on vacation, I got the kids pasta, I couldn't not get something to eat and was DYING for somthing real. That was a few days ago and I've been trying to be SUPER good since then. Only today, then tomorrow left!!!!!!!! I can't believe my surgery is on Thursday!! Woohoo!!!!
  24. Allison

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    Hey bandfan! Hope your first fill went well today!!!! I can't believe only 2 days left! Good luck to everyone with dates coming up as well!!!!! WOOHOO!!!
  25. Thanks Jessica! You have definately been on my mind lately!!! Make sure you stop in once and a while and let everyone know how your doing! I'll make sure to keep in touch, good luck with everything! :)

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