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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Allison

  1. Hey there, just cheking in to see how your feeling!!! I'm pretty sore, and itchy!! Hope your doing great!

  2. Hey there, just saying hi!!

  3. Allison

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Thanks Rena!!! I only met Dr. Arthur once back in September at the seminar, but I have heard nothing but good things, and of course I'm sure his son Adam takes after him, and that is who I have been seeing. I also think they might assist each other on surgeries. My schedual was like this... I went to a seminar with my mom in the end of September, it was really the first bit of exposure to the lap band system, so I spent the next few months doing my own research. I finally made the call towards the end of February, and had an appointment schedualed for about a month away. I had my first consultation March 26th, I had my nutritionist appointment on April 10th, my PCP appointment and the sleep study on April 17th, then bloodwork and the psych eval on the 18th! I also had school and work on both those days, so they were really hectic!!! I went back in for my second consultation on May 12th, where I was schedualed for my pre-op testing at Norwood Hospital on May 21st and my surgery on May 29th!!! I have BCBS so getting covered was never an issue. So it took about 2 months from my first appointment with Dr. Adam to my actual surgery. The 10 day diet was hard, but I can't say I followed it 100%, I might have had 2 meals of egg substitute, a piece of pizza once, and a small plate of pasta once, although this was all early on in the diet, I took it more serious during the last part of it. I am a banquet waitress, so I too am surrounded by food whenever I'm at work, but everything went fine and now I am just trying to heal the best I can. Good luck with everything, and have fun at your cookout!!! Keep me posted on everything, and maybe I'll see you at a support meeting sometime!
  4. Allison

    Not Enough Protein :-(

    I have to get in 50g of protein everyday, the shakes I've been drinking (Atkins Advantage) I think are really tasty but only have 15g of protein in them. I've been trying to get more by having yogurt and chicken soup, but its just not enough. I'm going to order the flavorless kind from unjury online so I can add it to whatever I want. I just got banded on Thursday and I really like my shakes. I know some people don't like them, but I am an incredibly picky eater already and I think the chocolate ones taste just like chocolate whole milk. They are great right out of the fridge, all nice and cold. Maybe if you haven't tried these ones you can, they go down really easy, good luck!
  5. Allison

    I am scheduled for May

    Sooo my mom apparently made an appointment to get our "family portrait" professionally taken, TODAY, which they will use for our churches directory but we can also order copies for ourselves. I'm still in a lot of pain and just got home from the hospital yesterday! This is going to be the worst picture of me ever taking, haha its just going to be me moaning and clutching my abdomen lol. Maybe I'll upload a copy if it is hilarious enough haha. Wish me luck!
  6. Allison

    Anyone else eating normal?

    oooh seeing people being able to eat pizza gives me such hope scarlett lol! Thats my favorite food, and I used to be able to eat 4-6 pieces! I'm afraid now I won't be able to ever eat it again, I know a lot of people have issues with doughy food, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed, I still have to get through all these liquid - mushy stages first of course, I did just get home from the hospital yesterday lol.
  7. Yeah for the most part, I just started with gas pain early this morning, I usually sleep until noonish lol (hey I'm only 20 its my responsiblity to sleep ridiculously late over the summer haha) but the gas was so bad this morning I've been up since about 6:30 am. The only other problems are still the itchyness and soreness, the soreness is really only bad when I try to get up from laying down or sitting on something really soft. Other than that I seem fine, I can't wait to start loosing weight now! Glad to know your doing good!!! Congrats !
  8. Haha part of me just wants to go hide under a rock for a year and then re-amerge (sp?) as a whole new me! Of course thats no way to live, and I know the close friends I have who know about my band and even came to visit me in the hospital are going to be thrilled to see my progress. I need to take a before shot! I haven't yet, I should take one now while I'm all swollen so I look more like I did 10 or 11 pounds ago lol. But I can't wait to just start loosing!!!
  9. Allison

    Any May Bandsters?

    Thanks also Becky!!! Last night I had some creamy chicken Soup my mom strained all the little chicken cubes out and gave them to my dogs lol, but it was sooooo tasty!!!! I only ate about half of a small Cereal bowls worth, but I wasn't really full after. Today I can start having cream of wheat, oatmeal, and cream of rice, plus everything I could have before (yogurt, popsicles, pudding, Jello, etc...) I can't wait to be healed and start loosing some weight!! Right now I'm just trying to concentrate on being comfortable and healing my body. Good luck with the new foods amsderb!!!!!!
  10. Hey there!!! I hope everything went well yesterday and your resting and healing comfortably now!!!! The only real problems I've been having are getting up if I've been lying down, and sneezing and coughing KILL!!!! Let me know how everything went!!!! Congrats!

  11. Allison

    Good anti-nausea meds???

    Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone! I'm probably going to call my doctor on Monday and see what he can give to me. I'm just so paranoid about hurting my new band right now I want to make sure I'm prepared for everything! Thanks again!
  12. Everything went pretty well, I had a lot of visitors and was pretty doped up the whole time. I just started having gas pains tonight. I had to get up and walk around and I was burping like crazy. I've been finding that a big ice pack helps with the soreness and the itchyness. Ugh I feel so bloated though lol, I've put on weight since before surgery!!! Only like a pound or too, but right now I'm just trying to concentrate on being comfortable and healing and such. I hope your doing great and I can't wait until we start loosing some serious pounds! hahaa congrats again!

  13. Allison

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    Eww is it a cold or allergies?? I have allergies and I have the runniest nose ever! Its so gross feel better!!!
  14. Allison

    May 22nd!!!!

    Awww, I really don't have any gas pain right now, I've only been banded for about a day and a half though, I thought I was lucky!!! Oh well lets hope I stay lucky lol.
  15. Allison

    My banding story! I did it!

    Yay congrats Marine!!! Haha when I finally came too I was hitting on everyone, from the hot orderlies to old ladies ahahha I was so loopy.
  16. Allison

    1st day on Pre-Op & I already cheated.

    Thanks Dori!!!! Besides the itchyness and a little pain I'm doing ok!!!! How are you doing??
  17. Allison

    Any May Bandsters?

    Congrats Paige!!!! I've been banded for about 36 hours now, I don't have much gas pain, just soreness and itchyness!!!! I know I can't believe that our days have finally come and gone!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Allison

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    No its getting more and more itchy by the minute!!! I hope I can sleep ok tonight! Hopefully it goes away soon!!
  19. Thanks bean bean !!! How are you feeling ?? My surgery was the same day as yours!
  20. Allison

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    globally yours, everytime I cough or sneeze it feels like 1,000,000 people stabbing my from my belly button to my rib cage!!! I keep screaming anytime it happens!!!!!
  21. Allison

    I am scheduled for May

    Haha amsderb my sister made cookies too, there are still bunch, they are so fresh and warm, wahhhh I want to eat them!!!! lol
  22. Allison

    I am scheduled for May

    don't worry jess, I have only had one night of sleep since I got my band, and it was at the hospital and I was pumped full of morphine, I also had a nurse coming in once every hour to give me more meds and such, and I was still a little loopy of the anasthesia. Tonight will be the first night in my own bed. All day I've had a big ice pack over my whole stomach and its been really helpful with the itching and the pain, the ice all melted so its in the freezer now and the itching and pain is a lot worse without it. Maybe try sleeping with some ice on your tummy?? I'm probably going to, I think it helps dull everything a bit. Congrats on the weight loss babe!!!!!!!!
  23. Allison

    Wooooooooo Hooooooooo

    Thanks mominlv!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really excited, I can't believe this is all happening so fast!!!!
  24. Allison

    Any May Bandsters?

    Hey everyone! How are you doing May 29ths?? I got banded yesterday too!! I spent the night in the hospital and got home today around noon. I'm pretty sore, and itchy, but I don't have much gas pain. Thanks for all the support! Congrats to everyone!!!
  25. Hey there! Just checking in to see how everything is going!! I was banded yesterday, I spent the night in the hospital and got home this afternoon. I'm pretty sore and itchy, but not a lot of gas pain, which is good, I'm not even hungry! Keep me posted!

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