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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinlike86

  1. Hi, I am going to have surgery with Dr. Cottingham at Carraway on 5/21/08 and I just wondered if there were other bandsters on here that could share any information about him or Carraway? I really like him so far. Thanks:rolleyes2:
  2. thinlike86

    Dr. Cottingham in B'Ham

    Hey, I went Tuesday and got my first fill. I had been hungry for about a week, and my weight loss has slowed down. It really wasn't bad, and I can definitely tell the difference since the fill. I hope this will get me going again. Let me know how you are doing. .
  3. thinlike86

    Dr. Cottingham in B'Ham

    Hi, I had my appointment today, and he said I was doing great and didn't need a fill yet. I'm ok with that. I am not starving all the time. I am losing about 3-4 pounds a week, so I'll wait. Let me know how your appt goes.
  4. thinlike86

    Dr. Cottingham in B'Ham

    Hey Dukester, I am sorry for your loss, I'm sure that's hard on you and your family. It's probably also hard to avoid the food that people always bring when there is a death... just hang in there. I have an appt next Tuesday at 11, I'll let you know how it goes.
  5. thinlike86

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    The best thing so far is at the park with my 4 year daughter and I was able to slide, swing, and even "race" her.... Have NEVER been able to play with her that way. That's one of the biggest reasons I did this. It was a good feeling.
  6. thinlike86

    Dr. Cottingham in B'Ham

    I liked him from the start. I had gone to the seminar for Dr. Miles and Schmidt on a Saturday in Feb. and I just didn't like the fact they made a copy of your insurance card when you came in the door. Dr. Miles was nice, but after the seminar when I was trying to make an appointment, it was going to be 6 weeks before I could get an appointment, and they were scheduling them in 15 minute intervals. (I'm thinking if I have to wait 6 weeks for 15 minutes of the Dr.'s time, he's just too busy for me). When I left that seminar I felt like I had been to a time share selling seminar (Just my opinion) I called Dr. Cottingham's office on Monday, he was having a seminar on Wed. I went, I called on Thursday and got an appointment for the following week. Since I have BC Federal, I didn't have to wait 6 months, so everything went fast enough. I am very happy I chose him and his staff. Carraway was great too. I didn't have one problem there.
  7. thinlike86

    Alabama bandster

    Hi, I was banded the 21st by Dr. Cottingham in Bham, I have lost 25 pounds as well. Have you had a fill yet? If your wt loss is slowing, it may be time for that first fill. I didn't know about Dr. Robbins in Dothan, I live in Troy, and those trips to Bham get kind of long.
  8. thinlike86

    Most Agreeable Foods You Eat

    I love suger free rice pudding cups. They are more solid and have some texture.... I also love eggs, with a little shredded moz cheese melted on it.
  9. thinlike86

    Least Agreeable Foods *Spinoff*

    So far, for me, it's been lettuce and ground beef. I am only a month post-op, so I hope one day to eat lettuce again, but those two things were really bad for me and made me throw up. Dry chicken is not so good either.
  10. thinlike86

    Dr. Cottingham in B'Ham

    Hey, how are you doing? I had an appointment with Dr. C for Tuesday, but I had to change it due to a meeting at work. I will go the 1st and I guess he will determine if I need a fill. Let me know when you go back, and how the fill goes if you get one. I am not starving, and I have only thrown up twice, once when I accidently ate a peice of lettuce, the other time when I ate some ground beef that was in a tomato sauce. I am eating pretty much solids, but I am really watching what I eat as far as calories. For me, I have been drinking 3-4 bottles of 20oz of water each day, and I think that is really helping. I am also walking about 2 miles a day or 30 minutes a day, and I feel really good. I hope you are doing well. talk to you later.:redface:
  11. Only 30 pounds left? That's great. I hope I can do as well as you. My first post op appt went fine. I go back in 3 weeks for my first fill. So far, so good! Thanks

  12. thinlike86

    Dr. Cottingham in B'Ham

    I saw him today. I had only lost 14 ounds on their scales. He said that was great. He said that was like bypass weight loss. I go back June 24 and see if I need a fill. I am feeling so much better the last few days. I am ready to start eating a little bit more mushy food. I tried a bite of chicken on Friday, and it didn't want to go down, so I don't think I am ready for solids yet, but that's ok. I'm glad to hear you are doing ok.
  13. Hi, I am doing well after surgery. I still havent' gotten the feel of the restriction yet. Sometimes I feel it, sometimes I don't. But the weight is slowely coming off.

  14. thinlike86

    3 weeks post op

    Yes, sick of the liquids.... YOu are doing great. Keep going!
  15. thinlike86

    I am hungry, but I am afraid to admit it....

    I really want some solid food. It's only been 9 days since my surgery, and I am starving. I am trying to watch my liquids because I think I may be drinking too close to eating and therefore washing my food out too soon. The idea of eating is exciting, but then I get a lump in my throat, even when I have a rumbling in my stomach. I am alsofeeling tired and no energy... but I have been walking religiously every day, and that has helped. I don't know why, but I am hungry. I would never admit it to anyone other than you all. :thumbup:
  16. I really want some solid food. It's only been 9 days since my surgery, and I am starving. I am trying to watch my liquids because I think I may be drinking too close to eating and therefore washing my food out too soon. The idea of eating is exciting, but then I get a lump in my throat, even when I have a rumbling in my stomach. I am alsofeeling tired and no energy... but I have been walking religiously every day, and that has helped. I don't know why, but I am hungry. I would never admit it to anyone other than you all.
  17. thinlike86

    Dr. Cottingham in B'Ham

    I hope you are doing ok. I didn't go yesterday, it's a 2 1/2 hour drive and I was not feeling up to it. I was feeling weak and washed out all day. I don't know what was up with that, but I re-scheduled for Tuesday. I feel like my port site is just sticking way out, especially in the afternoon. I can tell when I lift or move a certain way that it's pulling those muscles. I guess that will go away as the muscles heal. I am doing ok. I like to fact the weight is coming off. :wink2:
  18. thinlike86

    Dr. Cottingham in B'Ham

    I called on Friday for appt. but then Machele called me today to re-schedule it because he's not going to be there on Friday. I am seeing him tomorrow at 3. I am doing ok. It feels like my port is sticking way out, and it's still really sore. Other than that I think I am doing ok. :sad:
  19. thinlike86

    Post op Day 2

    I had surgery on Wed. It went fine. I asked my doctor afterwards if my liver was small enough, because that seems to be a concern for the pre-op diet. He kind of laughed and said yes, and I told him that was good because I had been working on that. So for all those people who are worried about falling off the pre-op diet, 5 days of salads and chicken breast will do it for the liver The first time I ate after surgery I ate 4 bites of jello and that was too much. I was miserable for about an hour. I also gulped ice water because my mouth was so dry, big mistake, miserable for another hour. Walking is good. Ice chips are good. Pain med is good. Eating too fast is bad. I ate my applesauce too fast last night and felt miserable for about an hour. Hot shower is good on the incisions. Sleeping in the recliner was good for a couple of hours last night. Turning over in bed was painful. Bracing my belly with a pillow is good. Getting on the scale this morning and seeing a couple of pounds disappear is the best!:cursing: My husband asked me if I still thought it was a good idea that first night when I was hurting , and even though I was stiff, sore, and short of breath, it's worth it. :thumbup:
  20. thinlike86

    Things are going ok

    Everything seems to be going ok, but I am still having a lot of gas. I found that yesterday I got a little off on my portion sizes and I was MISERABLE for 3 hours feeling all bloated and full. I hope I didn't hurt anything, but I did learn my lesson. Portion sizes matter - A LOT. Who knew?:thumbs_up:
  21. thinlike86

    Things are going ok

    Everything seems to be going ok, but I am still having a lot of gas. I found that yesterday I got a little off on my portion sizes and I was MISERABLE for 3 hours feeling all bloated and full. I hope I didn't hurt anything, but I did learn my lesson. Portion sizes matter - A LOT. Who knew?:cursing:
  22. thinlike86

    Things are going ok

    Everything seems to be going ok, but I am still having a lot of gas. I found that yesterday I got a little off on my portion sizes and I was MISERABLE for 3 hours feeling all bloated and full. I hope I didn't hurt anything, but I did learn my lesson. Portion sizes matter - A LOT. Who knew?:cursing:
  23. thinlike86

    Things are going ok

    Everything seems to be going ok, but I am still having a lot of gas. I found that yesterday I got a little off on my portion sizes and I was MISERABLE for 3 hours feeling all bloated and full. I hope I didn't hurt anything, but I did learn my lesson. Portion sizes matter - A LOT. Who knew?:thumbs_up:
  24. thinlike86

    Post Op Day 3

    I feel great! Most of the soreness is gone. I am getting the hang of the eating routine. I am not feeling hungry. The scale is moving! This is good!:cursing:
  25. thinlike86

    Post op Day 2

    I had surgery on Wed. It went fine. I asked my doctor afterwards if my liver was small enough, because that seems to be a concern for the pre-op diet. He kind of laughed and said yes, and I told him that was good because I had been working on that. So for all those people who are worried about falling off the pre-op diet, 5 days of salads and chicken breast will do it for the liver The first time I ate after surgery I ate 4 bites of jello and that was too much. I was miserable for about an hour. I also gulped ice water because my mouth was so dry, big mistake, miserable for another hour. Walking is good. Ice chips are good. Pain med is good. Eating too fast is bad. I ate my applesauce too fast last night and felt miserable for about an hour. Hot shower is good on the incisions. Sleeping in the recliner was good for a couple of hours last night. Turning over in bed was painful. Bracing my belly with a pillow is good. Getting on the scale this morning and seeing a couple of pounds disappear is the best!:thumbs_up: My husband asked me if I still thought it was a good idea that first night when I was hurting :smile2:, and even though I was stiff, sore, and short of breath, it's worth it.

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