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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinlike86

  1. thinlike86

    Post Op Day 3

    I feel great! Most of the soreness is gone. I am getting the hang of the eating routine. I am not feeling hungry. The scale is moving! This is good!:thumbs_up:
  2. thinlike86

    Tomorrow is the day!

    I am ready! I am so ready. I have everything done. I checked the insurance, the hospital, the dr office, everything is set. I have post op food in the fridge for me and for my husband and daughter. I have my parents keeping Lila for me. THe dogs are set for us to be away. I am ready! I am starving from this pre-op liquid diet, I am cleaned out from the bowel prep. I am ready. All I have left to do is the chlorahex scrub tonight and in the morning. It will be ok.
  3. thinlike86

    surgery may 21st

    Hi, I had surgery on Wed. It went fine. I asked my doctor afterwards if my liver was small enough, because that seems to be a concern for the pre-op diet. He kind of laughed and said yes, and I told him that was good because I had been working on that. So for all those people who are worried about falling off the pre-op diet, 5 days of salads and chicken breast will do it for the liver:smile: The first time I ate after surgery I ate 4 bites of Jello and that was too much. I was miserable for about an hour. I also gulped ice Water because my mouth was so dry, big mistake, miserable for another hour. Walking is good. Ice chips are good. Pain med is good. Eating too fast is bad. I ate my applesauce too fast last night and felt miserable for about an hour. Hot shower is good on the incisions. sleeping in the recliner was good for a couple of hours last night. Turning over in bed was painful. Bracing my belly wiht a pillow is good. Getting on the scale this morning and seeing a couple of pounds disappear is the best!:cool2: My husband asked me if I still thought it was a good idea that first night when I was hurting :sad_smile:, and even though I was stiff, sore, and short of breath, it's worth it. :thumbdown:
  4. thinlike86

    Tomorrow is the day!

    It's over, and it was fine. Everything went well at the hospital, we came home yesterday morning, I have slept some, but it's hard to get in the best position to sleep. I have liquid Lortab for pain, I have taken it about 3 times. ONly the port site is sore, and I am a little short of breath at times. Other than that it's going well. Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts!
  5. Hi! Welcome! Where are you on your journey? I am about to be banded at 9am! I can't believe it!

  6. thinlike86

    Tomorrow is the day!

    I am ready! I am so ready. I have everything done. I checked the insurance, the hospital, the dr office, everything is set. I have post op food in the fridge for me and for my husband and daughter. I have my parents keeping Lila for me. THe dogs are set for us to be away. I am ready! I am starving from this pre-op liquid diet, I am cleaned out from the bowel prep. I am ready. All I have left to do is the chlorahex scrub tonight and in the morning. It will be ok.
  7. thinlike86


  8. thinlike86

    surgery may 21st

    Yeah, me too. Maybe not so much scared as just not knowing what to expect. I mean I know what to expect as far as the surgery procedure, but not how I may feel afterwards and how easy/hard it will be to manage. I kind of feel the same nerovus that I felt the day before I was going to be induced for labor with my daughter. I had read all the books, prepared all the stuff, and logically knew the procedure, but you just have no idea how it all will feel to you. My life changed the day my daughter was born, and I think my life is changing tomorrow. My husband smokes, and I told him how would he feel if someone were going to cut off his hands so he wouldn't smoke anymore. I think he got the picture. It will be ok. :cursing:
  9. thinlike86

    surgery may 21st

    My doctor only had me be on the pre-op diet for 5 days, so maybe the 2 weeks is just to accomodate for people having a hard time. The other thing is that they won't know how big your liver is until he's in there doing the procedure, and I don't think he's going to wake you up in the middle of it and yell at you :leaving:, so even if you are just cutting back on the carbs, you are probably ok.
  10. thinlike86

    surgery may 21st

    Thanks for the tips on what to have ready. I am trying to follow the pre-op diet, the dr said it would help make my liver smaller for the surgery. The pre op diet is basically high protein, low carb, low sugar, low fat.... I will admit since the date is just a few days away I am getting exicted, anxious, afraid, impatient..... I too am an emotional eater, and when I went for my psych eval he suggested that I have therapy to help develop more effective coping skills. I had one appointment already, and I really think that will help me. I need a lot of support, and so this forum is great for me, as well as my husband, and my therapist. I CAN DO THIS!
  11. thinlike86

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    Please add me to the list. I am getting excited! One tip that a friend of mine who is a wound nurse said is that you can rub spirits of camphor AROUND the incision sites and it really minimizes the muscle soreness. She said she uses this on people who have had ostomies and big abdominal surgeries and it works. Just don't put it ON the incision or it will burn. ( I think camphor smells bad, but hey, if it will take the soreness out) Cindy
  12. :unsure:Hi! I have been lurking for a month or so, but I have a surgery date of 5/21... so now it's beginning to seem like it's really going to happen. I went today for my pre-admission testing (PAT), and everything's set. I was fortunate to have BC/BS Federal, so I did not have the 6 month waiting period. I also chose a surgeon (Dr. Cottingham in Birmingham AL) that I was able to get an appointment with about a week after attending his seminar. He's fairly new to lap-bands, but has done extensive GI surgery, so it's not so hard to get in with him. The thing that took the longest was getting my dietician consult. She was hard to schedule. I have started my 5 day pre-op diet today, and so far, so good. I am going shopping tomorrow for my post-op food. I am so glad to find a bunch of people that have the same kinds of problems I have. I spent 4 hours last night reading this forum, and it was really encouraging!
  13. thinlike86

    Where is everyone from???

    Hi, I am from Troy, AL
  14. thinlike86

    Am I a good candidate if...

    I got hung up in the psych eval when the guy asked me if I had an eating disorder. Being somewhat of a smartxxx, I said "well, what do you think?" turns out, he documented that he thought I did. I thought that was a stupid question, because obviously if I am morbidly obese, I have SOME kind of eating problem. Apparently I did not understand the definition of eating disorder, so I had to make another visit to a counselor to let them see that I DO NOT have an eating disorder by definition, I simply overeat. I guess my advice would be just be careful how you answer their questions. :biggrin:
  15. thinlike86

    Hi from Missouri

    Hi! I know how you feel about it all coming like a train! There's so much to do. I read someone on one these forums talking about how you can almost get consumed by it all. At least you are on the right track now. That really stinks about the insurance, though....
  16. thinlike86

    What kind of pre-op diet are you on?

    If you were to eat that left arm, at least it would be high in protein, which is what I am supposed to start today, but since it's not daylight yet, I am going to have one last Coca Cola and Little Debbie snack cake before I start the pre-op diet. Hang in there (with that good arm :party:
  17. thinlike86

    Where's all the Alabama bandsters?

    Hi, I would love to know how you are doing with Dr. Cottingham. He's doing my surgery next Wed the 21st. I really like him so far with the 2 visits I have had with him. Did you stay overnight?
  18. I am excited for you! I am new here, I just finished my psych consult, PT consult, and dietician yesterday. I have my last MD appt on Friday. I hope to get a surgery date mid May. It's a happy scared feeling just thinking it's really going to happen. Keep us posted. :blushing:

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