i have been trying to do the lap band since jun '07 and its been a long road.. I went to sent Dr carunna 1st but he felt the lap band would be best for me since I didnt have a sweet tooth. I have had issues with the gen gastric health dept at buffalo general handlimg everything, but I am sure the wait was worth it..(they are really sweet women in the administration ) I see the doctor mid april . I have done research on both lap band and gastric and I feel lap band is for me.. I hope to have the surgey by end of april we will see?? praying soon. As far as the doctors -- many friends have had dr carunna who is a wonderful doctor -- very sincere and his office staff is awesome-- extremely !! lap band is only done with the posner,forbes and hoffman with kalieda health-- -- I hear excellent reports about forbes and hoffman -- so i am going with the banding and pray this tool will help me lose the weight that the thyroid condition wants to keep adding on me..