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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by 81Kellogram

  1. 81Kellogram

    December sleeves 2016

    Are you taking pain meds? Feel better soon Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Just liquid Tylenol at night. I'm mostly just being a baby because my recovery, so far, has been pretty uneventful. I was able to sleep on my side last night!!! I'm dreading not sleeping on my stomach but you gotta do what you gotta do hope you recover quickly keep me posted if you can I'm getting mine on Monday Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Yep, I'm a stomach sleeper too. Good luck with surgery on Monday! I have to say, I had a lot of fear about the procedure and first few days of recovery, but it really has been relatively easy. Exciting!
  2. 81Kellogram

    December sleeves 2016

    Are you taking pain meds? Feel better soon Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Just liquid Tylenol at night. I'm mostly just being a baby because my recovery, so far, has been pretty uneventful. I was able to sleep on my side last night!!!
  3. 81Kellogram

    December sleeves 2016

    I was sleeved on the 1st so one week in. Surgery at 9am and out the door by 1pm! Incision pain is causing me to sleep on my back so bad sleep and back pain. Plus all the uncomfortable little aches and pains, dealing with stomach gas, exhaustion, tired of sipping...but I could not be happier!
  4. 81Kellogram

    Extreme fullness

    I'm 6 days post and haven't had too much trouble getting fluids down. I can get down about 4oz of clear fluids and 2oz of "full" liquids. I'm having a hard time not overdoing it, trying to get in all my reqs. On Monday I was full all day and it was a real struggle. I didn't realize until late afternoon that it might be gas in my stomach. Took some Mylanta and voilá, I can drink!
  5. Oh gosh, as soon as I posted this it occurred to me to look at the two protein shakes I had today. Both contain 200% B12 plus I'm taking a B12 supplement. I know B12 can cause jitters so you think that's it?
  6. I'm sure I just need to chill out (and tell me so!) but I just have the weirdest feeling today. I've been getting all my requirements without much issue since surgery. Today was the first day I started feeling like myself besides being super tired. No pain meds but I did take a couple of Gax-X strips. However, I’ve been having the oddest feeling in my stomach. Not pain, but a constant ache that kind of makes me feel jittery. Like butterflies in my stomach. Along with that, suddenly fluids are going down more smoothly. I don’t want to freak out every time I feel something different but it’s so hard not to worry. Anyone experience anything like this?
  7. So I'm three days post op and my little baby tummy is working like a champ! But the incision pain is messing everything up. Just the larger incision where my stomach tissue was pulled out hurts like hell. It looks good, no swelling or redness. Plus I can only sleep on my back (I'm a belly sleeper) so my back hurts badly. Any idea how long to expect this to go on? Any tips for relief?
  8. 81Kellogram

    Anyone with incision and back pain?

    @queen-bee Oh you're a doll! I just ordered a binder from amazon. I have a kidney pillow. Any help getting me on my side!
  9. 81Kellogram

    Hair Issues

    I'm only three days post op but I'm planning for my hair to fall out. About eight years ago my thyroid disease reared its ugly head and my hair fell out to the point that I felt the need to wear a wig. I'm not doing the wig this time. I'll get a crew cut and start over. Worrying about my hair is the last thing I want to mess with.
  10. Surgery is tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty good about it except for work. I'm a freelance graphic designer with regular clients that I work with weekly. Luckily, I work from home but if I have complications that extends my hosptial stay for more than a few days, I'm going to be kind of screwed. I know this sounds crazy, but I'm going to back everything up to my laptop today and take it to the hospital. Yes, my plan is to work while in the hospital if I have to. Hubby is also a graphic designer so I can give him some direction but it won't be easy. Hopefully I'll be lucid enough! I keep trying to tell myself, "It's happening, I've done everything I can do to insure a positive outcome." I'm a huge proponent of not worry about things outside of my control so this has become quite a mental exercise! If all goes well, I'll be out tomorrow afternoon and working comfortably at home by Tuesday. Any advice or commiseration?
  11. Just an update, everything went fine. Surgery at 9, home by 2! Incision pain sucks and I have a lot of back pain but my baby tummy is doing well and tolerating fluids. Strangely water gives me a bit of a tummy ache. I'm trying to get in some more protein today since I've got a handle on fluids. Thanks so much everyone for the wonderful support and encouragement!
  12. I've decided to leave the computer at home. For now. I'm still backing everything up and and organizing so if I do need it, my husband can just come home and get it. Progress! Okay, I'm up in 8 hours to head to the hospital. Better pretend like I'm going to get any sleep at all!
  13. 81Kellogram

    3 DAYS!

    I'm tomorrow as well. Surgery time is 8am. I've been worried about work and how I'm going to get things done if there's complications. But I've done everything I can do and now it's out of my hands. I'm going to worry about the future after I've figured out how to work my daily requirements. One foot in front of the other. We got this!! Good luck!!
  14. 81Kellogram

    I've one thing to say...

    Wow, that's incredible. Congratulations!!
  15. Thank you everyone for your thoughtful responses. They're really helping me to stay focused on tomorrow and not the days after. @The New Kel - I'm mostly anxious to get this show on the road. I see you're in El Paso - the one large Texas city I've never been! @ - I tend to be pragmatic, so looking at all scenarios is just something I do. But I've done everything I can think of to prepare for the unknown and, you're right, now it's time to stop thinking about it. Luckily, I do have a ton of stuff to get done today and I changed the sheets first thing this morning! Four or five times? Why, that practically makes you family!
  16. @ Thanks so much for the encouragement! And you know what else? My name is Kelly too! I'm assuming it's yours. Everyone shortens my name to Kel anyway!
  17. *Effecting* Ugh! Is there a way to edit?
  18. 81Kellogram

    Pre-op Appointment

    I had my pre-op yesterday, surgery is Thursday. I was feeling so conflicted, mixed emotions and just weird. All the nurses and anesthesiologist were so wonderful, it really took all those feelings away. Now I'm hopeful and excited. Good luck to us all!
  19. 81Kellogram

    Not telling anyone. What do you say?

    I'm an open book. Growing up, my family was very secretive (abusive dad) and I just feel so liberated when I don't have anything to hide. I'm not shouting from the roof top but I'll tell if it feels right. I find that people who actually understand the procedure are very postive and supportive. Those that don't, get a very concerned look but they don't say anything negative. I did have one negative comment, unbelievably from my endocrinologist! She asked me why I wanted to have the surgery when I had lost 20 lbs on my own (pre-op weight). She's been a great endo, and now I don't know what to think. I have one exception. My clients (I'm a freelance graphic designer). I just told them that I'm having minor surgery and no one has asked for details yet. If I get any questions, I think I'm going to say gall bladder. I really don't want to but I try to keep my head down as much as possible when it comes to work.
  20. 81Kellogram

    Progress picture 3 months post op!

    Yes, huge difference. Your face is much slimmer. What a beauty, before and after!
  21. It looks like everyone is on a liquid diet for pre-op? Is your liquid diet low carb? My Dr prescribed a low carb (solid food) diet - 30grams of carbs per day. Surgery is on December 1st and I've been on PreOp diet for a week and lost an incredible 12.5lbs in that amount of time. I'm wondering if anyone else is doing the same thing? I assume this next week won't be as much weight loss? TIA -kelly
  22. 81Kellogram

    3 DAYS!

    I'm December 1st and it can't come soon enough. I'm so ready. I have my pre-op appt today at the surgery center. I just found out last night that my sister is flying in on Thursday from NJ to TX. I think that's unnecessary but super sweet. She'll be a very attentive nurse I'm sure!
  23. 81Kellogram

    Terrified of surgery.

    At 18 I know it's hard to not focus on the superficial. But you have to know that excess skin is the least of your problems. You are 430 lbs, you have a serious medical condition that will impact every facet of your life. You are so fortunate to have this surgery as an opton while you are so incredibly young. Sure, you may not have the funds now to have the excess skin removed, but believe me, loose the weight and the world will be your oyster. There's no telling what you will be capable of in the future. Good luck!
  24. 81Kellogram

    100 pounds gone in 7 months

    You look amazing! I'm your same height and my current weight is about the same as your starting weight, so your pics are super inspirational.
  25. Three days to go! I could have done better on Thanksgiving but I've lost weight since and I have all the ketosis symptoms so I think I'm on track. I am so ready!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
