Come on people....she talks all the time about her foreign policy experience being that she can "see Russia" from Alaska. In fact, there is only one area in Alaska where you can see Russia and she's never even been there. The town is called Little Diomede and it is on the very edge of the Bering Strait, directly across from Big Diomede which is technically Russia. Here, 35% of the population lives under the poverty line and there is no hospital. Citizens are required to go to Nome for heath care. The only politician who has been to this area is Senator Ted Stevens (aka not Sarah Palin). There are many areas of our country that border Mexico and Canada. I am sure that many people here live in areas where they are able to see these countries. Does this mean they have foreign policy experience? On another note...her grammar is terrible. Maybe it is "elitist" of me to want a vice president who has a high mastery of our language. If so, then so be it. Some of the grammar is an act to appeal to a certain type of voter, which is quite condescending. It is mind boggling that we as American's want someone who is on the same level as ourselves running our country. Scary really! It really undermines all of the acomplishments that women have made when this one very visible woman feels the need to "dump on the cute" and "hick it up" when she is being challenged. She is, in effect, super gluing the glass ceiling back together when she does this. For the love of all things sacred, she gave a "shout out" at the vice presidential debate. Need I say more. There are many qualified Republican women, however, she is definitely not one of them.