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Everything posted by MowryRocks

  1. MowryRocks

    Food and travel

    Ah...That makes more sense. LOL The devil is in the details. I had a lot of Negative Nancy. Good Luck!
  2. I bought the BP flavor pack to try different drinks. Most of the citrus ones were really good.
  3. MowryRocks

    Food and travel

    I don't eat the starters at all. If these are people that you have worked with for a while, they are going to notice when you don't eat more than a few bites and then you're done. Obviously, it's a personal choice whether or not you tell the, but I just came clean with everyone. That allowed me to answer the questions and control the dialogue about it a bit instead of giving it over to office fodder.
  4. MowryRocks

    Not Saving Information

    @Ken S. that worked!
  5. Had my 4 month follow up with Dr. Ricks.  He says I'm doing great and he's really proud of me.  Why does that make me feel so awesome?

    1. Hoping052017


      Great job! It should make you feel awesome! If Doc is proud, you're obviously doing something right! Way to go!

  6. I edited it that I misread it, but it won't show up. Sorry.
  7. MowryRocks

    Not Saving Information

    No, it happened 5 or 6 times in a row. I am on a work computer and cannot send screen shot. Sorry
  8. MowryRocks

    Not Saving Information

    I'm having the same problem with the surgeon information only, its not that it's disappearing. When I put it in and hit save, I'm getting an error page that says the website is under maintenance.
  9. MowryRocks

    What is most important to weight loss?

    That Quik Trip tea, tho... That was the hardest thing or me to give up. I struggled with the caffeine, but only because I mainly only drank hot tea in the morning and iced tea all day long. I'm 10 months out with only trace caffeine and no soda in that entire time.
  10. MowryRocks

    What is most important to weight loss?

    I found ketogenics last year before I moved forward in the surgery process when I was trying to look for a way to lose weight after my father died. I lost 30 lbs with it prior to surgery and it was such an easy transition to post surgery life that I am truly grateful for...
  11. MowryRocks

    People don't get it!

    I told everyone and I still tell everyone and I practically shout out the qualifying statement that IDGAF what anyone thinks about it. My body, my decision. Best decision I've ever made. Those who thought it was a bad idea have been eating their words as of late. You'll do great!
  12. MowryRocks


    I wouldn't. I continued my workouts through that process. Any weight you can lose beforehand is weight that you do not have to lose post surgery.
  13. MowryRocks

    61 Yrs & Surgery is Tomorrow

    Normal - Absolutely. I cried when they wheeled me back because I was so scared. 4 MONTHS LATER...totally worth the risk.
  14. MowryRocks

    What is most important to weight loss?

    Diet is key. I started building a walking regimen before I had my surgery. I decided that this was going to be a battle and if I was going to have to fight with myself mentally post surgery, I did NOT want to wage a battle on two fronts, so I busted my booty. I did 4 5k's last year before June. I walked between 5-7 miles per day. I climbed to the natural cave opening at Carlsbad Caverns ( I do not recommend this). I accomplished so much by pushing myself physically before surgery that I knew I could handle whatever surgery threw at me. Surgery is a personal decision. Something happened that made you decide it was an option and now you're concerned and think that maybe it's not. That's ok. The decision is yours, my advice would be to follow the program to the letter and make your decision about whether or not to have your procedure when you're discussing actual dates for the procedure. You can always change your mind, but working for this for even a month and having to start over is one of the most disheartening things ever. Trust and Believe.
  15. My 4 -month follow up is tomorrow.  Wish me luck!

    1. Hoping052017


      Good luck girl! Let su know how it goes!

  16. Also...If you go to the perky Jerky website, go to "contact us" fill out the form. There is a bariatric surgery drop down. They will send you free samples.
  17. Have you tried P3? They are portioned meats, cheeses, nuts, (some have dried fruit). they range from 11-15g Protein. My favorite are the Deli Snackers ones, Ham, Turkey, and Cheddar (150 calories) I can't stomach the bars either. I'd rather eat dirt.
  18. MowryRocks

    First Soft Food meal

    Ground meat and deli meat are definitely in different cycles. My first soft food was cottage cheese. My second meal was baked Cod.
  19. I used premade shakes and did not have this issue.
  20. MowryRocks

    Status Updates

    I miss them too!
  21. MowryRocks

    How Often Do You Weight Yourself?

    Every dang day. Always have (since pre-op), always will. It doesn't make me manic, it just helps me to understand my natural, hormonal ebb and flow.
  22. MowryRocks


    I just got back from Hawaii! 5 Glorious Days. Four planes, no seatbelt extenders, and full use of the tray tables. I went parasailing, which was amazing and life affirming. So blessed to be on this trip in the first place, but so grateful for this life changing journey.
  23. MowryRocks

    Saying.... Thanks

    I've been around about 4 months now and I've had no run ins with anyone, but I did notice the "tough love" and would sometimes avoid posts where some of the people involved were commenting. I try to post positively and supportively. People aren't always going to be honest about their downfalls and if they are being honest about them we should be trying to lift them up and not be condescending or degrading. I miss some of the more light hearted posts, but I enjoy the feel of this site better than before. Just my .02
  24. MowryRocks


    Perky Jerky gives you free samples. go to their website, click contact us. Fill out the form and mark the drop down for bariatric surgery. Then just ask them, they mail them in a couple of weeks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
