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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenityyyy

  1. serenityyyy

    It is getting closer

    good luck with your pre op i had mine today now have a pre op milk diet to do for a week then being banded seems like a long wait but finally there, im feeling kinda excited/nervous hardest thing is trying not to smoke
  2. serenityyyy

    What is your surgery date? Let's keep a list.

    iv just got my date for 6th sept go for my pre op tomorow iim half nervous half excited!
  3. serenityyyy

    banding in august

    im being banded in august in chichester west sussex and wondered if anyone else was banded here and anyone else with an up and coming banding who wants to buddy up? :biggrin:
  4. serenityyyy

    banding in august

    hi tony im an nhs patient i was refered thru gp in oct, consultation was in march, and will be banded in august. i dont think if your paying you will have to wait that long! lol good luck x
  5. serenityyyy

    NHS Referral - What happens next ??

    natalie good luck with your gp i was lucky mine refered me straight away didnt even have to go in to see her! id ask her to refere you and let the consultant make the desition but they do like you to have tried all other avenues first ie orilstat and reductil as id alread done these she was fine with it. if she wants you to loose weight befor refering ask how much specificly you have to loose so you have something to work for and let us no how you get on. also see another dr in the practice and be strong and insistent x
  6. serenityyyy

    banding in august

    hi katie let me know how it goes with your appointment they are lovely there
  7. serenityyyy


    im being banded next month because i want another child and if i dont lose weight it wont happen iv had one natural pregnancy in 20yrs, and miscarried one pregnancy that was clomid induced. i do believe i have other problems not just weight as i still have menstrual cycle and ovulation pain but they will not investigate or help me further till i have lost weight i wish you well i cnsider myself very lucky to have my girl and it is so worth doing:smile2:
  8. hi im 35 and am being banded in august08 im looking for a buddy/mentor in the uk if possible i have a bmi of 53 and am looking to loose 100+lbs sogoiing to be a long haul and want to have as much support around me as possible:)
  9. serenityyyy

    NHS Referral - What happens next ??

    ring the h0spital clinic and ask they can usually tell y0u what the wait is like, i wasnt seen untill funding was appr0ved it t00k appr0x 4mnths t0 see dr and mine didnt say yes 0r n0 was just an aut0matic yes
  10. hi im having my band in 5mnths time im in the uk and d0nt have t0 jump thr0ugh the same h00ps as m0st 0f y0u but the wait d0es seem a l0ng 0ne but im sure it will g0 quickly
  11. serenityyyy

    NHS Referral - What happens next ??

    i was referred by my gp in n0v 07 i had my app0intment thru and had c0nsultati0n 6/3/08 i am lucky i live in chichester where they are d0ne f0r this area, i was t0ld a gastric bypass w0uld be better f0r me and enitially agreed but after d0ing research i cant face such a maj0r 0p s0 sp0ke t0 clinic and am n0w having band , my funding has been appr0ved and in appr0x 4 mnths will be banded. if y0ur nhs y0u have t0 have funding appr0val bef0r y0ur seen in my area im lucky i have it but my bmi is 53 s0 im well ab0ve the critieria needed i saw a dietician and my c0nsultant wh0 was l0vely and very c0nfident they c0uld d0 w0nders f0r me iv als0 been lucky that they have d0ne a tv weekly d0cumentry ab0ut the clinic im using and i kn0w im in g00d hands g00d luck
  12. serenityyyy

    hi from uk

    hi new to site im from uk and due to have my band fitted in 4 mnths and thought it would a good idea to get some support set up now:thumbup:
  13. serenityyyy

    Bmi 51 !

    hi i have a bmi 0f 53 and am being banded in appr0x 4 mnths had funding just waiting 0n date n0w

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