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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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LittleBill last won the day on January 14 2017

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About LittleBill

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    Bariatric Master
  • Birthday 01/01/2016

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  1. A three week stall broke! I dropped four pounds in the last four days. :D

    1. Travelher


      Yay. Best feeling ever!

    2. LittleBill


      It is! I am somewhat pessimistic when it comes to results and positive outcomes. I was convinced going into this that it wasn't going to work. At first things went great, but then they stopped. I did a lot of reading here, and resolved to not let it get to me. I was a little worried getting on the scale today, but I set it for my stall weight, and the needle did not budge. That was a good sign right there. Then I was able to knock it down to four, almost five lbs down.

    3. suzzzzz


      That is an awesome feeling isn't it? Congrats

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