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LAP-BAND Patients
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About bcrliz07

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/27/1991

About Me

  • Biography
    Im 16, im a junior in highskool & im getting lapband surgery in june/july
  • Interests
    hanging out with friends, listening to music, & just having fun!
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  1. Happy 21st Birthday bcrliz07!

  2. bcrliz07

    Teen Minors?

    actually i think im the youngest one on here im 16 & im getting surgery done in like july but ill be 17 in august so yeah
  3. bcrliz07

    i think i am ready

    im going 2 do the same as you im gettin banded in the summer too so i understand how ur feeling! um i already told my best friend but see shes on the big side too so she understands better you know so idk what you should do but keep this in mind if she is really ur best friend she'll support u no matter what! and as for me the only people who i want 2 know in my life is my parents, my sister & nephews & my neice & thats about it but i know some of my aunts & uncles will eventually find out cuz of my mom & dad so thats gonna kinda suck 4 me but oh well id rather have family know then like people i go 2 skool wit but yeah im also worred about my friends noticing im eatig different or not wanting 2 go out 2 eat with them cuz i heard that when u go out 2 eat u should order 4rm tha kids menu cuz u wont be able 2 eat stuff lik u used too & u also gotta eat really careful cuz u dont wanna eat 2 fast & throw up so yeah i think thats gonna be tha hardest part! but good luck & i hope ur friends support you!

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