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About lynettec

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    Senior Member

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  1. lynettec

    Approved but scared.

    It's normal. I was scared all the way up until they wheeled me off to the operating room. You will do fine. Just remember the outcome. Good luck!
  2. No stupid questions, I had scrambled eggs and I just mashed it with a fork. Most things can be mashed with a fork if you can tolerate it. During this stage I ate a lot of soup, protein drinks and jello.
  3. lynettec

    How much did you lose...

    6 weeks I was down 63 pounds.
  4. lynettec

    Today's the Day!

    Good luck!
  5. lynettec

    Here we go!

    Good luck!
  6. lynettec

    The day for surgery has arrived...

    Best wishes! You got this
  7. I'm having the same issue. I have problems getting liquids in especially water. I've thrown it back up a few times.
  8. lynettec

    Foul Gas

    I'm 4 weeks post op and my poor fiance, he has been grossed out on more than one occasion. I constantly apologize for the horrendous stench. Haha
  9. lynettec

    At the clinic getting IV fluids

    Glad to hear you're doing better. I'm still struggling to get the fluids in.
  10. lynettec

    At the clinic getting IV fluids

    Thank you for the info. I also have a problem with water tasting funny. I tried crystal light last night but I don't think my stomach liked it. I will try to look for the other items you mentioned.
  11. lynettec

    At the clinic getting IV fluids

    They gave me an IV fluids and released me. They said my vitals are ok now. I just need to make sure I get enough liquids and I need to change my protein drinks to a water based one.
  12. lynettec


    Good luck!

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