I'm from Huntsville, AL. I had Gastric Bypass just over 5 years ago. I have lost 110 lbs. since my first Dr. visit. Not having many problems as long as I don't eat to fast or to much. I was your typical obese person, had diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. I am no longer on any meds for any of these problems. This procedure probably saved my life. It at lest extended it. I am ever so thankful to Dr. Mailapur for this tool. I was unfortunate enough to develop gastro/gastric fistulas 3 years after surgery. This required a very extensive and long surgery to correct. It required a complete revision of my bypass and removal of the remnant portion of my stomach. I had an ulcer caused when an orthopedic surgeon placed me on aspirin as a blood thinner after having hip replacement. He did not tell me that he used aspirin for this. Had a great gastroenterologist that treated the ulcer and things are now much better. I would not trade having bypass for anything. We have a fantastic support group here that is sponsored by our local hospital. It is staffed with a terrific nurse administrator and dietician.