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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mylighthouse

  1. mylighthouse


    I see you recently had surgery. I want to suggest the ricotta bake for when you get to your pureed stage.... it's delicious! I got that recipe from theworldaccordingtoeggface. The website belongs to a gal who had WLS, and she shares recipes (among other things), from all of the different stages. Also, there is a recipe section here on bariatricpal, check that out for ideas.
  2. mylighthouse

    Constipation to the max - two a&e visits

    Alright, I have to chime in on this topic. First off, sorry that you are backed up and in pain. As someone who has dealt with severe pain from being constipated to the extreme and having an impacted bowel a few weeks ago (hosp stay), I feel your pain. I take the whole psyllium husk, it's a good thing to get started on, and it's natural, which I like. Had another colonoscopy last week and all was good. I have been told that I have sluggish bowels and that I will have to learn to live with it. Suggestions are Miralax daily, psyllium husk daily, and if you need to, milk of magnesia. See what works for you. You just don't want to get severely backed up to where you get impacted or get a perforated bowel or an obstruction... oh my. Last resort, but don't wait too long, a Fleet enema and drink a bottle of magnesium citrate. Stay close to the pot for the next several hours. These are all recommendations from my surgeon and gastroenterologist and obviously, not everybody needs to take some of these extreme measures. But if you are going to the ER (been there, so many times), then you need to get cleaned out asap. Good luck and feel better soon!
  3. I'm sorry to hear that, sounds awful. Wish you the best!
  4. mylighthouse

    In Praise of Salad

    That is fantastic that you like salad now. Others will also tell you that their taste for different things changes after surgery. For me, I used to like Sriracha on almost everything, jalepenos with almost everything, and spicy food in general. No more.... my taste for those things no longer exists. Also, scrambled eggs.... liked them before surgery, but since surgery, they make me gag. Also, water. I have always been a big water drinker... still am, only now, and straight out of surgery (15 months post sleeve), I cannot get water down unless it is ice cold.
  5. mylighthouse

    Need real answers

    Yeah, for me, the nausea is not always brought on by eating. I pretty much have it off and on throughout the day, every day. Right after surgery, and the first couple of months following that, no nausea at all.
  6. mylighthouse

    RN twelve hour shifts

    Yes, and they can reload the pockets throughout the shift if needed/able. Great suggestion, I had no ideas on this one!
  7. mylighthouse

    Need real answers

    Well, let me first start by saying that I have no regrets at all for having WLS (I had the sleeve). I am not going to share a "normal" experience. At least in the last 16 months that I have pretty much been visiting bariatricpal, I do not consider my experience the norm. I truly believe that if you search around enough, you will see that most people have a good experience. I think some people experience somewhat expected nausea in the beginning, but that it isn't prolonged say, for several months. In my case, nausea kicked in not in the beginning, but actually a couple months post sleeve. It gradually got worse, and now, 15/16 months post sleeve, it is relentless. But I have had a lot of underlying health probs and a lot of it stems from a terrible colon resection. Nausea now, along with pain when eating and terrible acid reflux has set me back to eating only liquids or very well pureed food. This is not a normal experience. Seeing my surgeon on Friday to talk about revision to gastric bypass. If you have acid reflux and it is a problem, then the sleeve is probably not for you. The bypass would serve you better. I can't give any other info on bypass, as I haven't done much research yet. Whatever route you go, I wish you the best.
  8. mylighthouse

    Work Lunch ideas?

    @kaydothank you
  9. mylighthouse

    Work Lunch ideas?

    Egg salad, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese with almonds, few blueberries thrown in. Chicken salad made with greek yogurt or mayo, homemade cheese/parm crisps if you need a crunchy snack. Homemade chili, so many meats/veggie combinations, stir frys. Hummus with cheese crsps. Black bean and feta salad with celery, red pepper and balsamic vinegrette dressing. Nuts, especially almonds (for snacking). Don't know what your work hours are like, or what your eating schedule is like. I have been on about 6 very small meals a day since the beginning. It has worked really well for me. If you are on that type of eating schedule as well, then plan on taking plenty of appropriate small meals with you. You certainly don't want to be stuck at work without enough good food to get you through the day... it will help you stay on plan.
  10. mylighthouse


    Hey, good to see you! Thanks, you're doing great too. The chest pain comes right after eating... pain like a dang hard rock sitting at the bottom of my throat/chest. It has sent me running to the bathroom, however, it does not always bring on vomiting. More severe nausea off and on throughout the day rather than a lot of vomiting.
  11. mylighthouse

    What's Your Goal For The Week?

    Get more fluids, hit the treadmill more. Stop jumping on the stupid scale! Get to the grocery store, pick up what I need for a low carb soup recipe and spend a little time in the kitchen for my own food prep instead of husband's all the time. Get more rest... @FluffyChix hooray for naps!
  12. mylighthouse


    Yikes! So sorry to hear that and i really feel for you. I can relate to you w/all the surgeries, as this will be my 5th one in 3 years. Most recent was gallbladder, which was a breeze for me, but I also had an open hernia surgery in June 2017 that gave me a lot of problems. I see why you said that you're scared of the bypass, if that's what my resolution will be, then I think I will have that same feeling...among other feelings. Mainly, one more surgery to get through just sounds exhausting. The whole entire process, including more medical bills and stress on an already stressed body. Ah, well, now I am just complaining. Something tells me that you understand though. It is like you said, sounds like you don't have much of a choice other than to go the revision route. Yes, I will let you know what the doc says. Let me know when you get a surgery date as well and take care until then!
  13. mylighthouse

    Is this not working for me

    Yeah, that's all I see in the body of the OP's message, so not sure what's going on there.
  14. mylighthouse


    Holy cow, that's awful. I haven't had those tests done, so I don't know where my reflux reading is, but like you, I pretty much have it all the time. My surgeon currently has me doubling the dose of Protonix. Sorry to hear about your issues, but glad that you are working towards a resolution with the upcoming surgery in the works. Hopefully, life after the revision will be much better!
  15. mylighthouse


    Yes, bad acid reflux and doctor says that it has caused the erosions. That, along with other probs that it is causing are the reason for the possible revision.
  16. That's great, glad things have turned out well for you. I deal with terrible GERD among other things. Not getting much down other than soups because of the constant pain and nausea. Appt with my surgeon on Friday. Will be interested in what he has to say. He mentioned to me a few weeks ago that he has never had to do a revision from sleeve to bypass. Oh boy. Thanks for your response!
  17. mylighthouse

    Light headed

    Please make sure you are getting plenty of fluids, as dizziness can be a sign of dehydration. It happened to me a couple of months after sleeve surgery, had to go to the ER and they did bags of IV fluids. I had no idea I wasn't getting in my fluids, it really snuck up on me. Also agree that it could be low blood pressure or low blood sugar as other posters mentioned.
  18. mylighthouse

    Yogurt and Pudding Considered a Liquid?

    My plan was the same as Creekimp's. I did fine with "full liquids" including yogurt, cream soup and sugar free pudding. Good advice. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery, wishing you the best.
  19. mylighthouse


    Had my sleeve in Nov 2016. Down from 334 lbs to 182 lbs, not too far from my goal weight. Have another appointment with my surgeon on Friday. Been having severe nausea and some discomfort in chest since the sleeve 15 months ago. It has gotten progressively worse until the last 2 months where I can't even eat solids without severe chest pain and nausea, so I avoid them altogether now. Had an endoscopy a few weeks ago, no stricture, just erosions. At that time my surgeon said he didn't think he would have to do a revision. Now I am starting to wonder.
  20. mylighthouse

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    @BelgianGuy Congratulations on your success and for maintaining, you look great!
  21. mylighthouse

    6 Months Post Op Pics

    Congratulations, you look great!
  22. mylighthouse

    Fathead Pizza...oh yeahh!

    I'm also a fan of the bariatric chicken crust pizza, but in my opinion, it sits a little heavier in the stomach. Also, we haven't been able to get a crispy crust out of it like with the fathead crust.
  23. mylighthouse

    Fathead Pizza...oh yeahh!

    Thankfully able to get solid food down again. And last night, we made Fathead pizza! Oh man, was it awesome!! Low carb, crispy, thinner crust pizza. The crust is made with almond flour, egg and cheese. Super easy to make and you can top with your choice of cheese, meat and veggies. Cut the pie into 8 pieces. Could only eat 1 piece. Carb content of 1/8th of crust is only 4 grams. Leftovers today...mmmmm. Husband and 26 year old son loved it too, we gave it 5 stars! If interested, just do a search for fathead pizza.
  24. mylighthouse


    Almonds, cheese, homemade cheese crisps or parm crisps (easy recipe, just google it). You can do a homemade guacamole dip, homemade yogurt/spinach dip or homemade hummus to dip the cheese crisps in...yum! Also, keep cut up fresh veggies on hand such as baby carrots, snap peas, red peppers, cucumbers...great by themselves or in dips. Nice, fresh, crunchy snacks that are good for you if you are already caught up on your protein for the day. The cheese crisps, of course, have some protein. Also, greek, lower carb-low sugar yogurt. Plain yogurt with stevia, throw in some almonds or a few blueberries..delicious! I second the deviled eggs. Some good suggestions from others here.

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