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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MyKdsDad

  1. MyKdsDad

    Looking for Fill Dr in Anchorage Alaska

    I see you found the smilies, too, Terri....LOL That's great news! Hopefully, this one isn't going to charge an arm for a fill?
  2. Rachel, I know that Dr Jayaseelan does fills at the Surgery Center in Richardson. Sorry I don't know anything about FW or HEB.
  3. MyKdsDad

    I'm a new bandster too !!

    Welcome to LBT, Sharon. And welcome to Bandlandia, too!
  4. MyKdsDad


    Keeps them from burning up in the atmosphere, Donali...LOL All that friction, don't you know???
  5. MyKdsDad

    New to this, need Help

    Cynthia, anytime you've got concerns or questions you can bet that someone here at LBT has the answer or can point you in the direction of the answer. We (MsJoy and I) are from Texas, too. She was actually from Pasadena, originally.
  6. MyKdsDad

    Band Fills

    Leanna, Well, no kidding! Hopefully everything is ok now? Sounds like a tough row to hoe...
  7. MyKdsDad

    Another Newbie

    Jen, Welcome to LBT. You baby looks cute in that little picture. Since you've been through this before I have all the confidence that you will do it again. Besides, I would think chasing around 4 babies would get it off of anybody...LOL And it looks like you are doing a great job with the forum, too. If you have questions, just ask...
  8. MyKdsDad

    First Fill Today! Scared!!!

    Charlee, congratulations! Joy's doc has her on a week of liquids until she gets use to the restriction. Good luck!
  9. MyKdsDad

    3-week liquid postop course?

    Whew! well, I'm glad we got that straightened out....lol
  10. MyKdsDad

    Cool Whip?

    The Reddi Whip in the aerosal can is great on some sugar free jello or pudding.....yummmmm
  11. MyKdsDad


    Heather, you have the same Dr. Feel Free? That's a strange name for a doctor...*mischevious grin* And you say he emails you? (for some of the people here, THAT'S A JOKE !!!!!!)
  12. MyKdsDad


    After 30 years, it happens when it happens, with or without the band....*sigh*
  13. MyKdsDad

    Band Fills

    But Chill, what did it do to the rest of you. Your weight went down, but how did you hold up? What about vitamins and minerals? How did your health hold up?
  14. MyKdsDad

    3-week liquid postop course?

    Kelli, just about any of the fruits....mmmmmmm. Most of the vegetables. Some of the meats, but stay away from the veal...YUCK! It has the consistancy of sandpaper. I remember our son actually shivering and sticking his tongue out....LOL
  15. MyKdsDad

    Band Fills

    C07AW3, Dr. Jayaseelan does fills at the Surgery Center of Richardson. I know he does fills in the office for $50. www.texaslapbandcenter.com for his number. Lynda, when you get a fill, it sometimes causes some swelling. That's why my wife's doctor put her on liquids for a week after her first one. When the swelling goes down, if you were good right after the fill, then you will be opened back up, some. Looks to me like your sweet spot might be some where between 1.8 and 1.4cc....you think?
  16. MyKdsDad

    First Fill Today! Scared!!!

    Make sure they give you something to numb it. They say there is a small stick and a burn, but that the rest is bearable. Good luck and let us know how it went...
  17. MyKdsDad

    What do ya'll do besides eat

    Hmmmm, trying to picture all the fat birds trying to take off from the lake....
  18. MyKdsDad

    Banded Bikers?

    Kathy, we didn't go to the 6th Street party, two years ago, but it was a good thing. There was a heck of a storm that hit and people were walking around with the water running over the tops of their boots. Let's hear it for The Weather Channel. I checked and saw the storm coming...hehehe
  19. MyKdsDad

    What The.....???????

    OK, I'm just going to throw this out there and see what all the "experts" have to say about it. My DW was approved by BCBS of Texas, via her surgeon's office. When he sent in HIS bill, it was for $12,000. The Medical Center sent in their bill for $30,000. BCBS posted the explanation of benefits on their website and they are going to pay a grand total of......wait for it......for BOTH bills......$1,638.....? Excuse me, but, what the F*#@?????? Who are they trying to fool? According to the approval letter, with a ZERO deductible and only $1,000 out of pocket limit. What should I do? Wait and see if the medical center and the doctor resubmit? Get a lawyer? Call them myself? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez! :angry At least they can't come and reposses her band. All they can do is ruin my credit. And all I can tell them is "You can't get blood from a turnip, hon"
  20. MyKdsDad

    What do ya'll do besides eat

    Buy a Harley and cruise the back roads of Texas....That should take up a few days.
  21. MyKdsDad

    Emotions all over the charts

    :gluck: :rockon: :wow2: :thumb: :cheer2: MCG, all we have to fear, is fear itself! or something like that...lol
  22. MyKdsDad

    3-week liquid postop course?

    Kelli, we were told that sucking on the straw uses all those muscles that you really don't want to use until everything is healed up. As for the baby foods.....do you have kids, Kelli? Some of those baby foods are PRETTY GOOD...
  23. MyKdsDad

    Banded Bikers?

    Shoot, we were lucky to get in the gate! We decided not to fight the crowd down toward the stage. We listened for a while and then headed on back to the hotel. The funniest part of the whole weekend were the "Crown Royal Twins". Two guys, buck nekkid, except for those little purple sacks that Crown Royal comes in?? And you can guess where they had applied the sacks...LMAO I mean, I'm pale, but those boys needed a LOT of sun...ROTFLMAO
  24. So you think the digital format is the best way to go? My Minolta actually has a setting for shooting panoramas (lol...I don't know how to spell it at the moment...brain fart. Those big wide pictures....LOL) And I bought a Coken system to install for those intimate pictures, like weddings and children.
  25. I know it is of little comfort when you are ready to get on with it, but it has taken a lifetime to get to this point. A few more days, give or take, isn't so bad.

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