This is exactly my problem. I was doing so great in January, then I got a fill in January, after that fill I was Pbing alot, so in Feburary when it came around time for me to get a fill, the doctor told me to hold off and come back in 2 months. Now I know I need a fill because I can eat way more than a cup of food in a sitting. I wonder if some of my saline came out, it is possible. I have been stuck give or take a few pounds for 2 months now. I will lose a few pounds, them regain the same pounds I just lost. I need to get back on that steady road down with the pounds. I am calling my MD today and making them get me in earlier. I just ate a large banana and a cup of yogurt and I could eat more but I will not because I don't want to see the scale go up. Thanks for posting your stroy, it has helped me to realize now is not the time to give up. I was sitting here thinking to myself. Well 53 pounds is all I may lose.