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Posts posted by GreenChrysalis

  1. Lap ~ You brought tears to my eyes posting the vid for "High Hopes," it reminds me of my grandfather who died a few years back. We were not close at all, but him teaching me that song is one of my good memories of him from childhood. Thank you. :D

    Munchkin ~ Oh my goodness, that's just atrocious. It's enough to be dealing with mental health/substance abuse issues (very common in my family unfortunately). But to have the law violated so flagrantly like that and you not be contacted about him? Just a thousand kinds of wrong. I hope that nurse seriously gets called onto the carpet. I also hope you're taking care of yourself.

    Shelbi ~ Thank you for talking about PBs! It must be difficult to have heard that from your son. It really does make me feel better knowing that others also struggle with this issue. I keep thinking that I'm going to magically "get it" and never PB again or make a mistake....I have to keep reminding myself that I am working on undoing a lifetime of bad eating habits.

    Here's a song for everyone...it stuck in my head the other day. I really think of it as a metaphor for life, especially this verse. This John Denver Muppet Show performance makes me sniffle. I love this kind of music.

    Pulling weeds and pickin' stones

    Man is made from dreams and bones

    Feel the need to grow my own

    'Cause the time is close at hand

    Grain for grain, sun and rain

    Find my way in nature's chain

    To my body and my brain

    To the music from the land

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3FkaN0HQgs]YouTube - The Garden Song[/ame]

  2. bahotmomma, thanks for the reassurance! :mellow: I have gotten better over the past six months so I hope I will continue to improve.

    Lap, I should clarify -- I know there's a lot about PBs on LBT as a whole, but I meant that I had never really seen any Dr. K bandsters discussing it. You know, people I "know." :wink2: Thank you for sharing your experience too. I'm definitely making mental notes.

    And I am so sorry about your back! It sounds like you have a good doc, though. I hope all goes well and the PT helps.

  3. OK, I'd like to talk about something I don't see mentioned here often...PBs. Ideally, we would never have them, of course, and maybe we don't often discuss them because it's shameful. It means you screwed up in some way. But surely I am not the only one in the world to have them on occasion. Right? Right?!? :confused2:

    I'm not talking every day or every week, or even every month. But sometimes, they happen. :)

    I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer eat certain raw veggies like carrots. I never had a problem with them before, but since my last fill I have had two PBs after eating raw veggies and a couple of close calls. Although I am very careful, they are still getting stuck. This annoys me to no end, because I love to dip them in hummus and things like that. In fact, that's what I was doing for lunch today. Baby carrots, celery sticks (I know that's a potential problem food but I have never had a problem) and strips of bell pepper.

    Then the pain hit. And one trip to the bathroom was not enough. Let me tell you, although it's not vomiting, spicy hummus is still not nice coming back out. :)

    I'm guessing my most recent fill got me tight enough to make eating things like that problematic now. Oh well. I'm not saying it's not annoying, but it still a small price to pay.

    Just keepin' it real, people...

  4. Good morning all! I'm in a hurry so this will be short...but I wanted to post my weight for the Labor Day Challenge. Down another pound this morning, so I'm at 243. I wish it were a bit more, but a loss is a loss and I will take it. I have increased my exercise again to 1 hour most days of the week (I remember when I started at 20 minutes...:lol:) so I hope that helps. I wanted to have 60 pounds off in 6 months, but my 6-month bandiversary is Thursday. So that may not be happening, but I am still very happy with my band! :thumbup:

  5. Hi everyone! I have my consultation with Dr. K on the 12th. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their overall experience with me? Thanks! :)

    Hi and welcome! I do check this thread occasionally, but most Dr. K bandsters are still reading and posting over at the big original thread here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f11/considering-dr-kirshenbaum-26213/. You would be better served by asking specific questions, honestly. If you would like to PM me, please feel free. You can also read my blog -- I detailed everything there too. Good luck. :ohmy:

  6. OH YUCK!!! Does he get out early or something? That seems soooo early.

    Last day the students are there is May 26. He has to stay until June 12. I don't know if you consider that early. :thumbup:

    I assume this is due to having had a fill yesterday, and indicates that I have restriction.

    I am sipping a Protein Shake and, since it is very cold, I can feel it going down. It is sort of sitting above my band at the moment. How strange! Not sure what it will feel like when I try to eat something solid for lunch.< /p>

    Yep, that's restriction for you! Just sip very slowly. I can usually feel my liquids move through the band. It's that way with some foods too. Just chew chew chew, eat slowly, pay attention to what your body is telling you and you should be just fine. :wink_smile:

  7. Hi Anita. Have you tried attaching them directly to your post as thumbnails? That works for me without having to resize them at all.

    Wow, I can't believe you're starting back to work NEXT WEEK!!! I don't have to start back until the 27th. That's great that you will be closer to your house. Makes a world of difference.

    My husband is a teacher and he had to go back for "pre-planning" (stupid name) last Tuesday. Monday was the first day of school. It seems like it starts earlier and earlier every year...

  8. Hi Everybody,

    Glad to have found your new Dr. K posting site! You're right, the other one is getting pretty long and sometimes hard to navigate through. When is the next Red Robin get together? Would love to meet you all.

    Hey DenverGirl. I don't think that everyone checks this thread; I think most are still posting at the old one. Old habits die hard! So you may want to ask about the next RR gathering there.

    Mdargen, Mini has the right idea -- take the Super Shuttle ( Welcome to SuperShuttle.com) to the airport. It isn't very expensive. That way you don't have to worry about it and you can take your pain meds. :wink_smile:

  9. Hi mdargen, I just wanted to echo what skinnyme52 said. You must have someone stay with you overnight after the surgery. There's even a place for name and number of the person on your admittance papers at the surgery center. You will probably not be able to drive for a few days because of the pain meds, and if you don't take them so you can drive, you may regret it. As she says you might be one of those people who feel fantastic afterwards, but I felt pretty bad for at least four days after surgery.

  10. Hi there Adoptionislove1 and welcome! I know it's scary to contemplate a life-changing surgery, but we all had these questions at one point and I know we are all glad to help you figure out if this is right for you. But do keep in mind that everyone is different, so you're probably going to get varied answers. Here are mine.

    I had my consult in early January and my surgery was February 14. I could've had it earlier, but I needed to bank a few days off because I was at a fairly new job. I had no complications and I did not have an overnight stay. I believe I arrived at the hospital around 12:30 and left by 4. The actual surgery itself was only about 35-40 minutes long. With Dr. Kirshenbaum, you only have an overnight stay if you have some health issues that warrant it (or of course some unforseen complication).

    No regrets -- I am doing very well. My starting weight was 302 and I am 5'10". I am currently at 244 with a goal weight of 175.

    I was back to work 4 days after surgery, but I wish I'd taken a little longer. I was really run-down and tired the first few days back and I have a desk job. If I had a job where I was on my feet all day, I would definitely take longer than week. I guess the most lasting effect was the soreness around the port. It takes longer to heal since the port is stitched to muscle. It took about six to eight weeks for it not to pull when I turned a certain way. Situps were out of the question. I'm not talking horrible pain, just a twinge.

    The scarring is no big deal. I had five incisions. Four of them are almost invisible but the biggest one, about two inches long, is still there. I have put Mederma on them daily for a month or so after surgery and I think it helped to make them flatter and less noticable. But it's not really that bothersome to me. I already had stretch marks and scars from other things.

    Let us know if you have any other questions -- we have all been there and we can help! :cry_smile:

  11. Denise, your photos are so cute! You need some jeans that fit, girl. I loved your jean-burning story. I'm a hypocrite though, I'm wearing jeans that are two sizes too big today, held up with hubby's belt. I know, it's sad. They were my favorite jeans...and MC Heather -- I mean Munchkin of course -- I have been right there with you. :tt2:

    Dee, you are positively glowing. Not only do you look healthier, you look happier! Your man loves you for you. So just banish those negative thoughts!

    Mal, I am thinking about your son's friend. Such a difficult time for everyone. I will say special prayers for them.

    DenverGirl, you will be there before you know it. The countdown to the consult and then to the surgery seems like forever...but trust me, it'll suddenly be there. He and Paula will tell you all about the pre-op diet. The length depends on your BMI. Mine was 10 days.

    Patty, welcome to Twoterville! :lol:

    Mini, I am jealous of your trip. Sounds awesome. I love to travel; unfortunately I don't get to very often due to the $$$.

    Deboregon, I am sorry about Tucker's infection and the big money bleed lately. That's how it usually seems to happen, all at once. Hope things are looking up again soon!

    Brandysmom, I must admit I miss drinking beer in the summer. Since being banded I've had a couple of glasses of wine and a mojito.

    Woofay, you are doing so well! I was at a 28...and wow, I would love to be in a 14 again. I was just thinking about you.

    AdorKable, is it too late for the Labor Day Challenge? If not, I'm going to say 10 pounds down. That will put me weighing less than my Beau (which is a big goal of mine). Thanks for doing this! As for the exercise goals, I aim for one hour daily. I weighed in at 244 yesterday morning.

    Lotza, I know it's tough but you have to think about how you are healing now...weight loss should not be #1 in your mind just yet. It's definitely frustrating, but just remember that your band really isn't going to "work" until it's filled.

    Jillypoo, I had huge issues with texture also. Honestly my favorite Protein shakes ended up being EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control and Atkins. I tried various ones from GNC, got samples from Vitalady.com and most of them, I just couldn't stand the texture and/or flavor.

    Bella, you are still healing, don't be so hard on yourself. But I would suggest weighing/measuring your portions and tracking your food somewhere like SparkPeople.com (my personal favorite). :thumbup:

    Thanks Purple Lady aka Natalie for the video! So great to see everyone...wish I had been there. :frown:

    Bookholder, I have found that counseling is very helpful in learning new ways to deal with emotions/stress, other than eating. I realized that I never really learned good ways to cope, from an early age I was shown/taught that food is comfort.

    My goal weight is 175, which would put me at a BMI of 25.1. Since fill #4, I am 6 pounds closer. I am struggling with eating only when I am hungry and sticking to the smaller portions. Just because I can eat it (as in, I can fit it in without feeling bloated and not slime, PB, etc) doesn't mean I should eat it. Very difficult. I have slid back into some of my old ways but I have called myself on it. Yesterday I had a Protein shake for Breakfast as I was in a hurry, on my way to a work function. When I got there, they provided Water, juice, mini-muffins and fruit. I went up to the table intending to just grab a bottle of Water, and yet ended up with a lemon poppyseed mini-muffin and a couple of grapes. I was not hungry. Yet there I was. Not hugely damaging calorie-wise or anything, but I ate when I was not hungry.

    Has anyone else tried Protein water? I hadn't until this week. The Special K pink lemonade mix is pretty tasty. On the one hand, protein water seems like a silly idea. But on the other, if drinking water with 30 calories, 5g of Fiber and 5g of protein keeps me from overindulging in unhealthy Snacks...it's worth a shot.

    OK, I am caught up with reading and comments! Bring it on. :thumbup:

  12. I just called Dr. William Johnson at Johns Creek and they said they WILL NOT take on any patients who was banded in Mexico. I am so disappointed. Anyone know of another doctor around Atlanta who will take on people banded in MEXICO. I WOULD REALLY PREFER A DOCTOR AT THIS POINT.

    I am so sorry; I wish I could edit my original post to include that info (it won't let me) but at least yours here will let people know. I would suggest that you go to lapband.com, get a list of local surgeons and just keep calling. Maybe your surgeon in Mexico has recommendations? I am fairly sure (but not 100%) that Dr. Ponce in Dalton will take on patients banded in Mexico; I had heard of him working with patients of Dr. Ariel Ortiz. I wish you the best of luck. If you do find someone, please post his or her info here for others in your situation!

  13. DenverGirl ~ I can think of one negative: gas. I get bad gas after eating certain foods. I have learned that hot dogs -- even high quality ones, eaten in small bites, chewed thoroughly -- give me painful bloating. Not a big deal; I never ate them that often anyway. Beef gives me gas that is just ewww, so I eat it once a week or less. But that's really it. Sometimes I get annoyed that I have leftovers so much; I'll hiccup (my soft stop) and think, "Dammit, I am really enjoying this". But that's just the head hunger and it isn't hard to tell myself that I can eat it again at another time.

    As for your other question...only my husband & a few close friends know about my band. I did not choose to tell family. It's a long story as to why -- there is a lot of dysfunction wrapped up in my relationship with them, food & weight -- but there it is. None of them have so much as commented on my weight loss. I asked my husband the other day if he thought they might say something when I am down 100 pounds...

    Deboregon ~ Not sure what's up with your pharmacist; they definitely still make liquid Tylenol for adults. I just bought some the other day! It's called Rapid Blast and I always see it with the other Tylenol. It's not everywhere but I have gotten it at CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, grocery stores, etc.

    Dee ~ Happy birthday! You are fabulous -- age is just a number!

    Mal ~ I will be thinking of your son's friend. Oh my goodness, how awful. It's amazing how things can change in an instant.

    Lotza ~ Be patient with yourself. You have gone through a lot and there is a mental and emotional adjustment to banded life just as there is a physical one. I hope your husband is being understanding.

    Well ladies, I continue to be on the success train...despite an especially wicked TOM (I blame the hormone fluctuation due to weight loss + new birth control pill), I was down 3 pounds this morning (since last Tues). So I am feeling fine. I just need to lose 3.2 pounds more to be at my next goal. 10 more pounds to weigh the same as hubby. I was hoping to meet that one before the beginning of August but did not of course factor in plateauing for so much of July. Oh well!

  14. Hi peeps! I've been busy and haven't been around...but I wanted to update and this seems like the place to do it.

    My 5-month bandiversary was July 14. I have lost 54 pounds. However...

    I got my 4th fill on July 18 after a three-week plateau. I now have 4.6 cc in my 10 cc band. Everything's going well. My fill doc is fantastic -- I see that 4jin sees him also. Dr. Johnson is great. I really like him.

    I am sorry, Gibson, that your doc is so frustrating. I know I am lucky. When I saw him and said, "I haven't lost anything in 3 weeks, he said 'obviously, you need a fill!'" Sometimes I wish he would put in more (he won't do more than 0.5 cc at a time) but I would rather not experience an overfill, so I guess that's OK. He doesn't talk down to me and seems to believe that I know my own body and my own level of restriction. It's sad that not all doctors are like that.

    I'm exercising 5-6 days a week for anywhere from 30-60 mins (and look forward to it, which astonishes me). I have had a few stuck episodes -- one embarrassing one in a restaurant that ended with me PBing into a napkin and onto my shirt, ugh -- but I haven't had one in several months.

    I haven't had a chance to read through this thread and I'm far behind on this forum in general, but I hope everyone is hanging in there!

  15. Hi DenverGirl and welcome! I think we are all different but I would give at least a week off for a desk job. I was banded on a Thursday and went back on Tuesday but wished I'd taken longer because I was really dragging those first few days back.

    There's no need for an overnight hospital stay unless you have some condition that requires it. I wasn't worried about it at all; I have had other outpatient surgeries. I also stayed in a hotel literally 2 minutes from the surgery center so I had no worries. :w00t:

    Uptownmami278 ~Welcome! Um, yes, there are lots of pointers. Where to start? :w00t: Probably easier if you ask questions. I came from out of state also like many others here. A few things: I would suggest finding a hotel close to where you're having surgery (in either Parker or Aurora) & planning to stay at least a couple of days after surgery.

    Lapdancer ~ congratulations! I loved the story of how your granddaughter ended up a grandson. I think that's part of why I'm going to let it be a surprise when I get pregnant. :thumbup:

    munchkin ~ I love your tattoo. I think the Japanese watercolor mountains might be too busy...I think it would be pretty if you had lines of "wind" blowing petals off the tree. And some bigger blossoms in different shades for perspective.

    Bella ~ I am so sorry that you had to attend two funerals. So sad. I will be thinking of you.

    Me? I'm still doing well. Resisting the urge to keep getting on the scale and seeing if I've lost more. With each fill I've gotten a boost to my enthusiasm and determination. I'm part of a "Biggest Loser" challenge on SparkPeople and I have to weigh in each week. I am trying to let that be my only weigh in. But it's hard. OK, so, maybe I'll check it mid-week but I won't officially record that one anywhere. Yeesh. :lol:

  16. Ack! No one mentioned that he likes people to stay close after! I suppose this does change things a bit... guess I'll have to deliberate some more on whether to drive instead of fly.

    I thought from your post you may not know that. He told me when I had my pre-op appt and I was discussing going back to him for fills vs. finding someone local. So I had to factor in the expense of renting the car & getting a hotel room in addition to the flight. :biggrin:

  17. I'm set to get my first fill Aug 19th, and I was wondering if you Colorado Ladies could give me some info. I was curious as to whether there is a shuttle or bus that goes somewhere near Dr.K's office from the airport? I really can't afford to rent a car, it is more expensive because I am not 25. I am planning on getting a flight that would get me there sometime around 12 so that I would have time for shuttles and such if I can get them.

    Hi Lotza! I can't help with shuttles and such, but I was wondering...how long are you planning to stay in CO after your fill? Will that impact whether or not you rent a car? Dr. K likes you to stay at least a day or two afterwards, just in case you know right away whether you need it adjusted a bit more.

  18. We have a provider located in Moultrie and Roswell, GA. She does require fluoroscopy with all adjustments, but has a patient satisfaction feedback rating of 96.23%. If you would like information on scheduling or pricing, please contact our Patient Relations Department at 866-345-5872 ext. 14. Good luck with your search.

    The Fill Centers USA Team

    I already have a fill doctor as I mentioned above, thank you. I created this thread for people to post about their experiences in contacting and visiting doctors who will perform fills in Georgia.

    Is the Georgia Fill Centers USA provider a doctor?

  19. The responses just show that we are all different; I don't think 1/4 cup is a hard and fast rule that works for everyone.

    I have good restriction and generally eat 1/2 to 1 cup of food at a time. It depends on the composition of the food and the time of day. I eat the least at Breakfast. I have a soft stop -- hiccuping -- and that's when I'm full. If I eat too quickly, the hiccup doesn't happen, I get pain and then possibly sliming or PBing. So I learned to enjoy my food, take small bites & chew thoroughly. I don't measure everything anymore, but I did at the beginning.

  20. Deb ~ I am jealous....a Shakespeare Festival is right up my alley. Have a great time!

    Dee ~ my soft stop is a hiccup. It took me awhile to recognize it. Now I'll thinking, "I'm probably full..." and almost immediately, I hiccup. It's kind of funny. I'm glad it's not the nose running!

    GBear ~ I think I used my spirometer about 3 days after surgery. It is tough to keep up with this thread; they're chatty cathies. You are doing so well -- I wish I had a juicer. Very cool.

    As for the port incision, it should be above your navel and probably slightly to the left. It's my biggest scar; the other ones are much smaller. My port isn't directly under the incision, but to the left of it. I can easily feel it through my skin but it's not visible (yet). It always throws my fill doc a bit because apparently when he places it, it's always on the right. :thumbup:

    mdargen ~ As far as I know, it's all liquids/chewables/dissolvable meds, all the way (Dr. K gives you liquid pain meds, antibiotics and a dissolvable anti-nausea pill). I even started a chewable birth control pill (Femcon Fe). I take liquid Tylenol for aches and pains. Tylenol used to make chewables for adults, but they quit (not sure why). I wish they would come back because it's so convenient. I have a stash I ordered online but they'll expire next month.

    minidriver ~ I know it's exciting to see the numbers go down when you're on liquids, but this stage is about recovery...letting your band heal. Not losing weight. Try to keep that in mind, OK? You're still adjusting. :smile:

  21. Dee ~ I can't believe that ticket agent! :smile: I hope karma bites her in the butt. I'm glad you enjoyed your concert and were able to climb those steps without a problem. I only know a couple of Rascal Flatts songs but I like them. :biggrin:

    Lotza ~ I hope that the infection clears up soon. Definitely finish up your antibiotics from Dr. K. And shame on that rude doctor. :w00t: None of her damn business! When I told my GYN that I got banded and that it was in Colorado, she said something similar, but not quite as rude. More like, "Why would you do that?" I said, well, since my DH's employer excludes WLS, I had to pay for it myself and this doctor was the best combination of experience and affordability I could find. That shut her up.

    Bella ~ I am so sorry that you had to make that trip to ER -- I hope it isn't too expensive and that you're feeling all better now. Better safe than sorry, I suppose.

    Marcy ~ Nice to hear from you. I was a vegetarian for many years. I eat meat again now and I struggle with it, because I love animals and hate that so many suffer in being raised and slaughtered for food. I am glad that your chickens were killed humanely. :scared2:

    See people, I am trying to post more and keep up! I hate feeling like I'm missing out.

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