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Everything posted by GreenChrysalis

  1. GreenChrysalis

    Fill Doctors in Georgia

    Bumping since I have gotten some questions about fill docs from fellow Georgians. I would love it if others could add to this list.
  2. Deb ~ I am jealous....a Shakespeare Festival is right up my alley. Have a great time! Dee ~ my soft stop is a hiccup. It took me awhile to recognize it. Now I'll thinking, "I'm probably full..." and almost immediately, I hiccup. It's kind of funny. I'm glad it's not the nose running! GBear ~ I think I used my spirometer about 3 days after surgery. It is tough to keep up with this thread; they're chatty cathies. You are doing so well -- I wish I had a juicer. Very cool. As for the port incision, it should be above your navel and probably slightly to the left. It's my biggest scar; the other ones are much smaller. My port isn't directly under the incision, but to the left of it. I can easily feel it through my skin but it's not visible (yet). It always throws my fill doc a bit because apparently when he places it, it's always on the right. :thumbup: mdargen ~ As far as I know, it's all liquids/chewables/dissolvable meds, all the way (Dr. K gives you liquid pain meds, antibiotics and a dissolvable anti-nausea pill). I even started a chewable birth control pill (Femcon Fe). I take liquid Tylenol for aches and pains. Tylenol used to make chewables for adults, but they quit (not sure why). I wish they would come back because it's so convenient. I have a stash I ordered online but they'll expire next month. minidriver ~ I know it's exciting to see the numbers go down when you're on liquids, but this stage is about recovery...letting your band heal. Not losing weight. Try to keep that in mind, OK? You're still adjusting. :smile:
  3. Dee ~ I can't believe that ticket agent! :smile: I hope karma bites her in the butt. I'm glad you enjoyed your concert and were able to climb those steps without a problem. I only know a couple of Rascal Flatts songs but I like them. :biggrin: Lotza ~ I hope that the infection clears up soon. Definitely finish up your antibiotics from Dr. K. And shame on that rude doctor. :w00t: None of her damn business! When I told my GYN that I got banded and that it was in Colorado, she said something similar, but not quite as rude. More like, "Why would you do that?" I said, well, since my DH's employer excludes WLS, I had to pay for it myself and this doctor was the best combination of experience and affordability I could find. That shut her up. Bella ~ I am so sorry that you had to make that trip to ER -- I hope it isn't too expensive and that you're feeling all better now. Better safe than sorry, I suppose. Marcy ~ Nice to hear from you. I was a vegetarian for many years. I eat meat again now and I struggle with it, because I love animals and hate that so many suffer in being raised and slaughtered for food. I am glad that your chickens were killed humanely. :scared2: See people, I am trying to post more and keep up! I hate feeling like I'm missing out.
  4. Yuck, sorry to hear that. I hope everything is OK; let us know what your PCP says.
  5. GreenChrysalis

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Hi there jmckinstry. There used to be lists of questions to ask on the site, but I can't find them now since the reorganization. I don't recall where I got them, but here are some potential questions to ask: How many years have you been a bariatric surgeon? Are you a board-certified bariatric surgeon? Are you a member of ASBS (American Society of Bariatric Surgery)? How many and what type of weight loss surgeries do you perform each year? (Shows overall skill level) What are the risks of this procedure? How many of my type of surgery have you performed? (An experienced surgeon should have done at least 250 of your procedure) Will you perform the procedure, or an assistant? Will you be in the operation room during the entire procedure? Where will the surgery be performed? Is the hospital or clinic a Center of Excellence? How many people on the entire medical team? Is everyone of the medical team licensed? What pre-op testing will be done? What post-op testing will be done? What changes will I be expected to make with regards to diet and exercise? Do you have someone I can call if I have a question during non-office hours? What is expected weight loss? Ask for specific statistics regarding complications and outcomes with your particular type of surgery. They should be willing to provide the information and not try to hide any negative results. Regarding lap band surgery, what is rate of infections? (should be less than 1%) Regarding lap band surgery, what are your slip statistics? (should be less than 3%) Regarding lap band surgery, what are your erosion statistics? (should be less than 1.3%) Do you have patients who are willing to share their experiences with me? I did not ask all of these because some of the info I got already about him, but it's a place to start. Dr. K answered all of them candidly. I can try to answer the ones that you mentioned: 1. As far as I know, Dr. K is placing two different band sizes right now: the APS and APL bands. The APS holds 10 cc and the APL holds 14 cc. He determines which one to use at the time of surgery and it just depends on the size of your stomach & the amount of fat around it. One is not "better" than the other and it doesn't have anything to do with your weight necessarily. I have the APS but I have heard of people with lower starting weights than mine that got the APL. 2. Dr. K does not put in any saline during the surgery. Your first fill is usually one month out. 3. You can reach him anytime. I have heard of Dr. K returning calls in the middle of the night. There are a lot of doctors who do the band in metro Atlanta, and if you had an emergency and need to go to the ER they should know what to do. And of course they would call Dr. K's office. I live in the metro Atlanta area also and I secured a local doctor for my aftercare. I strongly advise you to do this before surgery if you don't intend to return to Dr. K; PM me about it if you like. I also got a Huber needle from Dr.K that I take with me when I travel. That way I can get an emergency unfill anywhere that has fluoro, by just about anybody. Hope that helps!
  6. Lotza ~ I am so sorry your flight home was crummy. I felt pretty bad on mine too; my DH had to stick the anti-nausea lozenge under my tongue at one point. I think part of it was that I'd gone too long with my pain meds too. GBear ~ Like I said elsewhere, please feel free to ask me anything. And of course there are far more experienced peeps here who can answer just about anything! While anesthesia and vicodin can make you constipated, I found that effect to be slightly delayed. I had loose stools at first (which makes sense if all you're taking in is water). Then in week two, I was constipated and it was not pleasant. However, some milk of magnesia soon made me better & now I take Benefiber. :eek: Amieru ~ I am sorry about the bummer bellydancing class -- I do bellydancing DVDs at home and would love to do a class sometime, so I hope that you post about your new class! Congrats on the NSVs -- doesn't it feel great to be able to fit into seats you know you wouldn't have before? I love the idea of Branson & want to go someday...if my DH can put up with it. :crying: Minidriver ~ If you get that new furry friend I sure hope that you put up a photo. Dee ~ You truly have a heart of gold, bless you for helping Bella and looking after her daughter. I can't imagine a fill of 0.05 doing a thing, but we are all different, right? Anyone heard from DynamoMini? It seems like she hasn't been around lately; must be that man in her life. I sure hope she's doing well! This morning I was down 1.5 pounds since the last time I weighed myself Thursday morning, so I'm pretty damn pleased with fill #4. I have that distinctive feeling of the liquids slowing going through when I'm drinking, and I'm eating much less. Now to sustain the momentum! I did a new video, a cardio yoga one, yesterday morning and amazed myself because I was able to keep up with the pace. DH cheered me on and I cracked him up by swearing at the instructor (which is typical for me). :frown:
  7. ShelbieCallie -- thanks! Yay, it's always nice to know someone is reading my blog. I would love for anyone here to read it anytime. AdorKable and Dee have awesome blogs too. AdorKable, I am so sorry you need your gall bladder out but at least you have the source of the pain and you have found a great doc it sounds like. And dahhling, you look mahhvelous! I need to read back & catch up on everything as usual. I am so happy and excited for GBear. We have all been there and remember the feelings of the first few weeks...for me, not all good, but I made it and so will you. That goes for all of you newbies on the Losers' Bench! Welcome! Today I had fill #4. It is so silly, I feel the need to justify needing a fill to the doc although I know that I have been on the right track lately. I said, "I haven't lost anything in 3 weeks" and his immediate response was, "You need a fill!" It was routine as usual. I am so lucky to have found him; we were talking about docs taking patients banded elsewhere and he said that he had no issue with it as people move and such. But he did say he would not want to see anyone banded out of the country due to liability. I can see that. Good thing I went with Dr. K! I told him how much some other docs in the area wanted for a fill and he was surprised. I kid you not, one person's office manager said $2800 for one fill. He did suggest I see their dietician for a check-up and I am considering that. Couldn't hurt. I just need to see how much it costs as my dumb insurance won't pay a dime for it. I can already feel the restriction...just 0.3 cc is enough. I'm at almost 5 cc in my 10 cc band. OK, on to playing catch up with you crazy cats!
  8. Hi JillyPoo! You can do it! You've gotten the right advice here already -- no potatoes, no rice, no pasta, no sugar. As for popcorn, I'm going to say probably not. And you may as well get used to not using it as your go-to snack anyway. It's one of those "potentially problematic" foods, and it's certainly not low-carb. I know some surgeons ban it entirely but I believe it was just on Paula's post-surgery "try with caution" list. I haven't tried it. I have tried most nuts and seeds with no problems, though. I imagine popcorn getting stuck easier for whatever reason. I loved my Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper too...and I haven't had them in nearly six months. I quit before my pre-op diet. No gum or drinking from straws, either. I don't need any of it. And you know what? I do occasionally miss that feeling of carbonated beverages on my tongue, but I'm really doing just fine with my water, Crystal Light, tea and the occasional diluted juice. You can do it. It's worth it. I promise!
  9. GreenChrysalis

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    Hey Christine, I know we have chatted a bit via PM, but if you haven't found my "Fill Docs in Georgia" thread I can hunt it up for you (hopefully :biggrin:). It's just the research that I did before settling on Dr. Johnson (which so far as turned out to be a good choice -- he's kind, doesn't talk down to me and is easy on the eyes too :thumbup:). I too would've loved to return to Denver but wow, I just couldn't afford to.
  10. I can't speak for everyone, but I love mine. I use it at least 3 times a week. Sometimes I use it for an hour or more, doing a bit of everything and at lelast 30 mins of cardio. Other times, I just do yoga or strength training for 10-15 mins. It's not all I do, but it is a fun addition to my exercise routine.
  11. Hi you! I am very glad that you're here. I must've missed you posting before, I'm sorry. This thread is so very popular that it's hard for me to keep up sometimes (and still get any work done). I am so excited for you. Yes, it is very typical to be nervous. Hey, this is a huge life-changing event! But I know that it is worth it and you will be just fine. You can make it through that low-carb diet because you'll have your eyes on the prize! :biggrin:
  12. Go you, Mini! I am so happy for you. I well remember that feeling -- I just had zero interest in eating at all. That lasted for about two weeks and I thought, oh wow, is this what it'll be like? Eating just because I know I need to and realizing that I feel weak if I don't? Having to fight to get in enough nutrition was a pretty daunting idea. But it did not last...week three hit and I was starving! It's quite the head trip. :tt1: Dear friends, I have an embarrassing confession. I may never eat beef again. Every time I eat it...I get...ready for it...noxious gas. It's the only cause I can think of. I had beef twice this weekend and last night hubby was threatening to sleep on the sofa. I usually eat it once a week, not all that often, and it does not usually do this to me. But since being banded...it does. I do like a good hamburger or steak now and then. But I guess that may be out of the question. Unless we equip ourselves with gas masks...
  13. Hiya Brandy! You have done so wonderfully so far, I am proud of you! I am wondering if the next 50 pounds will just be a bigger struggle. Who knows? I have heard that the last 25 or so is usually difficult but I expected to keep on keepin' on pretty well for awhile. It's so easy for me to get caught up in playing head games with myself -- I'm stubborn, I shouldn't need another fill, I should be perfect with my eating & exercising and that should be enough. And yet, the fact that I can get a fill if I'm eating too much & not losing weight is part of the whole reason for being banded. How dumb is that? I am very closely watching my carbs lately. Get this, I made a ham & cheese rollup (1 slice lean ham, 1 slice low-fat swiss, mustard & lettuce) for lunch and grabbed a few whole wheat crackers to take too. Somehow the crackers did not make it into my bag. I think my subconcious was on to me! I am lucky that my fills are $150. I see that AdorKable's are over $200. Ouch. Some of the local docs wanted to charge absolutely outrageous amounts for fills, I couldn't believe it. I actually laughed at one of the office managers who told me something like $1500. I said, "Oh, is that for the first year, first x number of fills?" and she said, "No, that's for one fill." Yeah riiiight! Too bad I can't just pop in to Dr. K's for a fill -- I wish I could see you all at the BBQ -- but I just can't swing the plane ticket. Congrats on everyone's successes -- it inspires me to keep going because I know I can do it. We can all do it together! And I adore this thread, although it's just not possible for me to keep up with it & I feel like I'm missing so much fun stuff.
  14. So, I have only lost half a pound in the past three weeks. I'm really struggling to get back on the bandwagon. I've upped the exercise, the water, tracking my food, etc. Getting a little frustrating. My hubby & I are going on vacation at the end of the week. It'll be a struggle to eat healthy then but I am going to do it. I am going to use the hotel gym and there will be lots of walking. When we get back, I'm going in to see my fill doc (on the 18th). I don't know if I'll get another fill or not. We shall see. It'll be two months since my last one and looking back, my weight loss has definitely slowed down considerably. But I'm all in my head and trying to figure out if it's me or the band. Probably not all one or the other. But I'm being 100% honest with myself. My brain keeps saying "he said I should not need another fill for 3 months" but then it also says "he also said I could come back anytime." Maybe I need a fill, maybe I don't, but we are all different, right? I'm all mixed up in my head about this. I like the "diet" list. Here's mine: Weight Watchers (multiple times) Metabolife Dexatrim Cabbage Soup Diet Cleveland Clinic Hot Dog Diet South Beach Slim Fast Jorge Cruise's 3-Hour Diet Deal-a-Meal Protein Power Atkins Juice Fast Grapefruit Diet Blood Type Diet The Zone Exhibiting bulimic behavior (Not a diet, obviously, but I was doing it to lose weight. Not very good at it though, thankfully.) I hope everyone is hanging in there...welcome to all the newbies!
  15. I realize I've technically been here since 2005, but I was just banded on 2/14/08 (long story). I weighed 302 at my consultation and lost a total of 46 pounds. I have another 81 pounds to reach my goal. I am 5'10" and have been overweight my entire life. I am also an emotional eater. I was banded out of state because my husband's employer has a WLS exclusion on their health insurance. I financed the surgery and visited my surgeon for my first fill. Since then I have gotten two more fills from a doctor in John's Creek. It is almost an hour from me, but I really like him and it's affordable. I use SparkPeople to track my food and do cardio for 30-45 minutes, five times a week. In the last month I have added strength training three times a week. All my exercise is done using DVDs, cable shows, online videos, tips from magazines, books, et cetera -- I have never belonged to a gym. I live west of Metro Atlanta and work in a university library. I am also a freelance writer and editor, and I have been married for nearly 13 years. No children yet but we are looking to try after I reach my goal. My husband is in education and is starting graduate school in the fall. We are in our early 30s. I'm very shy, introverted, into reading, writing, very much a cat person, love comedies...OK, this is starting to sound like a personal ad. It would be great to find a buddy who is in my area and has some similar background, interests. I would love to learn more exercise tips and could use the help with figuring out what to eat. :thumbup:
  16. Oh Brandy, I will have my fingers crossed for you today!
  17. No, I don't feel any different just walking around during the day. I only feel different when eating and drinking. My port area still hurts sometimes with certain exercises but that's it. Doctors vary about whether they ban certain foods completely. Mine says no carbonated drinks, no popcorn, no gum, no using a straw to drink (introduces air into the stomach). He says that problem foods include soft breads, nuts and fibrous fruits or veggies as well as fibrous or dry meats. The only thing I have had problems with are the soft breads and fibrous/dry meats. Otherwise, it's about making good choices. Just because you can get it down doesn't mean you should eat it. I haven't had heartburn since being banded, even when eating foods that used to give me heartburn (like marinara). Thanksgiving? Well, I can imagine it for myself. The turkey better be moist or I'll have to moisten it with gravy. The stuffing could be a problem if it's gummy. Otherwise I'd probably eat mostly turkey & veggies, with very small portions of starches & high-fat and high-sugar items. Hope that helps! :embaressed_smile:
  18. OK people, I'm not doing so well this week. No weight loss. I'm eating badly and can't really fathom why -- why would I stop at McDonalds and get a $1 sausage biscuit for Breakfast? There's nothing healthy about it, I was doing so well, etc. I'm having a hard time motivating myself to exercise as much. I started immediately thinking...OMG I need a fill right now! But my fill doc wanted me to wait 3 months after my last fill, which would put it at mid-August. He said it was fine to come back earlier but if I'm losing weight & doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, then I should not need one. So I started thinking. Someone gave me this link (I will copy & paste some of it here): How to Tell When You Are Perfectly Adjusted You are losing 1-2 pounds per week. If you are not losing 1-2 pounds per week: A. You may need an eating adjustment 1. Are you eating 60 grams of Protein a day 2. Are you eating 25 grams of Fiber 3. Are you avoiding all liquid calories a. Soup can be sign of soft food syndrome b. Alcohol contains a lot of calories -- 7 calories per gram (1) It is also a stomach irritant c. fruit juice is just sugar Water 4. Are you making healthy food choices from a wide variety of foods? a. Are you avoiding soft foods b. You cant just eat what's easy c. cheese is glorified fat 5. Are you drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day between meals 6. Are you eating too much junk a. chips, chocolate, nuts, ice cream, Cookies and other highly processed junk foods are too calorically dense to be regular parts of a healthy diet. But dont avoid them completely to the point where you feel deprived. b. Stay out of fast food places 7. Are you getting in two servings of Calcium daily 8. Do you always eat the protein first 9. Then the vegetables or fruits a. Five servings a day b. Potatoes are NOT a vegetable 10. Is your portion size appropriate? a. meat or fish (1) 3 ounces the size of a deck of cards b. Vegetables (1) ½ cup the size of your fist c. Starch (1) If you eat the protein and the vegetables first you dont need much (2) Avoid: rice, potatoes, Pasta 11. You might try avoiding artificial sweeteners a. Some people think that artificial sweeteners stimulate the appetite b. They are HUNDREDS of times sweeter than sugar c. They teach you to like things too sweet d. There is no evidence that people who use them are any thinner than people who dont 12. Avoid most diet foods a. Real food usually tastes better b. Real food is more satisfying than low calorie substitutes c. When you are only eating a tiny bit the caloric savings is not that great (1) Use a teaspoon of real butter instead of a tablespoon of diet margarine (2) The body has no way to break down artificial fats a. They may go into permanent storage b. Some people think liposuction is the only way to remove hydrolyzed fats from the body B. You may need a behavior adjustment 1. Are you eating only when you are hungry? a. If youre not sure drink 8 ounces of water and wait. 2. Are you eating three meals a day? a. With maybe 1 or 2 small Snacks 3. Are you sitting down to eat? 4. Are you eating consciously? a. No distractions, turn off the TV, put the book or newspaper away, pay attention to your food and your companions 5. Are you eating slowly? a. Put the fork down between bites b. Take 20 to 30 minutes to finish a meal c. Taking longer might cause the pouch to begin emptying 6. Are you taking small bites? a. Tiny spoon, chopsticks, cocktail fork 7. Are you chewing well? 8. Are you drinking with your meals or too soon after your meals? a. Practice water loading between meals b. You wont be thirsty if you are well hydrated before the meal 9. Are you stopping at the first sign of fullness? a. Sometimes its a whisper: not hungry, had enough b. Hard stop versus soft stop 10. Do not eat between meals. Stop grazing. 11. Do not eat when you are not hungry C. You may need an activity adjustment 1. Are you getting in 30 minutes of physical activity at least 3 times a week? a. Over and above what you would do in the usual course of your day b. Could you make it 4 or 5 times a week? c. Could you make it 45 or 60 minutes? 2. Are you taking advantage of opportunities to increase your physical activity? a. Taking the stairs instead of the elevators or escalators b. Walking on the escalators instead of riding c. Parking your car further away from the entrance d. Getting out of the car instead of using the drive through e. Getting off the bus one stop before your destination f. Washing you car by hand instead of the car wash g. Playing with your kids D. You may need an attitude adjustment 1. Are you committed to your weight loss journey? 2. Are you totally honest with yourself about how much you are eating and exercising? a. Log your food and activity on FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal for 3 days 3. Are you using food inappropriately to deal with emotional issues? a. Have you identified what the emotions are that drive your eating? b. Can you think of more appropriate ways to deal with those emotions? c. Are you willing to seek help from a qualified counselor? 4. Are you attending and participating in support group meetings? 5. Have you drummed up some support from your family and friends? 6. Have you dealt with saboteurs realistically? 7. Do you have realistic expectations about the weight loss journey? 8. Are you still obsessing about food, weight, dieting, eating? a. Obsessive compulsive thoughts (1) Obsess about something else b. Perfectionism (1) All or none, black and white thinking c. Patience with the pace of healthy weight loss 9. Are you acknowledging your successes with non-food rewards? 10. Have you learned how to take a compliment? 11. Are you giving up diet mentality? a. Stop weighing yourself several times a day or every day b. Stop dieting c. Stop depriving yourself d. Stop defining food as good and bad e. Stop rewarding and punishing yourself with food 12. How do you feel about all the changes taking place? E. You may need a band adjustment 1. You feel like you are making healthy food choices in appropriate portion sizes but getting hungry between meals? 2. You can still eat white bread, fibrous vegetables and large portions. 3. You are having to struggle to lose 4. You are gaining weight in spite of eating right, exercising and having a good mind set. And I realized...I don't need a band adjustment. I need an eating, behavior, activity & attitude adjustment. I am eating unhealthy stuff, not tracking every day, not eating consciously. I am not exercising as much or for as long. I am obsessing, eating because others are, & weighing myself daily. So...I am going to spend the next two weeks getting back on track. I forgot for a bit that I have to work with the band, it can't do it all. If I am certain that I have everything in place & I am still not losing, then and only then do I need a fill! I am so glad that AdorKable & Brandy posted -- we were worried about you guys!
  19. GreenChrysalis

    Has anyone tried Wii Fit?

    The Wii Fit has a lot of games to help you build up your balance. For positions that require you to balance on one foot, you can start out using a chair or the wall (or another person even) to support yourself until you get stronger. I started out having to use a chair and now I'm able to balance on one foot for short periods of time. :embaressed_smile:
  20. ShelbiCallie & Bahotmomma, thank you. I do appreciate it. I know rationally that I have to let go of the past, because I can't change it. And I know that I can't expect anybody else to change. And yet. I am so blessed to have a supportive husband and you fabulous people! Bahot, I have never waterskiied, sounds like a blast! Go you!
  21. So...obviously, I got banded for me. Not for anybody else. But it is nice to get compliments on your hard work, right? My DH has pointed out some things and he sees me every day. A co-worker has said things and she sees me five days a week. Supposedly, weight loss is more noticeable to people who don't see you every day. This weekend I was at my parents' house (the third time I have seen them since being banded) and not a word. I am down 50 pounds and three sizes, surely it's obvious? I have a long way to go still, but really? Nothing? Either they don't notice or they don't want to say anything. Nothing stopped them (especially my father) from pointing out how fat I was on some occasions in the past. But I can deal, because again, it is for me and I know I am doing well and looking better. The kicker is when my father started talking about how much better he is doing with his eating (he is a type II diabetic and mostly non-compliant). Then he rubbed his gut and said, "I've even lost 5 pounds! Can you tell?" Later my DH said it was all he could do not to blurt out "She has lost 50 pounds! Can YOU tell?" He pointed out also I was wearing an empire top, but it is even obvious to me in my face, chest (hello, collarbones, I have missed you) and arms. It makes me sad, because obviously a small part of me still longs to be "good enough" and wants the approval I have never gotten. Although I know that won't happen, I know the approval has to come from me and I know that I am most assuredly "good enough," it is still there.
  22. GreenChrysalis

    Is 23 years old to young to get lapband?

    Definitely not too young. You are morbidly obese and you have tried multiple diets in the past. Why not do it now so you can be healthy for the rest of your 20s? I wish I had done it sooner myself instead of becoming increasingly overweight and increasingly miserable. Some doctors even band teenagers, depending on their weight and co-morbidities. If your doctor is not receptive to the band and open to listening to your concerns (make sure you go in armed with lots of research!), find one who is. If you don't need a referral, then can you find a surgeon who will file your insurance and go from there? That's what I'd do. Good luck!
  23. Bahotmomma -- you are one hot mama, that's for sure! Wow, what an inspiration. Or is it thinspiration? :thumbup: Are you getting a lot of this? :huh2: I just wanted to use that smilie, I want to be drool-worthy too! Dee, I say you take NSVs where you can get them! My poor girls are so droopy and saggy and I expect it'll just get worse. I've already lost some volume. But they make excellent bras these days! I would like someday to get a breast lift, but as I haven't yet had babies, and plan to, I'll be delaying that indefinitely. You know, for that magical day when thousands of dollars appear for such things. :rolleyes2: Yet another lovely person I met on here (I don't think she's posted to this thread though for whatever reason) was banded by Dr. K last week. She had some nausea issues and called the office, only to be told that Dr. K was in Boston at a conference. She was so surprised that he called her back quickly from there to reassure her! Oh yes, he is so caring. Another friend, whom I have known for 10+ years, is getting banded by Dr. K next month. I could not be more excited for her and happy that I could help someone find such a wonderful doctor. Her insurance would not cover the band for her because her BMI was a bit too low, although she has enough in her history for me to say, yes, you should definitely consider being banded. Luckily her DH is as understanding & supportive as mine so she decided to go for it anyway. Yay! I want everybody to feel as great as I do right now. :smile2: OK, I am little bitter because Starbucks was out of the fruit & cheese plate this morning (I eat half at breakfast & half at lunch) so I had to make do with a protein shake after I finished my non-fat, sugar-free hazelnut latte. But I won't let that get me down. At least I just didn't get anything to eat there instead of going for a big muffin or doughnut...
  24. Tied2BFit ~ I have had a few glasses of wine since surgery with no problems. I just sipped them slowly and all was well. Of course, after two glasses of wine at my brother's wedding I was tipsy. I guess I'm a real "lightweight" now. I miss the occasional beer but I was never a big drinker. I do like mojitos and dirty vodka martinis. :thumbup: And you were a naughty one dating a 15 yo when you were 17. W Genius! My DH was 21 and I was 16 when we started dating. My dad didn't find out about that for awhile...Woo, your little stories are taking me back to those early days of dating. :tt1: Your photo is too cute. I was 175-180 in as a senior in high school (at 5'10") and thought I was a whale. Yeesh. Brandysmom1234 (and others who mentioned strained parental relationships) ~ my MIL is an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic as well as being a complete and utter bitch who emotionally abused my husband. He is an only child. We have not spoken to her in about eight years, after we threatened to call the police because she was stalking us. Seriously. She told my husband that I was a witch who had cast a spell on him because otherwise why would he be with me and not remain under her thumb? She was also convinced that I was a drug addict and an alcoholic. Basically she forced him to choose and he chose me. That was one hell of a first year of marriage. But we got through it. I wrote her many, many letters that I never sent. I am sad that there is this rift, but if your family is crapping on you, you should not take it. Just my opinion. Wow, such a positive note. OK, I'll end on something else. I have been talking with a few soon-to-be and newbie bandsters via PM and elsewhere. And there seems to be this consensus that once you're banded & have restriction, you either a) can never eat bread again or :smile: should never eat bread again. I am kind of confused. I eat bread. I have restriction. I lose weight. Now soft white breads like Wonder Bread tend to gum up and get stuck. But otherwise, I'm fine. Did I miss something? Yes, I limit my bread intake so I can get in protein and veggies and fruits, but...bread is not taboo for me.:tongue:
  25. GreenChrysalis

    Four-month check in

    Thanks BlessedTwice & CoolCrystal! It is an amazing feeling!

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