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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GreenChrysalis

  1. When my DH and I got married, he weighed 50 pounds more than me. We are the same height. But he started gaining and so did I. For most of the time that we were married, we weighed about the same. I did at one point weigh about 25 pounds less than him (via Weight Watchers) but now, I am 60 pounds more. It was definitely embarrassing when I told him that. I think it might've been when he suggested I borrow one of his shirts and I pointed out that there's no way it would button over my gut. But he is very supportive and I will keep him updated on my mini-goals and goals.
  2. GreenChrysalis

    Lots to lose

    Hi all, you can see all of my info in my signature. Right now, I'll just be glad not to see a "3" anymore when I get on the scale.
  3. GreenChrysalis

    Feb bandsters

    Hey Nikki, I am also getting banded on Valentine's Day. "Last meal" before I start pre-op diet is on February 2. :eek:
  4. GreenChrysalis

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    I decided on self-pay after I saw the exclusion in the policy (I didn't believe what anybody told me since they had contradicted each other -- UHC's customer service did not impress me at all). Based on the research that I did, it seemed fruitless to fight when there was a specific WLS exclusion; in my mind, it would be different if they did cover it but denied my claim. I'd fight it then. But I doubt that the state will change its policy in time for me and I wanted to move ahead now. So, self-pay it was.
  5. GreenChrysalis

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    Hi to hopefulgirl from someone else on the Westside -- I work at West Georgia. If this has not been answered yet, yes it is typical to require two more more co-morbidities if your BMI is under 40.
  6. GreenChrysalis

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    I wanted to say hi to another Dr. K patient in Georgia. Do you go back for fills from him?
  7. GreenChrysalis

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    Hi Bensdad, I have the State Health Plan PPO through United Healthcare (my husband is a teacher) and there is an exclusion for any type of WLS. I spoke to UHC and after some back and forth (during which different people contradicted each other) I received a copy of our policy that states this. Not sure if you're on the exact same plan I am but that's why I am self-pay. Best, Viridescence
  8. Another item to check off the list coming up this afternoon...my nutrition phone consult with Paula Pierce. I don't expect any surprises there. It's all coming together. I don't get the paperwork for my financing until the 14th (one month before surgery) and I wish that were already in place too. I still have this nagging feeling that something could go wrong. I haven't mentioned the need for time off to work yet -- it's still more than a month out. I'll let them know then. I don't intend to give a reason, but as I'm fairly new in the job I might have to since I think I'll have to burn a sick day. I would not be specific, though; I don't want anybody to know.
  9. GreenChrysalis

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Hi Betrthnever -- another Valentine's Day Bandster! That is so exciting that your insurance co dropped the requirements. Congrats!
  10. GreenChrysalis

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Hi Glynda, My surgery is on 2/14 with Dr. Kirshenbaum in Colorado. I previously had surgery scheduled on 2/15 with Dr. Ortiz in Mexico. But I was worried the entire time about aftercare, as I could not find a local doctor (not a fill center, an actual doctor) willing to handle it since I was getting banded out of the country. I just didn't feel comfortable with that, although I do still believe that Dr. Ortiz is a quality surgeon and that there are other great ones in Mexico. Then I was reading here about self-paying for U.S. surgeons and someone mentioned Dr. Kirshenbaum. After researching him I decided that I would go with him; I am very comfortable with this decision. It is a little more expensive than it would've been in Mexico, but that's fine with me. The financing is an issue for me moreso than my husband -- luckily he is very supportive. I don't like that I'll have another bill every month and more debt, but I know that I have to take this step for me and for my health.
  11. GreenChrysalis

    Scheduled February 5, 2008

    Hi Erin, Welcome and congratulations on making 2008 the year that you take care of yourself. I am so sorry for your losses in 2007 and I hope that this year is full of great things for you!
  12. GreenChrysalis


    Yes, I am very scared. I have tried so many times and let myself down, lost weight only to regain it plus more. Said "this time, it will be different" whenever I rejoined Weight Watchers. I have beat myself up about my lack of willpower and told myself that all of this discomfort that I'm feeling with my body is all my fault -- there is nobody to blame but me. But obviously that tactic hasn't worked, since here I am at my highest weight ever. It is difficult to give myself the pep talk and tell myself that this time really will be different. It won't be easy, but I'll have a tool I never had before. I have researched this to death and I know what I have to do to make the band successful. But yes, I am definitely scared of not only disappointing myself and my husband, but wasting the money since I am self pay. I worry about dealing with all of the eating behavior changes. Still, I am tired of waiting to live...and all we can do is try and imagine how being successful will feel. I imagine it'll feel even better that getting accepted to college, or graduating from college, or getting married -- all things I didn't think I would ever do because I have such low self-esteem. I think that another tool for me, in addition to the band, will be getting some counseling. I will change my body with the band but I also have to change what's going on in my head and figure out why I developed these behaviors to begin with. I think that will help. Just wanted you to know that you weren't alone -- I can't imagine anybody not being scared, unless they're really naive. We can do this!
  13. GreenChrysalis

    The Official Surgery Date Thread

    Bandster.................... Name (Optional)................... Surgery Date ______________________________________________________ TachaBaby505..................Natacha....................................9 January 2008 crystalcml.......................Crystal.....................................28 January 2008 Sadie.............................Sarah.......................................2 February 2008 Big marathoner................Amy.........................................5 February 2008 TinaBobina......................Tina.......................................11 February 2008 LilMissBand-Aid................Irene......................................11 February 2008 Mac the Knife...................Mac......................................13 February 2008 Viridescence.....................Viri.......................................14 February 2008 travel_anna.....................Anna......................................13 February 2008 Amieru...........................Amie.......................................26 February 2008
  14. Thanks Dee! Yes, I am having my surgery in Parker. Now I'm hungry too...mmm, French Onion soup... 30 mins of exercise is great -- doesn't matter if it's in 10 min intervals. Good job!
  15. Thanks everyone for the advice about when to leave. And thanks Mona for the hotel recommendation -- I haven't made that reservation yet. It does look beautiful and that rate is less expensive than the hotels on the list that Natalie gave me.
  16. Hey Bahotmomma, Congratulations! You can make a ticker here: TickerFactory.com. Follow the steps to make your ticker, then copy the "BBcode". Go to UserCP at the top of the screen here at LBT and click on "Edit Signature" under "Control Panel." Paste in the code from Ticker Factory and you have your ticker.
  17. When to leave...? I am looking at flights to Denver & trying to figure out when I should leave after my surgery. I am probably going to fly in on a Tuesday evening. My pre-op is Wednesday and my surgery is Thursday at 1 pm. I can't decide if I should leave on Friday or Saturday. Dr. K said that I can come back and see him on Friday if I'd like, but most of his patients don't feel that it's necessary. Will I feel like flying on Friday? In addition to that, I have to think about the extra night at the hotel and the fact that I still have to find a petsitter or someone like that to take care of my kitties. Thoughts? Thanks! :help:
  18. L.A., congratulations on your weight loss! I know going without those carbs is difficult, but you just have to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think I'm going to start the pre-op diet early too, you have inspired me. I'm supposed to start it on 2/4 but I think I'll start it at the end of January. Must shrink that liver! Marcy, hurray for all of that protein but I can't help feeling sad about the moose. I used to be a vegetarian, I guess I still have that bit of bleedin' heart. Mona, I hope that you're doing better! I just had my phone consult with Dr. K about an hour ago. He was so great to talk to -- answered all of my questions, listened to my concerns -- more than other doctors that I have dealt with. It was probably obvious that I'm just about as informed as I can be about this thing, now I'm ready to DO it! I did ask him about Fill Centers USA since there is one an hour from my house. He said his patients had "spotty" experiences with them. And he will take care of complications such as if he punctured the tubing during a fill, whereas a fill center would not. The set-up and fill fees at the Fill Centers aren't really less expensive than flying back to see Dr. K, since he charges so little for fills. I am not sure yet if I'll fly back for every fill but I do think I will do it for at least the first fill. I would still like to find a local doc or a place I can go that I feel comfortable with if I do have a complication. For you other out-of-towners, what has been your experience? I see some people who have local fill docs.
  19. GreenChrysalis

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    Glynda, I am so sorry, my condolences. I recall how heartbroken I was when I learned that my insurance excluded all WLS. As soon as I learned about lapband I just thought, surely my insurance will cover it! Mine didn't, my husband's didn't, so The End of that dream. And here I am more than 2 years later finally with a surgery date and self-paying. I hope that you're able to find a way to make it happen, and faster than I did (I am financing part of the surgery). Don't give up yet! Keep us updated! Viri
  20. Hi Mal, The time off is one of the bonuses of working for a university, that's for sure. And I know, it was just ignorance on my cousin's part to say that. She didn't single me out for insults -- her parents were so humiliated by her behavior that they left early. But yes, it was definitely hurtful and rude. I know, it wasn't really my "last" Christmas -- I know I will definitely be happier and healthier next Christmas! I had to tell myself that I don't eat "normally" now so that doesn't really mean anything. 2008 is about getting physically and mentally healthy and being able to enjoy many more holidays to come. Thanks for your comment!
  21. I hope that everyone had a great Christmas (should you celebrate it, naturally!). I have barely touched a computer for over a week. I have been off since the 21st and then I go back to work on the 2nd. Christmas wasn't that great for me -- my extended family is just so difficult to be around. There was even a fat joke made and then the person who made it looked at me and said "no offense." I took plenty of offense even if the person was only 14 years old, it was still hurtful. I just don't get those people at all. That and a few other unsavory comments got me so upset I barely ate, which I guess is a good thing. But I was also sad because it's my "last" Christmas, which seems silly but there it is. I need to pull together all of my questions for my phone consult with Dr. K on the 2nd and start looking at flights and everything. I'm just so ready to start this! I will start the pre-op diet at the end of January, I think. Happy New Year to all! :clap2:
  22. Hi Bahot, welcome! I am pretty new around here too but everyone is really kind and supportive. It sounds like we are in similar situations in that I do not plan to tell anybody but my husband (my surgery is 2/14) who is also totally behind me. Best of luck and please keep us updated!
  23. LA, congrats on your mom paying for the surgery! I hope that it all works out well. I really did consider asking my parents to assist but my pride won't let me...
  24. I don't have a car payment either, luckily. I did get one with no prepayment penalty. I just got my credit reports not that long ago; no surprises there, I just need to keep working on paying down my debt. I have an OK credit score, nothing fabulous. But I will definitely look for a better deal and possibly I can move my medical loan elsewhere. It does, absolutely. Unfortunately I don't get those 0% balance transfer offers, probably because of my current debt load. That's why I've been working to lower it and haven't charged anything in a year -- until now. But I'm going to come up with a new budget and see if I can put more towards all of my debt in 2008. I'm working on the highest-interest card right now and will then roll what I was paying there into the next-highest, and so on until it's all gone. I understand. I definitely have no business getting more debt, but I know that I need this surgery, period. I hope I don't regret it.
  25. Threedogpeople, thank you for sharing your hubby's journey and I hope that he continues to recover well. Keep us posted !

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