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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by neverB4

  1. neverB4

    2nd fill experience

    I had my 2nd fill today. 1cc this time for total of 3cc in 10cc band. My PA told me based on 10cc band, average amt for the sweet spot he's seen is around 6cc. My doc goes slow with fills. I had 1st 6wks post-op, 2nd another 6wks. Now I go 9wks until 3rd fill. Anyways...this fill today was much easier on me than my 1st. Guess it helped to know what to expect this time-LOL! I drank my water afterwards, no problems. Drove home but stopped by Wally-World for my clear liqs. Got out, walked in, then all of a sudden I got really dizzy. I had to sit for a while for it to pass. Now that I'm home, drinking my clear liqs, my usual 3 good sips are making me nauseous along with that "lump" feeling in my throat. No too bad so I can tolerate still drinking, just slow. I'll be curious to see how tomorrow goes. It's only been 3hrs since the fill.
  2. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    God assured me thru my decision to do this. i will admit, Satan tries to fill my mind with all the complications that can happen. BUT, God's assurance to get me thru anything overpowers that...PTL!! You can check out the forum for pre-op nad the one on nutrition for some good liq diet ideas. There are a lot of diff ideas, so decide what will work for you. God bless on your journey and keep us informed so we can continue to pray for you. And prayers for your friend. Has she had her band corrected yet?
  3. If anyone's interested and is able to make it to Lexington Hospital in lexington SC, we're having a clothes exchange in our next grp mtg...Weds, Sept. 3rd starting at 6p.
  4. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    It's wonderful to do it again..but do you still feel like you're in the 20's? I see 16/18 on the tags, but my mind sees 22!!! Still, a WONDERFUL thing!!
  5. neverB4

    Anyone tryed situps ?

    I do them, sit-ups that is-LOL! At first, my port muscles were sore but they got over it.
  6. neverB4

    Hair Loss

    I talked to my nutritionist personally about this. She assured me it will slow down since we don't have the malabsorption problem. She also said protein "can" help, so can Biotin. It just varies for each person. What works for one, may not for another. So it's basically a thing you have to find that works for you. I just recently increased the Biotin for me but know it also takes up to 2-3months for that to help. I did start drinking 1-2 cups of V8 juice a day and that seems to be helping for me. I think I'll buy some V8 fusion today since it comes in a light as well. My mom noticed my thinning hair yesterday so I pray it slows down.
  7. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    I'm starting to fit into my saved 16's of 4yrs ago WW loss!!!!!!!!!
  8. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    KUDOS to everyone for doing so great!! I finally hit onederland this weekend! I don't officially weigh until weds but since I was so close, I've been keeping an eye out....198 this am!!!!!!!
  9. Being an RN and working for a major insurance company, I will say do be careful to know what your insurance requires first. Then meet with your surgeon to fit it all together. Reason being, he/she see so many diff people so you have so many diff insurance. The doc and his office can not keep it all straight. You'll see in some of the insurance threads, that people are successful without time delay when they learn what all their insurance requirements are so they then can get their surgeon's office rolling.
  10. neverB4

    Exersice Band Wagon

    We had very heavy rains last month and assisted to my pool's pH and alkalinity to go up, then algea big time. It's been out of commission as i try to remedy it back to help save $$ right now (DH is in school FT, not working). SO i've replaced my swimming with 30mins treadmill followed by 15mins strength training for arms, abs, thighs, and rump. 5days a week, 6 is a blessing! I walk thru neighborhhod once or twice a week to break it up. I do miss the pool. My back flab is not tightening up as good as it was so hopefully I can get back to it soon. A friend of mine showed me some exercise ball ideas that are really making a diff in my thighs, even my DH is noticing! Of good note, when I tried my treadmills preset #1 workout, I couldn't do it. Now I can!!!
  11. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    That's great Cirrus! YOU"RE doing great!!!!
  12. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Weds nite at my support mtg, the leader asked if anyone was having trouble with a certain type of food. I wasn't listening to the remarks because i was too busy thinking to myself, "gee, I'm not there yet. With only one fill so far, I still have no problems yet with any food." I did hear one man say to be sure to mix white meat chicken with something to make it really moist. Well, after 3mos since banding, I figured it was time to venture to a bowl of cereal. I picked one that has 3/4cup serving with just enough milk to wet it up and get it down, Honey Bunches of Oat, Cinnamon. For the first time, I'm actually experiencing a food that wants to "get stuck" and not go down. Such a weird feeling. I ate it again this am and sure enough, it's not going down as well. I don't have the pain of it being stuck, just I can tell it's clinging to my esophagus and stomach. In about 30mins, I'll have to wash it out with more milk-HA! I'm actually excited about this so thought I'd share it!! Call me weird....
  13. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    April, I too go thru periods like that, forgetting to give it ALL to Him. He then sends me subtle reminders that He's still wanting them and I praise Him for that!! My therapist says to eat EVRYTHING at my kitchen table so I won't get pre-occupied to cause me to eat too fast. But my real, 1st therapist is the Lord. So I have really enjoyed taking my small meals out to my little bench on my front porch. I enjoy my meals better by sitting there, enjoying time with Him in his open beauty. Seeing what all He has placed in my surroundings give me such joy and pleasure that it encourages me to stay on plan, His plan!! HARMONYGIRL...welcome aboard! God gave you such peace during your filter placement to let you know how He will take care of you during your surgery. What a blessing!!
  14. Anjanette, how did your apt go today with Dr. A?

  15. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I slowed down last wk...with my exercise and protein so naturally, my appetitie picked up. I didn't lose week before last and only 1lb this wk. No biggy, esp after a lady in my support grp ;ast night was devestated because she hadn't lost in past "12 days"...OMGolly, I would freak if I weighed every day for 12 days anyways! But I understand that works for her. I'm back on tracj this week doing my 30mins walking and 15mins strength training, 5days/wk. I go for my 2nd fill Tuesday. Still 2cc in a 10cc holding at 1/2 to 3/4 cup per meal.
  16. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Thank you Soulsister! How encouraging are your words and truely are heart-felt! God bless you and all!
  17. Oh, and the part of it still going on....just erks me how all my skinny "friends" ARE taking time to talk to me more...while looking me in my face. Wow, you think this is why my psych therapist wants to see me once in a while? She warned me but I thought, "oh no, not me...they won't do that to me" because I THOUGHT they didn't do that already!! At least one thing's true. After losing weight, you get more attention!
  18. Geeze, it will never stop then, huh? We got the comments before banding, now we'll get them after. Oh well, let them all live in their own misery!! You know what's hurting ,or bothering me I should say, is that neither one of my sisters really said how they felt about my surgery. Now one is kind of oblivious and is true at heart, but I at least thought they would inquire to me more on how my progress is. By being as quiet as they are about it, seems to be telling me they really don't approve of my decision. Guess time will tell. I know they love me to death, and me them. Perhaps we're just too busy with our own lives. Just buggin' me lately!
  19. I was told no carbonation due to the gas it can build up in your stomach. i was told no caffeine because for several reasons...it's a natural diuretic, it slows down weight loss, and it's just not good! Well, it affects my palpitations so that's my reason. ENJOY!!
  20. neverB4

    what the ?????!!!!!!!

    Nothing was ever said in my extensive pre-op teaching about not filling during periods. Weird.....
  21. neverB4

    friday 7-25 please pray

    New2me, how are you doing today? I had the horrible gas in the left shldr for a couple of weeks. Each day did get better as god made me stronger! Stace, what date is your surgery? I can tell you have such peace about your decision and the faith you have is awesome! I was supposed to go see my psych therapist next week for the 1st time, but God is my therapist 1st so I don't feel the need. She is a Christian so I will move my apt to next month and go from there. Our father keeps assuring me so I'm at that peace as well with my progress so far. He is awesome!!
  22. neverB4

    prayer please

    4ever, how did your interview go Saturday?
  23. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    MZreeda, my thoughts and prayers for you, and everyone else! Satan is really trying his best this week. The good sign to that, it only means we're praying harder than ever!! I go for my 2nd fill next Tuesday and boy do I need it. I've stayed at same weight for past 2wks. That isn't what bothers me though, it's the not being satisfied with my usual 1/2cup per meal anymore. It all works together. I've slacked on my protein and exercise this week which in turn has made me lazier, increased my hair loss, and feel hungrier! I did my 30mins walk and strength exercises yesterday so hopefully back on track. I don't want to feel a failure at my apt next week. Let's keep the prayers up and the Devil insane!!!
  24. I was told I wouldn't be able to feel mine...well, I do!! Only when I stand though. It sticks out like an egg right under my right boob. It doesn't when I sit but you can still feel it. Then when I lie down, it disappears. Weird thing is, it's right at my incision while lying down, but moves up when standing. I still have a bit to lose in my belly so maybe once that's gone-HA!! Who knows. Just one day at a time here.
  25. neverB4

    someone please help!

    Hey, after doing all those pre-tests, you've proved you can do this!! I would have gone out of my mind if I had to do all that! KUDOS to you and good luck!!

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