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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by neverB4

  1. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Thank you, ImaDucky...and CONGRATS on your successful weight loss!! That's such a great feeling and God deserves all glory!! I sat down on my toilet that faces a mirror..HEY, I can see my collar bones again!!!!
  2. neverB4

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Jessica, I too am sorry for your disappointment. My thoughts for you will stay positive and hopeful!! You are a strong person, you will succeed!!!!!!!
  3. neverB4

    Can't stop eating!

    I find it amazing how diff everyone eats after their banding. Tha band makes your new tummy pouch the size of an egg. That's 2ozs worth of room. If you eat more than that at one sitting, then you're stretching that stomach back out to what causes weight gain. This is why it works as a tool. I'm being instructed by my doc's nut to eat only 2ozs (that's 1/4 cup) for the first few months. By one yr, I can move up to 1/2 cup. She said people with good results are up to 1 whole cup by 2nd yr, no more than that. Also, important key to help your body lose weight and curve hunger...PROTEIN!!!!
  4. neverB4

    Seeking a battle buddy...

    Yes He does, Miss Vickie!!! I'm 6 days post-op and last night was the first time i was able to sleep without the inside tummy soreness!! God is continuing to give me the strength to do this clear liq diet. I still get gas pains (esp at night) but today I feel the best. I go Thursday for my post-op visit. I get my 10 staples out-YEA!! and also get to start on my 2wk full liq diet. My DH has been a great supporter thru all of this. So have my children. Oh, and my scales said 236 morning of surgery, today they say 226!!! To God I give the glory!! Thank you, Miss Vickie for asking about me!
  5. Here's a new thread we all can use to wish each other the best before our scheduled date!!! So....my prayers and blessing to each of you: Monica, Bandfan, feelgoodagain, Jamie, AwomanGodcanuse!!!!!!!! May you thouroughly enjoy today, have a peaceful night, and a speedy tomorrow. Look forward to hear how it goes from each of you!!!:smile2:
  6. RN suggestion, call you doctor regarding these issue...will be safest for you!!
  7. neverB4

    Medication Question

    I was told by my surgeon, no Motrin before, but can after. For liquid Tylenol, check the dosage of mgs and figure based on how much you take with tablets. If you're using childrens/jr's....the mg dose is lower than adults. I lookedinto it before surgery and saw I would have to take quite a bit to get my usual 1000mgs in. So I just took the tablets. It worked. Heck, they gave my Demerol tabs to go home with so why not??
  8. Steri-strips should fall off on own, if not, you should be safe to remove 5-7 days post-op. For adhesive gunk, you can use an alcohol pad to wipe it off. This will control how close you get to actual incision to keep from burning. My post-op nurse gave my DH a handful for me to sniff inc ase I got nauseated. This was news to me, but hey, being an RN myself, I can find many other uses for them!! KUDOS TO US ALL!!!!!
  9. I can have thinned mashed potatoes when I start my full liquid diet next week for 2wks. But keep in mind, potatoes do cause gas!! Do you have a nutritionist working with your doc you can check in with? I do and she's very helpful!!
  10. neverB4

    How much??

    Honestly, if I drink more than 2ozs at one time, I'm full. I'm 5days post-op.
  11. neverB4

    Theme Park

    I'm assuming you're askign about lap=band safety wise??? I asked my doc when I can ride again...he laughed and said no one had asked him that before...he said at least 6wks. Same as for horseback riding.
  12. I posted this in the May bandsters thread. The more pain med you take (narcotic wise), the longer your stomach and bowels stay asleep. As for growling for hunger, it is actually gas moving to be expelled, not for hunger. Keep tract of it, you follow it all the way out-ha-LOL!! I was banded 5/7. The shlder pain was aweful. I still get it from time-to-time when I allow my belly gas to build up. As far as post-op diet, I have a pretty strict regime: 1wk..clear liqs, at least 40gms of protein each day 2 wks...full liqs, now dividing into 2oz meals, no snacking, 40-60gm protein 3wks...soft diet, still 2oz each meal, 60gms protein then off to maitenance...4oz each meal, whatever healthy I want to eat. I accidently ate 3oz of cx broth yesterday and was stuffed and pittiful for 30mins. My doc supplies the protein jello, broth and kool-aid so I can get my 40gms protein in each day. That really curves my appetite. I've lost 10lbs since my surgery...granted due to being on CL diet!
  13. neverB4

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Katie, I get my protein jello, kool-aid and broth from my doc. But it's the Bariatrix brand. They want me to have at least 40gms of protein each day to help with hunger...and it does.
  14. It will also depend on how much narcotics you took after surgery. They slow parastalsis down. Can take up to 24hrs after last take to get things going. I took a 1/2 dose of MOM on night of post-op day 2. That got my gas going and then I had like 6 watery stools from the CL diet. I'm now 5days post-op and only have bad gas.
  15. neverB4


    I use Wal-mart brand flinstones and don't mind the taste. My nut says they're perfectly fine to use.
  16. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    I'm 2days post-op and praise the Lord, all is going well. My only problem today is I keep getting sleepy. I'm only taking Tylenol. I pray the Lord give me strength to get my BCBS work done.
  17. neverB4

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Well, today is day 2 post-op, although it feels like 3 or 4-ha! Most of my outside belly gas is gone. Felt like I was pregnant again with it moving around. Now I have belly gas. I'm trying to lay off the good pain med so my bowels will wake up. So far, tylenol's doing the trick. Just achy in my left shlder from the gas. Sore and touchy at my port site...which is 2inches up above bellybutton, 2inches to the right. They used super glue for that incision. Then I have 2-4 staples in my other 4. I was able to bend over to sweep into the dust pan!!! My appetite's coming back just a wee bit so I''m enjoying my protein jello and kool-aid. They each have 16gms protein so it keeps my hunger down. My nutritionist wants 40gms consumed this 1st week. I'm glad because the thought of pizza feels really good right now-ha!!
  18. neverB4

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Got my band yesterday at 10am. Came home at 3p. It went really good, and fast! My main hurt is gas pains in left shlder which radiates into my neck and lower belly. I tried plain tylenol yesterday but had to go back to the prescribed pain med. It knocks me out because of the phenergan in it. I work at home for BCBS so at least I can take interval walks today. I slept in my high bed. Slept pretty well. I woke up feeling a fever, but it was 97.4. I'm praying more fluids will do the trick.
  19. neverB4

    Christian Bandsters

    I just have to say in all of this right now, I praise the Lord for this thread!! I read so many others outside of this one. I read of people's discouragement thru their trials and times of aggrevation. I read of their sense of hopelessness, confusion, and read of their daily battles. Then I come back to this thread. It's nothing but pure grace from our Lord that we all show our "peace that passes all understanding"!! Yes, we come here asking for support and encouragement, but in a nutshell, isn't it true that all here have a sense of peace with no aggrevation outdoing what God is doing in our lives??!!! John 14:27.."Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." That right there, is evidence that the Holy Spirit works.
  20. neverB4

    Christian Bandsters

    I just have to say in all of this right now, I praise the Lord for this thread!! I read so many others outside of this one. I read of people's discouragement thru their trials and times of aggrevation. I read of their sense of hopelessness, confusion, and read of their daily battles. Then I come back to this thread. It's nothing but pure grace from our Lord that we all show our "peace that passes all understanding"!! Yes, we come here asking for support and encouragement, but in a nutshell, isn't it true that all here have a sense of peace with no aggrevation outdoing what God is doing in our lives??!!! John 14:27.."Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." That right there, is evidence that the Holy Spirit works.
  21. neverB4

    Prayers needed

    I go in at 7:30am tomorrow, surgery set for 9:30a. I ask that you not only pray fro me, but for my family as well. My DH will be there with me, but my 2 children will be at school, worried. Ask the Lord to give them strength and peace until they get home from school. Oh, and patience for my DH!!! Thank you all and God bless!!
  22. neverB4

    Christian Bandsters

    simmons775, I want to speak on my behalf as a Christian. I will share with you my thoughts and feelings because i too have come close in friendships with non-Christians. I love the Lord. He paid the price for me that NO ONE else could. I chose to believe in Him so I can have faith here on earth and everlasting life in a place where no one will ever be hurt or judged again. Part of this acceptance and belief is also being Christ-like here on earth. Jesus never shuned anyone away. More importantly, He always reached out to the poor, the needy (meaning with knowledge) and the children. Irregardless who I come into contact each day, to me, everyone needs the Lord. Everyone deserves the oppurtunity to see the love of Christ, thru our Christian witness. He's the one that calms all my concerns and worries in life. Not the people I meet. I do praise Him greatly, though, when I meet a sister or brother in Christ. You automatically have a connection that no non-believer could ever feel or understand. Like a wonderful vacation place. One can not really know how wonderful it is unless they've been there themselves. Yes, you can talk about, show pics of it, but you actually have to witness it yourself. And it's the Holy Spirit for us believers!! BUT...I still have contact with non-believers. Are they my best friends? No. But hopefully I can explain why so I won't offend you. The word of our Lord (for claimed Christians), teaches us that we should not shune non-believers at first few meets. We are to show His love. However, we are to "depart" from them and their ways IF, and again I'll say if...their ways begin to bring us down in our Christian walk. It comes down to this...a true believer, one who really is a born-again Christian, who wants to grow DAILY in their walk with the Lord, will have to make a personal decision between themselves and the Lord of who they need to omit from their lives and their family's lives. I dont' know where your BF's faith is in her belief, but if she is right with the Lord also, she will do what her husband says. According to God's word, the Christian wife's duties are to honor her husband. To allow him to be head of the household and family decisions. And of same return, if he's truely right with the Lord, he will love her, and honor her...keeping her desires in his own heart as well. I do not want to be judging of both your friends here. If there are things that make you question whether or not he's a true believer, a Christian, the only hope and peace I can offer you is to verify personally yourself, what the Bible says in accordance with his actions, his attitude. Of truth, if it's coinciding with what the word of the Lord says, then he is in the right place with his Christianity. If opposite, then he needs to spend some time with Christ. Also, if he is a claimed believer, a Christain..then he owes it to you to be honost and true. He should be the one to show you what the Bible says to support his actions.
  23. neverB4

    Good Luck and Blessings!!

    Before I take off to go see doc for last pre-op visit...wanted to take a few minutes to wish both May 5th'rs and 6th'rs GOOD LUCK!!!!
  24. neverB4

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Yes, it's good to hear how you're doing. Glad to hear all went well.
  25. neverB4

    Pre-op Diet???

    Allison, go and allow your g-father to be blessed!! Perhaps take early morning walks with protein shake in hand, then about 10-15mins later when you return to camp site, the smell will not bother you asmuch. Drink plenty of water (as feasible with potty place) and just do as much as youc an for your g-father. Focus and concentrate on him. You're a beautiful person and I know he'll be blessed!!!!

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