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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by learb123

  1. Hi T~

    My port site was tender for probably about 6 weeks. It seems that when I went for my first fill....it was still a teeny tiny bit tender.

    I went to the HEB office for my first fill.....NOT impressed to say the least. I know it's a temporary location but YUCK. George is fantastic though... I still wanted to have George do my fills, SO I have gone back to Prestonwood TLCEdge for the last two fills. I've had 3 fills since surgery. It's a long drive for me (about an hour)...but worth it to be in a nice facility.

    Hello, I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt that way about the HEB office. I had my fill last week and a few days later I had an infection, so beware. I'm not sure I want to go back to any of the TLC offices. Does anyone know how much fills are at Dr. Kim's office? Leah

  2. That sure doesn't sound good. I've only used the TLCEdge in Plano, and it's a new facility that just opened up in early January. Who did your fill? Was it George? I know he moves around to the other locations. I think Dianne uses the one in Duncanville, but I think that's a long way from HEB. What are they doing to treat your staph infection?

    Yes, it was George and I am not saying that is where I picked it up, but I came down with it a couple of days after my fill, so it makes me a little concerned. Does anyone know how much it cost to go to Dr. Kim's office for fills? My doctor has me on heavy duty antibiotics and wants to see me again in a few days.

  3. Thanks, It's nice to talk to others that are a little ahead of me so I will know what to expect. Do any of you use the heb office? I had my firt fill there last Thursday. I know it is a temporary office, but it does not seem too sanitary and I have come down with a staff infection. I am hoping you can let me know where ya go and if it is a little more professional. Leah

  4. Hi, I was banded on march 13th by Dr. Kim and I have been reading all of your messages for the last month, so I thought I would join in. I had my first fill today and I hope it helps. I have been eating like I was not even banded the last couple of weeks so I am hoping the fill makes a difference. I have only lost 9 lbs and I too, need to start exercising. It sounds like there is not much difference with the first fill, is this the way most of you felt?

  5. I'm scheduled to have my band with Dr. Kim on April 17? How is he as a person and doctor? I've met a lap band surgeon before and he was not too nice/friendly so I was turned off.

    I had my sugery 3 weeks ago and I was very nervous because I did not know anyone who had used Dr. Kim, but after I met him and talked to more people I felt really glad that he was going to do my band. He has quiet a bit of experience and a really good bedside manner. You will like him!:thumbup:

  6. Thanks for the info. I orderd my Optifast today to get me through to surgery. I'm a little worried that I may have a lactose problem with it but we'll see. I ordered some of the chicken Soup as well. I'm thinking maybe if i do that in between maybe it will break it down a little and it won't be to bad.

    Okay, here's another question. Did you tell people you were doing this or did you keep it to just a few?

    I still have not decided who I want to know. At this point I haven't told my kids (they are grown) yet.


    Hi, My name is Leah and I am having my surgery 3/17 with Dr. Kim, also. I could not tolerate the Optifast drinks, so I tried several othe Protein drinks from Whole Foods and they also gave me problems. I talked with Kristen at TLC and she suggested I try the Isopure mix at GNC. I tried the clear bottled drinks and the were fine, except they do not fill you up like the mixes do. I'm going to try the mix tomorrow to see how it does. You might give this a try if the optifast doesn't work.:thumbup: they have buy one, get one half off until the 10th.

  7. I am being banded with dr. kim on march 13!!! so nervous....how are the incisiions by this doctor are they nice and neat?? Were there any extra fees outside the 10k??? Are you not starving on that liquid diet? ???

    Hi, I am scheluled with Dr. Kim on the 13th, too. I will meet with him tomorrow. I am really having a hard time with the liquid diet. I think it is sort of funny that they expect over-eaters to not eat for two weeks. Maybe we will meet up there next week. Leah

  8. Hi to all you Dallas bandsters! I was banded on Jan 24th at Prestonwood. They were great! I used Dr. Veninga as my surgeon, and loved the way he was so down-to-earth and made sure I understood *exacty* what was going to happen. I've never spent 2-1/2 hours in a doctor's office before- it was nice to feel like they "cared" over there!

    Now for the main reason of this post: I discovered pre-op that I was VERY lactose-intolerant of the Optifast, and I had bought quite a bit of the drinks- chocolate & vanilla- as well as several boxes of the powder that you mix with Water. If there's anyone in the Dallas/Rockwall area who would like to have it, please drop me a message. I'll be happy to pass it on to you at no cost. (I tried again to drink one, and in less than 10 minutes my stomach rebelled~!!) I'll have to look and see exactly how much I have left, but it will probably be enough for someone's pre or post-op needs! That stuff is rather costly and not covered in the basic self-pay fee they charge. I would rather see someone get use from it than throw it out!!!

    Pat, I am in my two week pre opt and I too can not drink the medifast. I have tried other soy Protein Drink but can not seem to handle the either. What did you use? How are you doing after your band? Leah

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