:biggrin2: Hi everyone! I've been browsing the site for the past week or so. I joined tonight because I am so impressed by the enormous amount of support that is on the site. It is truly what I need.
I've been battling my weight issues for majority of my life. While I don't have any co-mobidities (yet), I have a family history and know it's only a matter of time. I'm borderline with my BMI (40, depending on what day/time of day it is). I have UHC, which I've read is a good about covering, but, I've got a consumer driven health-care plan that I doubt will. Regardless, I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead of me. I'm attending my first seminar at a recommended facility/doctors from the GA board on Thursday.
Anyway, looking forward to sharing my journey with you as well as yours! If any advice on what to expect after the seminar, please write!
:shades_smile: kara