They told me that I was to young too and that I should diet and exercise. I told them that I have been on every diet from weight watches to eating for your body type. I have been to areboics, swimming, yoga, and owned every piece of work out equipment. I told them that all the programs made me feel like a yo-yo. I would lose some pounds and then gain some. Don't ya know I would like to be like everyone else-eat like everyone else. I don't eat like a normal person-I am always watching what I eat-get depressed when ya fall off track and start all over again. When the Doctors say you are to young its like being slapped in the face sometimes. I feel that now that I am 33 years old it would be easier to adjust to the lap band life style because I am so want to change my life that I have tried every diet and exercise program that this is my only option-my only tool that can help maintain my weight at a steady healthy weight. Keep ya chin up. Doctor or nurse must have been skinny and never had to deal w/yo-yo weight.
xoxox-good luck:)