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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Nat0526

  1. My nutritionist and surgeon told me not to drink fluids 30mins before a meal and 30mins after a meal. The explanation was the same as what's been posted; you don't want to fill your stomach or pouch with fluids that will both help fill you up and wash away the food you did eat quickly, thus making you hungry sooner.

    Both affect the feeling of satiety and that's the goal; to feel full with food only so that it lasts longer and you're not hungry between meals and are not tempted to snack.< /p>

    Hope that answers your question.


  2. Hi Bubz,

    My port is located in the same place as yours. And as said before, the port site is the largest incision, so that is where your port is and that is the bump you're feeling!

    Mine is still pretty sore and stings/burns when I turn the wrong way or sneeze (god that first sneeze almost killed me.. lol). Now I hold my breath to keep from sneezing to keep myself from that pain.. :)

    Good luck on your journey,


  3. Hi Mommyof5,

    I was banded on Tuesday, November 18th and other than what has already been suggested, you need to make sure you have some chewable supplements, sublingual B12, and Calcium.

    Also, I would suggest that you make sure that the broth you have is Protein enriched. I purchased the unjury chicken Soup which tastes fine and is a good source of Protein. If you don't want to eat too much or can't tolerate it, you can also purchase some whey Liquid Protein bullets on ibariatric.com which are 3oz shots of 42g of protein. Women need at least 50g of protein daily, so that will give you a jump start.

    Things are going well for me, so I hope you do well too.

    Good luck :drool:


  4. I was banded on Tuesday, November 18th and I'm healing well. I barely used the pain meds while in the hospital and haven't filled my prescription for them since I was discharged. I think the key is knowing the difference between soreness and pain and I'm only sore.

    Had a slight complications w/ my operation. I had a slight hernia that was repaired during my surgery (scary that I was walking around with one and was completely unaware of it) and my uvula was stretched and swollen from the breathing tube :drool:, so it's been making me feel like it's going to choke me when I talk or drink (yeah, loads of fun).

    Other than those things, which are tolerable so far, I'm healing well for the most part. Most soreness is at the port-site (it's starting to bruise now), but I expected that from so many other comments on the site.

    I'm not getting in as many grams of Protein as I should, but I just ordered some 42g Liquid Protein bullets (3oz) so that will resolve that fast, quick, and in a hurry (lol). :w00t:

    Happy to be on the other end of the surgery and looking forward to what's to come in the next month and in the new year!!!! :tt1:


  5. Hello all,

    I had my surgery on Tuesday, November 18th :thumbup: and everything is going well for the most part. I had a slight hernia that was repaired during my operation and I'm happy that it was resolved since I was unaware of it.

    I have a question for everyone. The breathing tube stretched/distended my uvula in my throat and now it is loose in my throat and causing me issues with talking and getting my fluids down. It's also in the way of getting any flym (sp?) up out of my throat since it comes up when I try to pull things up thru my throat.

    Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how long did it take for it to get better? My doc said it should have gotten better approx 24hrs post-op, but it's not.



  6. Hi there,

    My surgery is tomorrow morning, so I'm just a day ahead of you. I went out this weekend and stocked up on liquids. I live alone and the only thing I have yet to do is clear out my refrigerator, which I guess I can do either tonight or when I get back home.

    I'm super excited :thumbup: and slightly nervous :wink2:, but I guess that comes with the territory. I'm not really nervous about the procedure itself, more so about the post-op liquid diet as I haven't had to be on a pre-op diet of any kind. I'm hoping I won't be starving since that's difficult for me to cope with.

    All things said, I'm so excited to start this journey and begin the rest of my life on a healthy path. No more putting things off until I'm more comfortable with my outer self! This is truly a time of change and I for one, can't wait to get started!!! :rolleyes:

    Good luck on your journey,


  7. Good morning all,

    I started doing Bikram (hot) yoga in March of this year and fell in love with it. I was wondering if anyone else practices it, particularly post-op and what your results have been.

    Most people say that yoga isn't good for an aerobic work out, but I've found that my heart rate gets going with this form of yoga and I've burned quite a few calories sticking with it.

    My surgery is tomorrow morning :rolleyes: and I know I'll have to wait a couple months before returning to my yoga practice, just wanted to know what anyone else has experienced with this particular type of yoga post-op?



  8. Hi Vangirl,

    I am pre-op as well, but I wasn't required to lose any weight or do a pre-op diet. My cycle started 2 days early this week, which is great because that means I won't be dealing with it when I have my surgery next Tuesday. I must admit that for the past two months, my cycle has come 2dys later than scheduled and normally I'm like clock work. That's neither here, nor there though because I'm not on a diet. I guess the fact that it came 2dys early this month is just a matter of it adjusting back to normal.

    I completely digress though because I was writing to suggest something for weight loss. Have you ever read anything about colonics and the need for colon cleansing? It has many, many benefits and the best is that it clears (brace yourself) dried up waste/fecal matter that adheres to the walls of the colon over time and prevents our colon from extracting the nutrients we need from the food that passes through it. I say all this to say that this waste is heavy and if you get a colon cleanse, when it's washed away people lose anywhere from 5lbs to upwards of 20lbs. I asked my surgeon if he felt this would interfere with my surgery if I had it done pre or post-op and he said it wouldn't at all since the band doesn't interfere with the workings of the small or large intestine.

    I planned on having a colonic cleanse pre-op, but I just haven't had the time to schedule it, but definitely plan on getting it done post-op. I thought you might want to schedule it to help with your weight loss and for all the other benefits it offers.

    Good luck in your journey and I wish you much success! :thumbup:

    Inspirations and blessings,


  9. Hi Rumpid,

    I'm getting banded next Tuesday, November 18th. I find that I'm more excited than nervous. I think the only thing I've ever been nervous about is getting thru the immediate post-op liquid diet. I worry about feeling hunger during that period and whether my healing process will be a speedy one, we'll see.

    Good luck in your journey, as you'll be right behind me. At least you'll get to enjoy a 'last supper' of sorts on Thanksgiving, unless you're on a pre-op liquid diet (I'm not).

    Inspirations and blessings,


  10. Hi Kris,

    Just wanted to thank you for this post and sharing your inspirational story/journey. I'll be banded next Tuesday and I'm so thrilled about it. I look forward to starting my journey and hope and pray that I have great results as you have.

    I agree that we are blessed that our health insurance is paying for this necessary procedure! I feel blessed that the approval process went very smoothly for me after reading so many discouraging stories from others.

    I'm so excited and can't wait to be able to share my results as you have.

    Inspirations and continued blessings,


  11. Today I am really sore. It feels like I was doing abs for a whole day. My back hurts but I think that is gas. Here we goooo...

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Great to see you're feeling well enough to get online and post. I'm excited for you!!

    I'll be having my procedure on Nov 18th and I'm truly looking forward to it and what's to come afterward!


  12. 2 of my 3 kids have a stomac bug, they are vomiting a lot, I'M so afraid to catch it...what happen if I get it? It's the first time since my surgery in june that we are sick so I don't know what to do!

    Please Help!!!!

    Hi Genevieve,

    I just attended my pre-op class that my surgeon's office provides and I asked a question similar to yours because I usually catch this kind of thing from coworkers from time-to-time. The nurse that chaired the class suggested that I contact my surgeon's office right away and ask for instruction on how to proceed.

    One of the things she said might happen is that they may require you to come in and remove the Fluid from your band so that you're not restricted and provide some meds for the nausea to prevent you from vomiting as much as possible.

    Hope that answers your question.. I would suggest that you contact your surgeon's office now since there's a chance that you might get it and ask what they suggest right now so you're better prepared in case you come down with it, ok!


  13. I had my surgery on Weds and although my port area is sore, I feel great. I've been sipping my liquids and getting my Protein in. I actually got up and walked around the house for 30 min this morning. I was tired afterwards and fell asleep (thanks percocet) but it felt great to have the energy to walk for 30 min straight.

    That's great to hear Bridgette. I wish you a speedy recovery (seems you're well on your way with that) and great success with your new tool for success!


  14. I doubt you'll need more than 5 or 6 days off. By day 5 I was going to the movies and playing fetch with my friends 100 lb dog. I only took the 5th day off cuz my boss insisted on it.

    The first day I had the surgery, I wasn't really in any pain. I just slept the rest of the day.

    The second day I was in a pretty good amount of pain, but the third day hurt the worst. The fourth day it was a little painful but not bad and by the 5th day I was pretty good to go.

    Getting the band was the best thing I've ever done!

    Best of luck :)

    Thanks so much CoolCrystal, that's exactly what I needed to know. I think I've taken the exact amount of time I need than!!!


  15. Three days was enough for me...and like you I took the week off. I am glad I did, but I was up to my regular self in three days! Becareful not to over do it because you do tire out quickly.

    That's awesome and good to hear. I plan on taking it easy and fortunately, my job doesn't require me to be running around a lot so I'll still be able to take it easy when I return to work.

    Thanks for your input,


  16. Will your work be understanding if you ask for a week off and end up needing to take two weeks off if your not feeling well? If not take two weeks.

    PS You have a great attitude and I think when you have a positive outlook you tend to heal quicker.

    Hi noosagirl,

    I don't think my job will have a problem with my requesting more time off in necessary. I'm about to start a new job, so I didn't want to take off too much time since this might happen to be during my last two weeks, but I will if needed.

    Thanks for your feedback and advice,


  17. Hi guys,

    My surgery is in a few weeks and I'm still very excited about it. I'm not nervous at all. My question for those of you that have had the procedure already is how long did it take for you to feel well enough to return to work again? I have an office job, so I won't have to do prepare for lifting or anything like that.

    I ask because I've scheduled a week off for recovery time and I'm wondering if I'm being too confident about my recuperation time? I've read from a lot of folks here that they felt normal after about 5 days or so and based taking a week off post-op on that. I should also add that I'm going into this surgery in great health (no co-morbidities at all) other than being obese (lol) :).

    Any opinions/advice would be much appreciated!!

    Thanks so much,


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