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Everything posted by Ssze1109

  1. Ssze1109


    Aggie. Thanks for that recipe. Sounds great! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Ssze1109


    Is there a big difference between fitness pal and bariastic? I'm on bariastic right now and like it but wondering if I should switch over? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Ssze1109

    4 days post op

    Powerade zero and sf Popsicles were my go to. Try different shakes. Some are better than others. Try different temperatures with fluids. I couldn't tolerate room temp Water. Only real cold went down well as well as hot tea. It is a full time job. Just keep sipping all day long. Have something by you at all times. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Ssze1109


    I chew gum just to get a taste out of my mouth. Not for long though. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. I had mine Nov 9th. I was on shakes and liquids. I started applesauce and cottage cheese already. Today I had some vegetable soup. Omg it was good. I am so sick of sweet stuff! I am to progress thru each stage from 2-5 days as follows. Applesauce, cottage cheese, well cooked mushy vegetables, eggs , Beans ( bean soup), then fish, dark meat chicken then nuts etc... I cannot take those sweet , chalky shakes anymore. I have to eat a sf Popsicle after just to get the taste out of my mouth. Oh! And I am allowed a set point smoothie--- handful of spinach, 4-5 strawberries, blueberries, half banana and yogurt or Protein powder blended. It is soooo good! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. 1 week post op. I have licked a bbq chip and a french fry. That is all I needed. I miss pizza, think I just want to lick the sauce. I am SO sick of shakes. They are so sweet.
  7. Ssze1109

    Belly Band for Post Op Pain

    Where did you get this? I need one so bad. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Ssze1109

    Nov 7th sleeve

    It took 5 days for me to go and it was the same. Only I took miralax 2x. As soon as I ate yogurt and pudding it was solid. Are you eating anything but liquids yet? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Ssze1109

    Post-op, Time off work

    I was sleeved on Wed Nov 9th and going back Nov 18th so 10 days. I don't have paid leave so it's not my choice. If I could I would have taken 6 weeks. I have to be in and out of my car all day so I think that will be the most demanding. I'm worried about fatigue also. I would say take as much as you financially can. My Dr said 10 days is enough but everyone is different Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Ssze1109

    What to take to hospital

    Phone , charger, lip balm, change of underwear. As soon as I got there I was in their gown and socks. Stayed in that until DC the next day. I went home in the same sweats. I was very comfy in their bed and they gave me a cold pack for my stomach which was great. Mostly you will be walking and sleeping. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Oh and a toothbrush and toothpaste! My mouth was so unbelievably dry! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Ssze1109


    Try real cold or hot fluids. I can't take room temp fluids. Just keep experimenting. Sf Popsicles are great! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Ssze1109


    I can only drink real cold water/liquids or real hot. When the Water sits around at room temperature I can't take it. It hurts going down which I think is strange. Try different temperatures and see if that is better Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. I did self pay so I had no pre op counseling or classes. I had no nutrition appointments. I did one week of 2 shakes and a meal daily. The last day was liquids. I didn't have a lot of pain right after. Pain meds definitely helped. Now I have pain in my right side that feels like pressure when I move. I hold my right side when I move or walk. Wish I had an abdominal binder- that would be great! When I came home the next day I walked over a mile. I was shocked I could do that. I think mentally I am just sick of broth and sweet shakes. I just want other food. I'm sick of sweet although sugar free Jello, Crystal light and shakes! I am craving my Peanut Butter on toast, mashed potatoes and would love to just lick a salty french fry. Lol It's the same monotonous drinks that are getting to me. The thought of another chalky sweet shake or nasty broth make me feel nauseous. Just remember. "This too shall pass" Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Ssze1109


    I'm using Celebrate chewable. I got it from Dr office. I can tolerate it pretty good. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. So I had 1 week of pre op and lost 7 pounds. I weighed the morning if surgery. My surgery was Nov 9th. I came home the next day and got on the scale. 12 pounds UP from my pre op weight. Think I will wait until my 1st Dr visit. Even though I know it's swelling and gas it is still discouraging. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. I had the sleeve on Wed Nov 9th around 2:30. . I woke up from surgery feeling ok. That night I walked several times with the Rn and ate ice chips. I honestly felt it wasn't that bad. I felt fine! Everyone commented how well I was doing. I was thinking to myself " this isn't that bad..not like I've been reading about " The next morning I got broth, Jello and crystal light for Breakfast and lunch. Drank/ ate it all with no problems. Had extremely dry mouth- that is what really bothered me. The dry mouth was horrible. No matter how much I drank it didn't go away. I think the nausea patch contributed to that. I also was given dilaudid, toradol and another pain med. Well I go home Thursday and OMG the pain in my right side is bad. It hurt in the hospital but not like this (guess those pain meds worked). I have been taking liquid pain med at home too. I'm walking outside a lot but have to hold my right side of stomach to even walk or transition from lying sitting to standing. I'm getting all my fluids in and 2 Protein shakes (ew the aftertaste is horrible) They had some delicious packets of chicken broth in the hospital. It's called "herb ox granulated chicken bouillon" i ordered some from Amazon but it is the sodium free one and not good. Ordering more of the good kind now. So , for those that had surgery, did you have pain in your right side? I also had a small hiatal hernia that he repaired. When does this pain subside? Is the pain normal ? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Ssze1109

    Hungry or bored?

    I feel the same way. I feel hungry but it's like the stomach is numb and not sure. I think we will know more when we start eating food Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Ssze1109

    Pre-surgery liquid diet

    Crusty- good luck tomorrow! I am Wed. I do have to do clear liquids tomorrow
  19. So I am having surgery Nov 9th. Well I stopped all artificial sweeteners back in April and really noticed a difference in energy level and less aches in my body. Now I'm concerned after surgery how I have to go back to sugar free crap. It gives me abdominal cramping and diarrhea. Even eating 2 sf Popsicles , Protein with it or crystal light is bad for me. So now I see Sf Jello, Popsicles, drinks, pudding etc... Is all standard post op. Is this just temporary or will I be able to transition to not eating sugar free? Is there any Protein Drink without it? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. I had no weight loss requirements. I am self pay though. In fact when I saw the Dr and he gave me the 2 shakes and a meal pre op, he said he didn't expect I will lose weight in the 1 week pre op . I've been on it for 5 days and have not lost a pound! How do I go from 2 shakes and 1 meal of chicken and greens and not lose a pound? I think every Dr is different with requirements Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Ssze1109

    2 days Pre-op Liquid diet

    I am allowed unlimited "greens" with a sensible dinner. No oil , butter, potatoes , pasta or rice. So I've been eating chicken, salad and broccoli. But the one meal is still hard! I can't imagine having to cook other things. Just walking thru the grocery store with the smells was hard. I feel like such a weak person to complain.
  22. Ssze1109

    2 days Pre-op Liquid diet

    I feel the exact same way. I feel like I have to mourn the food I love like pizza. It makes me sad that I have to give up pleasurable great tasting food because I can't lose weight on my own. Everything revolves around food. Commercials every second about food. I'm thinking eventually you can eat things in small quantities because people do gain weight back. So I guess years down the road we have to learn portion control and hopefully by the time that comes we don't have the overeating problem anymore and have learned new habits. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Ssze1109

    Pre-surgery liquid diet

    I would follow what your Dr says. I have only 1 week pre op with 2 shakes and a meal. It is VERY hard. I am very hungry. I can't imagine doing all liquid. That is torture! I'm not sure if that would help with post op or not Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Ssze1109

    November sleevers?

    Toukie-- thought you weren't supposed to be hungry? That is the ONE thing I am looking forward to is not feeling hungry. If you drink your shakes do you still feel hungry?
  25. Something I am eating/drinking pre op is making me have a heavy pressure feeling in my bladder and cramps. I have been drinking premiere and Atkins EAS. I'm definately going to have to look at some of those you all have recommended. I can't imagine having this feeling in addition to all the other things post op. I used to use stevia in my coffee but then back in April I even stopped that. I just don't want any artificial sweetener not even Splenda. I guess I will just have to go thru the phases then try to eat real sources of protein when I'm able.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
