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Everything posted by Ssze1109

  1. Ssze1109

    Yummy snack

    Thanks. Looks good! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Ssze1109

    Pain and Soreness

    I got an abdominal binder from Walmart in the sports section. Plus size Velcro binder for $5. I still use it some days when I walk outside or when I have discomfort on the right side Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. That was the worst side effect for me. My surgery was Nov 9th and even now I have an extremely dry mouth. The shakes make it so much worse. I have to bring Water when I go for a walk because my mouth is so dry. Sf Popsicles help a bit. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. My Dr prefers you get Protein from real sources rather than shakes which have tons of fake ingredients. Can't wait until I can progress to that stage Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Boudala- I am self pay too so I understand what you are talking about. We missed out on nutritionist , counseling, and the many classes and information. My insurance wouldn't cover any bariatric surgery. I think they are actually doing their clients a disservice by not covering it. I can't tolerate the Vitamins either. I am only able to get 1 in a day. They make me feel like I am going to puke! Try drinking more fluids and see if your energy level improves. I went back to work after 10 days and some days I just want to come home and nap. My Dr said you can put the Vitamin in a blender with yogurt or Protein powder, strawberries, blueberries bananas and spinach. Maybe try that? Sometimes I have to eat a sf Popsicle right after the vitamin to kill the taste etc.. Hope you get your energy back. Maybe you are trying to do too much or your Vitamin D or B12 is low? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. 4mrb --- Lol. Good one!!! : )~
  7. My Dr allowed me to put spinach in a blender with Greek yogurt, strawberries and bananas within 2 weeks of surgery. It's blended well so no problems. It has good nutrients that I think we need. But I would call your Dr office to confirm Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Yes. I told the Dr I just wanted to lick an Olive. He said go ahead. Lol I think it's because there are so many sweet things pre and post surgery. I just crave savory things now Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Just wondering why do you think everyone's program is so drastically different? I know there has to be some consistent research on gastric sleeve surgery. But there are so many variations with everyone. My Dr allowed Protein shakes upon Discharge from hospital. Then every 2-3 days I am allowed to progress to yogurt, cottage cheese, applesauce then well cooked vegetables. Then 2-5 days eggs, Beans, fish and nuts then dark meat chicken. If I can tolerate the new food for 2 days I could progress on. This could be as soon as 3 weeks. Luckily (or unluckily lol) I have been able to tolerate everything with no problems. The only thing that makes me nauseous is my chewable Vitamin. I see some people on liquids for weeks after surgery. Just makes me curious why my program allows it but others don't? The surgery should be standard protocol for most everyone right? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Imdeborah- can I ask why you are getting a revision? If it didn't work, what did you start to notice and when did you know that it wasn't working for you?
  11. Ssze1109

    Turkey Day

    I'm drinking shakes, eating cottage cheese, unsweetened applesauce, soups- cream of anything , sf yogurt. I add unflavored Protein powder to some of this too. GENEPRO has 30 grams of protein so if you add it to Soup it's a good amount. I have eaten some mashed potatoes although I don't think that's a good choice. I don't get creative with puréed - just the basics. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. My Dr said eggs are very tricky for some people. He said many people cannot tolerate them. He said to try poached eggs first. I would move on from eggs and come back later to them. Good luck Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Ssze1109


    I feel exactly the same way. I had surgery 11/9. I get very hungry. I was at the movies and felt just like I did before surgery - so hungry I felt sick. I brought Water but nothing else. Today I ate some well cooked green bean casserole ( no onion topper) mashed potatoes and a few bites of sweet potatoes. I ate a few bites of well chewed turkey n gravy. I felt like I ate so much! I don't get how just a "few bites" is enough when I don't feel it. It's not head hunger either. I physically feel hunger. I am getting in my fluids and Protein ( not today though). Since a week before surgery I am down 18lbs but from actual surgery date only 11lbs. That is nothing compared to the high losses I see. I hear you and you are not alone! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Do you consider your Protein shakes as fluids? Before I returned to work 10 days post op I would get 64 oz Water in not including shakes plus my 50 grams protein. Now that I am back to work I am finding it hard to get my fluids in. Just wondering if that counts ? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. So I was never told officially to not drink while eating. I just have been reading and it seems like the norm. So do you all consider purée Soup, cream of Soups or Protein shakes eating? Do you wait half hour after eating these things to drink? I find it hard to not take a sip of Water after eating cottage cheese etc.. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Ssze1109

    Protein selection

    I ordered GENEPRO from Amazon. No taste. 1 tablespoon=30 grams. I add it to Soup, pudding and. Plain yogurt with fruit in a blender. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Ssze1109

    Signed up to the gym

    Meg- did your Dr approve you to lift that heavy kettle ball and weight? I'm not sure when I'm allowed to lift anything heavy but I have a heavy work bag that I can really feel in my stomach when lifting. I have a follow up appt on Dec 8th. Hoping I get the ok to start that. I just compare it to like hernia surgery and restrictions for 6 weeks or so. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Did your Dr say you can't have coffee? My Dr allowed coffee right away with no restrictions. Maybe call and ask if you can have it now Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Yes I had pain on right side too. Had to hold my right side when moving or walking. I bought an abdominal binder at Walmart in the sports section plus size for $5.00. It helped! I am 13 days out and I can move so much better. No pain with walking anymore.
  20. Yes. I was 12 lbs up too the day after. It goes down. Give yourself some time. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Ssze1109


    My Dr said straws are fine. I was given one while still in hospital. I use them everyday no problem Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Ssze1109

    5 days post op/

    Actually the 11 lbs in 5 days is a lot to lose. Great job!
  23. Ssze1109

    5 days post op/

    I was UP 11lbs right after the surgery but that all settled and now back down. I think it's from all the IV fluids and the trauma of surgery. Give it until your 1st Dr follow up appointment. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. My Dr prescribed Hyoscamine to dissolve under my tongue if I get spasms. I've only had to take it 1x. He also prescribed protonix which I take everyday. Maybe ask for something to control that. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Ssze1109

    Week 3 blues

    My Dr said eggs are one of the toughest foods to tolerate . He says try poached then fried with small amount of butter only then scrambled. He says if it makes you nauseous come back to it later. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
