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Everything posted by Ssze1109

  1. So I was given methylprednisolone for plantar fasciitis(chronic) and now I have 2nd toe capsulitis which is newer. I was hesitant to take this but I've tried everything under the sun for the plantar fasciitis in the past 2 years. Shock wave therapy healed my right foot but not the left. But this 2nd toe pain limits my walking tremendously so I agreed to the steroids. This pain is worse than the plantar fasciitis. Next step is MRI to see if I have a ligament tear. For those that take steroids did you have an increase in appetite? I feel hungrier and extremely tired. Not sure if others experienced this and how you dealt with it. Hate feeling hungry like this just 6 weeks post op. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Ssze1109

    10 weeks post op

    I am 6 weeks. I eat chicken, turkey chili, Beans, lentil Soup, eggs, yogurt, tuna, cottage cheese with unsweetened applesauce, cheese. I eat toast with Peanut Butter occasionally. That is my go to when I'm hungry. I eat raw nuts all the time. My Dr actually recommends raw almonds. I eat sugar free Popsicles as Snacks and it curbs any cravings Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Ssze1109

    Multi vitamin

    I have orange. But I don't think it's the flavor. When I take it even if I mask the taste with a sf Popsicle my body feels like I want to throw up. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Ssze1109

    No protein choice

    Aggie-- how do you keep your carbs so low? Can you give sample menu ideas? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Ssze1109

    Multi vitamin

    I take Celebrate chewables. But I cannot tolerate them. They make me so nauseous. I have a huge jar of them so I force myself to take at least 1 a day. Then I make my daughter and Husband take them too. Lol Just so I can get rid of them and move on to something else Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. I start to feel gurgling that I describe as a pot starting to boil and then get the hiccups or start coughing. The words "head hunger" are always on my mind. So I stop and wonder if this is just my head hunger cravings or real hunger. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. VSG- 50lbs is a lot ! I will not take them again. I am craving Olives and Ham. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. They have not helped me at all. I have 1 day left to take them. What is very strange is for the 1st week after surgery I had no pain in my feet whatsoever. I was walking the dog as soon as I got home from the hospital. I stopped the pain meds within several days so it wasn't that. I can't figure out why I had no pain for 10 days after surgery then it came back when I went back to work! Jess-ask about shock wave therapy. Only certain Drs have it. My insurance didn't cover it. It cost $75.00 a treatment and I had 5 treatments. It did help my right foot though. Foot pain interferes with everything Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Thank you. I have the heel spur too but omg this toe thing is worse than that is. Thanks for the prayers! That is very sweet of you Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Ssze1109

    Dry Mouth?

    This was the worst side effect for me. It was bad. I ate sugar free Popsicles and tried biotene mouthwash and spray Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Ssze1109

    Heat or cold on incisions

    I used a cold pack for about a week Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. I am going on my 6th week post op. I can eat anything except raw veggies at this time. I am on the road all day seeing patients. So I bring cottage cheese, yogurt, and bring GENEPRO Protein to add to this. I can't tolerate shakes anymore. I don't know what to bring to eat!! I don't want to keep eating dairy and cheese all the time. I also don't want lunch meats as I know they are highly processed. I don't have access to a microwave. Any ideas what to take for lunches or small meals for the day? Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Ssze1109

    On the road lunch ideas

    I love restaurant hummus but trying not to eat it because I don't want the bread and not on raw vegetables yet.
  14. Ssze1109

    On the road lunch ideas

    Thank you all for the ideas. I forgot about Boars head lunch meats. Do you just eat the slices without bread? I appreciate the ideas. I want to try to stay away from processed foods as much as possible because it defeats the purpose of "being healthy" I also have to learn to sit and enjoy my lunch instead of rushing to the next patients house Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Ssze1109

    How much protein?

    I am getting 60-65. I don't drink shakes anymore. I can't tolerate them. They make me so sick. I eat cottage cheese, eggs, Greek yogurt, GENEPRO Protein powder, chicken , salmon and fair life milk. How much did your Dr tell you to get in? Are you on normal foods yet? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Ssze1109

    5 weeks post op

    I am feeling very tired too. Surgery was Nov 9th. I think it's catching up with reduced calories, not enough fluids, low carb and not a lot of real healthy nutrients (just protein). Also, it could be the winter weather and lack of sunshine. I felt like I've been fortunate not feeling real tired for the first 5 weeks but now it's hitting me. I think it's normal. Try getting more fluids. Dehydration causes fatigue too. Hang in there! You are not alone Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Ssze1109

    Serious life question about hiccups.

    It happens to me when I feel I ate too much or too fast. I also will start coughing if I am too full Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. I am taking Celebrate chewables and still get nauseous when I take them. I can only take 1 a day. As soon as I take them I feel so sick. But since it's a large bottle I'm going to finish it before moving on. ( I try to give them to my daughter and husband too lol ) My Dr recommended putting them blended in a smoothie and sometimes I do that. Maybe try that or try eating a sugar free Popsicle right after- I often do that and it helps. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Ssze1109

    Back to work

    I went back that soon too. I am in and out of my car all day seeing patients in their homes. I did ok. A little sore but I wore the binder for a few days because my pants were rubbing my incisions. I think 2 weeks would have been ideal I wasn't that tired surprisingly except late at night I couldn't stay up late like I used to. The hard part for me was trying to get in all my fluids. But I think if you have a desk job it will be a lot easier to do that. If I would have gotten paid to be off absolutely I would have taken every minute of it!! Unfortunately I did not get paid at all and had to go back. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. You are doing a lot of exercising. Maybe you need more food to get your metabolism going. Have you tried cutting back on spinning just to see what would happen? You have to be toning pretty good right? I feel your pain because I am hungry and can drink water fast and eat too. I just force myself not to eat often because I will fall back in the same old trap as before. I thought this hunger would be gone! Sorry about what you are going thru. Just try to mix it up and see if that works.
  21. I had mine Nov 9th. I am hungry too. I get my Protein and Water in. I think I need to start eating more cooked vegetables but find I want to fill up on the protein first then no room for the veggies. I can't tolerate shakes anymore. Anyone have suggestions when you are hungry? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Ssze1109

    4weeks out

    I am 4 weeks out and am allowed anything basically except raw vegetables. I can eat chicken and turkey no problem. Dr said I can start raw nuts too I can eat more than I did a week ago but know I have to limit myself. Yesterday I made turkey chili and ate a few extra bites I shouldn't have. I was full and miserable. Lesson learned! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Ssze1109

    Diet After Surgery

    My plan is to initially have 60 grams of Protein. But my Drs plan later is Beans and veggies too. Look at the book " a pound of cure" by Dr Mathew Weiner or look at his YouTube videos. He has many YouTube videos explaining numerous topics He has great success with that way of eating - a lot of beans , veggies , raw nuts. I asked about fruit and the carbs and sugar in it. He said there are studies that people that have bowls of fruit on their counters , eat fruit etc.. Are more lean than those that don't . I can't tell you how much or how often. All I know is we probably all had the surgery because we had a hard time losing without it. I don't think we all need the same prescription. I think if carbs are a trigger food for you then avoid them. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. So my Dr asked if I was getting on the scale everyday. Well, "not everyday" lol So he told me to stay off the scale. He said to get clothing (pants) one size smaller and try those on every week. No one knows why weight loss happens like it does after surgery. Today you could lose 3lbs and think it's the food you ate today but next time you eat the same thing and no loss. It made sense. But it's so hard because it has always been about the scale!! Look at Weight watchers. All about the scale and then they say " you had a bad week ? " When you didn't lose that week. So I am putting my scale away until about 2 weeks from now. Just a peek. I'm getting out my smaller pants (of course I have sizes from 16-24) Can't wait until I can shop at normal stores and not plus size stores. That is my new goal! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Ssze1109

    Great advice from Dr

    Can't wait to go shopping in my own closet!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
