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Everything posted by Ssze1109

  1. Ssze1109

    Nov. 8 Sleevers

    Surgery November 9th, Down 71lbs. Surgery weight 288, current weight-217(on June 5th) Been coming off slow lately. But that's all my fault. I walk stairs to the 14th floor during work days but haven't been to the gym and haven't been walking. I am happy with the weight loss so far but want to also get below 200. My original goal was size 16 pants but I want more now! It's thrilling to be able to finally shop in the normal stores and areas of the store!!!
  2. Ssze1109


    10,000 is hard to get in. I walked up and down 5 flights of steps and did the 1st day of couch to 5k plus walked the dog and still didn't hit that. Good for you that get in that. I'm striving for it.
  3. Ssze1109

    Nov. 8 Sleevers

    Had surgery Nov 9th. Down 47lbs. Feel like It should be more though. I was feeling good but in the past 2 weeks have stalled and now discouraged. I have been walking more and going to the gym to work with weights and some cardio. Just so hard to get in as much as I need after working all day. Where is everyone else at?
  4. Ssze1109


    Congrats!! That is wonderful. You must feel proud as those parasailing leg straps can be tight around the legs. I bet it was beautiful!
  5. Both of you look great!!! Congrats! Woman-- your legs look great! I have bigger legs and worried I will never be able to tone them. What do you think made the most difference in your legs? What kind of work out did you specifically do?
  6. Ssze1109

    Children & surgery

    Awwww. Our sweet little kids. Its nice you told her. You will want to share your progress with her. My daughter made me try on her tight yoga pants and tank top then took pics. I think your daughter will love sharing your journey.
  7. Wonderwoman- great Pinterest board. Thank you!!
  8. You have to do what is best for YOU! Otherwise you might have health issues down the road and be miserable. Of course he is scared others will pay attention to you. That could happen. But if he is good to you and you have a solid relationship then it will work out. If there are issues now there will be issues after too. I've read that some marriages fail after because we just don't put up with the crap anymore and gained self confidence to not deal with an unhealthy relationship. I am very fortunate as my husband is very supportive. I was self pay-$16,000 and he didn't hesitate to go get a loan for me to have the surgery. He compliments me all the time and is excited that I can exercise more and proud that I actually WANT to exercise. You will not be sick and miserable after surgery. I had surgery Nov 9th. I am not sick and definitely not miserable. Well, the vitamins make me sick for a minute but that passes. Just do it for yourself.
  9. Ssze1109

    Children & surgery

    Just explain to her it's so you can be around for her in the future. She is probably just scared for you. The night of my surgery when my husband and 17 year old came home from the hospital she called me and was crying saying she misses me. (She doesn't ever say that because I never leave her lol ). I think she was just overwhelmed and relieved at the same time. Any change is hard especially at 13 years old- they don't understand everything that is involved. Good luck to you. Please let us know how she does after your surgery
  10. Ssze1109

    97 more pounds to go!

    That is great! You have lost SO much weight. Can you share some of your tips and things you have found helped you along?
  11. Those are some great accomplishments!! Congrats to you and keep it up. I like that you focused on things beyond the weight but 51 lbs is awesome in 12 weeks!
  12. Ssze1109

    Cookbook for after Surgery

    "Fresh start Bariatric cookbook " by Sarah Kent. It's on Amazon. Lots of good easy recipes
  13. Ssze1109

    Weight Training Plans similar to Couch to 5K

    Sarah-I am going to start tomorrow too. Good luck.
  14. Ssze1109

    Weight Training Plans similar to Couch to 5K

    Homer - did you follow the couch to 5k exactly? Were you active before? I'm thinking of doing this too. I have been going to the gym but need a structured goal.
  15. Ssze1109


    Please look up PIRIFORMIS stretches. This is a muscle that often aggravates the sciatic nerve and a lot of people just need to stretch this or get a massage by someone who is trained and knows about this. I had issues before and found a massage therapist that cured it by deep massage and stretches.
  16. Ssze1109


    Good for you!! Keep it up. You will notice your body changing that way.
  17. Ssze1109

    I feel like I over eat some days

    I find the days I eat more that I lose weight. I think it's our metabolism revving up making us hungrier. Nothing is a straight line. Our bodies are constantly changing (and aging lol) We just can't see what's going on behind the scenes.
  18. Ssze1109

    Epic Failure!

    Sasha- try drinking more water to help fill you up. Try not to graze with sugary food. 70lbs is a lot of weight!! Erin- you look great. How much did you lose?
  19. A great book to read (A pound of cure) or YouTube videos explaining our metabolic set point is by Dr Mathew Weiner. He has excellent YouTube videos regarding this topic. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Ssze1109

    I need a workout plan!

    Try "tone it up " YouTube videos. They have great workout plans Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Ssze1109

    Shopping list ?

    What stage are you in? What is your Dr recommendations for advancing thru stages? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. 600 calories is very low especially with working out an hour every day. Do you have energy? How are you losing so fast? What do you normally eat? Sounds like you are doing great though. You lost 100lbs on your own- that is awesome! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Ssze1109

    4 months out...

    I was told I can have soup. It's not as filling as the black bean soup or chili. Not sure how big the kids portion is but I'm assuming it's small. Maybe try some Protein first and see if that does it. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Ssze1109

    Pickle juice

    I eat jalapeño stuffed olives all the time. It's a joke in my house now that I crave a piece of cheese and an olive. It satisfies any craving I have and curbs hunger especially at night. I know the salt isn't good but I limit myself to 2-3 jalapeño stuffed olives at a time. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
