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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tomasa

  1. Thats a great idea, it couldnt hurt!
  2. My Dr said to take zinc supplements.
  3. I get the liquid part, but why such a resriction in calories? Liquid is liquid, calories shouldn't make a difference as far as the band goes, but it sure would give you some energy to recover from your surgery. I was allowed full liquids right after I got home. Hope you feel better.
  4. Tomasa

    Swelling after fill

    I usually stick to liquid and mushies for a day or two. At this point you might want to only take in liquids for awhile. If after a few days you still cant eat, maybe you should call your Dr. You may be too tight.
  5. No question about it....I would do it again! Eleven months post surgery and I have lost almost 90lbs. There are times when I get sick and there are times that Im tired of not eating some of the foods I love. And I was a diet pepsi addict, but it has all been worth it. I feel younger and healthier. My daughter is having it done in September, if I wasn't completely happy with it, I would not encourage her to do it. Good Luck.
  6. The best thing is being able to go in my closet and put anything on...and it looks good! The worst is not being able to tolerate bread, rice, diet pepsi, etc... But I'll get over it....the band is so worth it!
  7. Its probably just your nerves. I cant tell you to relax, because I remember the night before my surgery...I was a mess! However, THE Garth Davis is doing your surgery...you are going to be in great hands. Good luck to you.
  8. Tomasa

    Hair loss???????

    I have lost a least a third of my hair...other people dont notice, but it really bothers me. However, it has slowed down dramatically now. Stress from surgery and smaller amounts of protein are the culprits. Everyone says it is only temporary.
  9. Tomasa

    Almost 7 months out...no weight loss

    I agree with this statement. The reason we got the band is because in most cases we CANT control what we put in our mouths. If the band was doing its job, it would be impossible for you not you have lost some weight. I totally agree that the band is not a free ride, but come on...it should at the very least give you a jump start.
  10. I say wait. You have lost 9lbs in 3 weeks! That is somewhat above average, even with the exercise. It sounds like you are in a good place...dont mess with that.
  11. Tomasa

    Just venting ~ WLS not work ?!?

    HOW RUDE!...you know that is just her being jealous, and ignorant. They really dont know how much work it really is to have the band. And you are right, what is the point of saying anything to her...but your best revenge is that you are 75lbs lighter.
  12. Kizzy...besides being uncomfortable on a daily basis...I would think that getting a fill would not be very pleasant. The skin near the breast is so sensitive...I cant imagine the Dr sticking a needle there to get to the port. I say have it MOVED!
  13. Tomasa

    I made it to GOAL!!

    Congratulations....Im still a little ways away from my goal, but you have inspired me to take my excericise routine more seriously. Good for you!
  14. Tomasa

    Something's wrong

    What a relief that they are doing an upper GI...at the very least, you need an xray if you feel that strongly about what happened. Tommaney is right, you know your body best...dont give up, til you are satisfied that all is well. Good luck.
  15. No news is usually good news. From my own experience, it didnt' take them long to tell me no. I did a self pay. If you have done everything they asked for over the past 6months...the hard part is over. Hang in there.
  16. I suggest telling your Dr your eating patterns, then leaving the rest up to him. I know that even .02cc have made a big difference in my restriction.
  17. Tomasa

    How do I buy regular clothes?

    I have been able to shop in "regular" stores for the past few months, but you are right, it was kinda hard at first:rolleyes:. I dont remember the non plus size pants/jeans being so long the last time I could wear them....about 15 years ago! I LOVE IT~~~~~
  18. Tomasa


    I have lost over 80lbs since my surgery last August. I look and feel better than I have in years, but honestly, I still have times that I crave certain foods like pasta and bread. I miss it so much. I cant tolerate those foods since the band. But nothing is free in life, we have to make choices and I would choose the band again. Good luck.
  19. Tomasa

    Mushy Food Ideas Wanted

    My favorite mushy food is turkey bacon guacamole. I cook and crumble 1-2 slices turkey bacon...1/2 avacado...maybe 2 or 3 grape tomatoes..tiny bit of purple onion...cut up very fine. I add 1 tsp of miracle whip and salt to taste. Then smash it all up with a fork. It is so good, I can eat it by itself, or sometimes I will eat it on a cracker. It makes a great lunch or dinner, and all of the ingredients are so good for you....well, maybe not the miracle whip, but I only use 1 teaspoon.
  20. I feel so bad for you. The thought of not being able to taste anything is scary. I hope all the tests come back in your favor. But, if I were you, I think I would probably not do the band....at least right now. Why not wait a few months to see how your weight loss goes, and since you have lost over forty pounds since March, it doesn't sound like you need the band. Best of luck to either way.
  21. Tomasa

    Did I lie?

    I understand how you feel....I would be thinking about it all day too. But, I dont think you lied....you just didnt tell them the entire story. God knows what is in your heart and that is all that counts.
  22. The first day of the rest of your life! How exciting...goog luck to you.
  23. Tomasa

    protein shakes

    I drink Ensure's creamy chocolate...it is sooo good. The key is to drink it almost frozen...I put one in the freezer every morning and that is my breakfast. Im too tight in the morning to eat much of anything, so I figure I drink somthing that is good for me...and I actually look forward to it, thats how good it is. I just drink the normal Ensure, but they do have a high protein drink too. And lots of different flavors to choose from. I find the best price on them at WalMart. Good Luck!
  24. Tomasa

    What's your hardest habit to break?

    The Hardest Habit For Me To Break Is Chocolate. Its Just So Hard To Give Up Somthing That You Love And Basically Goes Down Pretty Easily...even Since The Band! If It Weren't For The Chocolate, Im Sure I Would Be Much Closer To Goal, If Not At Goal Already....what Can A Girl Do?
  25. Tomasa

    Surgury 6/20

    Hang in there....it will all be worth it!

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