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    Jhawaiianhny got a reaction from CyndieRI in New addiction instead of food???   
    Hey there... I've read about people who've had the wls that start a new addiction... instead of food they turn to something else...
    I think I'm one of them... and there's no one I can talk to about it where I live...
    I drink wine... everyday.... not just a glass, not just a bottle, sometimes it's 2 bottles or even 3... once I pour a glass or even take a sip I can't stop till I either pass out or run out.
    It gets kind of bad sometimes, I wake up not remembering what I did before sleeping... but the thing I recently realized about why I drink... it's "healthier"to me then putting food into my mouth... I'm so terrified to gain weight back!
    It's hard to explain really...I don't know... maybe it's me just being stupid...idk...I make 2 years November 1st...
    I guess I just wanted to know if I was alone or not???
    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Sad
    Jhawaiianhny got a reaction from CyndieRI in New addiction instead of food???   
    Hey there... I've read about people who've had the wls that start a new addiction... instead of food they turn to something else...
    I think I'm one of them... and there's no one I can talk to about it where I live...
    I drink wine... everyday.... not just a glass, not just a bottle, sometimes it's 2 bottles or even 3... once I pour a glass or even take a sip I can't stop till I either pass out or run out.
    It gets kind of bad sometimes, I wake up not remembering what I did before sleeping... but the thing I recently realized about why I drink... it's "healthier"to me then putting food into my mouth... I'm so terrified to gain weight back!
    It's hard to explain really...I don't know... maybe it's me just being stupid...idk...I make 2 years November 1st...
    I guess I just wanted to know if I was alone or not???
    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Sad
    Jhawaiianhny got a reaction from CyndieRI in New addiction instead of food???   
    Hey there... I've read about people who've had the wls that start a new addiction... instead of food they turn to something else...
    I think I'm one of them... and there's no one I can talk to about it where I live...
    I drink wine... everyday.... not just a glass, not just a bottle, sometimes it's 2 bottles or even 3... once I pour a glass or even take a sip I can't stop till I either pass out or run out.
    It gets kind of bad sometimes, I wake up not remembering what I did before sleeping... but the thing I recently realized about why I drink... it's "healthier"to me then putting food into my mouth... I'm so terrified to gain weight back!
    It's hard to explain really...I don't know... maybe it's me just being stupid...idk...I make 2 years November 1st...
    I guess I just wanted to know if I was alone or not???
    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to elcee in New addiction instead of food???   
    I agree with the others, you need help
  5. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to Healthy_life in New addiction instead of food???   
    It's time to address what's going on. Cross addictions after surgery are common. It's important that you have recognized that you are having an issue with alcohol. Look up treatment options in your area.

    Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.
    Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.
    You can overcome this!
    Wish you the best,
  6. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to jujusmommy07 in New addiction instead of food???   
    You are not alone. Studies are showing that people that have had bariatric sergery are more likely to get late onset alcoholism.
    I suggest to start cutting back if you noticed that cutting back causes you to have physical effects such as shaking I would mention it to your primary care doctor. You colossal look into AA meetings and your community.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to insta_adventurer in New addiction instead of food???   
    First of all... good on you for recognizing and admitting you have a problem. That’s not an easy step and is honestly the hardest part. You should be proud that you’re able to be so honest with yourself. Most people go years and can never manage to do so!

    At this point, I would really recommend finding a therapist or counselor who specializes in addiction treatment. They will be the ones that can help you figure out what you’ve been using food and now alcohol to really cope with.

    Best of luck to you! It’s time to take control and you’ve already taken the hardest step!

  8. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to southernmom in Daily Work In Progress   
    Thank you. I weighed this morning (6/2/17) and I am down to 192lbs.

    A work in progress! "Unfinished"

  9. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to southernmom in Daily Work In Progress   
    Had sleeve November 2016. I see the weight loss in my clothes but looking at pictures gives me encouragement. Started size 28 pants and now I am in a 14/16 pants. Shirts started size 3xl and now I am in a 10/12 or medium/large. Each day is a work in progress but with God standing with me I can do it. I do not like to take pictures but did and had to share.

    A work in progress! "Unfinished"
  10. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to OutsideMatchInside in How did you handle changing clothing size ?   
    Last Spring/Summer I mainly wore Walmart workout clothes around the house. They are great and once you get to regular sizes super cheap.
    One caution though, if you keep wearing the same sizes, you feel like you aren't losing. especially in those times when you are not dropping weight but are dropping inches. I suggest even if you can't afford new clothes, to at least go try them on each month so you can see your progress.

  11. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to friendINdeed in Ulcer after sleeve surgery   
    I was diagnosed with an ulcer a year ago and was sent home with Nexium and other medicines too.
    . Of course Gerd was diagnosed several years earlier .... But, because of the continuous pain in my stomach I was scoped again two weeks ago and was given a new diagnoses ; Barrett's esophagus.
    My weight because of depression medication has caused a weight increase- to my starting weight 6 years ago. UGH...
    Would I do it again, yes but would follow the strict regiment and support groups. Neither of these were offered me at the time because of my remote area I live.
  12. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to midia in Ulcer after sleeve surgery   
    I am 11days post op .My surgeon had me pantoprazol 40mg twice a day from the first day,also he gave me other medicines too
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to MrsPenguin in Ulcer after sleeve surgery   
    My surgeon had me on Omeprezol from Day 1.
  14. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to Hollyhock in Ulcer after sleeve surgery   
    I have not had surgery yet but I experienced an ulcer a few months ago that was caused by taking Advil for my knee. I had to do a two week course of intensive antibiotics plus Omeprazole. I did not enjoy that one bit! But I'm rid of the ulcer.
    Best of luck to you!
  15. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to BigDog Bryan in Nerve Pain in the Thigh - Ideas Please   
    FYI - went to the Chiropractor and found that there is a serious impingement on the left side in my lower spine, requiring treatment and adjustments. The good news is that it will be treated successfully.
    Thanks to everyone for the advice, encouragement and help.
  16. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to KaiserKid in What You Wish Someone Told You Before Surgery   
    I'm 6 weeks out today, sleeved 11/11. I think my experience has been fairly uneventful compared to others. I haven't had any lasting reflux, my period was a week late, but now I'm back on the pill, I can tolerate almost any food (though sausages with casing and red meat are still tough), pain only lasted a few days and I was back at work a week later. Losing 1.5-2lbs consistently per week. For me, there were a few things that were tough to transition to:
    1. Round-the-clock Vitamins (at least for me it FEELS like round the clock). I'm on 2 multis, 1 B12, a D3 and 2 calciums per day, and you have to space them out otherwise you won't absorb them correctly. But that's more annoying than anything.
    2. Water. This is probably the ONE thing I really struggle with. My surgeons office suggested we follow the 60/60 rule - 60gs Protein daily (no prob), and 60oz Water. I maybe get in 40oz average. Rarely 60 or more. Which leads to my next point:
    3. Constipation! If you don't drink enough water, you'll get super constipated. I've never had Constipation this painful in my life. But it doesn't happen everyday.
    4. Like others that have posted, your brain won't change right away. I still get cravings, still sometimes take more food than I know I can eat, and I still think about food a lot. So that parts' tough.
  17. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to lachellove in 7 weeks out pain!   
    Hello, I'm about 71/2 weeks out and I've had a pretty smooth ride. I was sitting for the most part of the day I walked around a little when we took a break(I was getting my hair done). I had on sweats and a tank top the sweats were on my stomach while I sat down not tight to me at all . Well when I got home and took the sweats off I had the worse pain in my stomach feels like intense cramps no other symptoms as of yet please help is this gas? I did have Water and Powerade Zero.
  18. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to jhclikesshopping@gmail.com in 7 weeks out pain!   
    I am sorry for the pain. Definitely try a gasex and contact your surgeon or doctor. Hope it passes quickly.
  19. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to theantichick in Exactly what is included in full liquids   
    Most doctors provide a list of what they consider part of the "full liquid" phase. For my doctor, it included anything that was liquid at room temperature without chunks - so pudding and Jello (sugar-free) were included as well as greek yogurt. Any Soups without noodles or vegetables or other solid chunks, and all broths, bouillons, etc. and of course the Protein shakes and drinks.
    When I got tired of the sweet, I found that I could add unflavored Protein to bouillon by mixing it with warm Water in my bullet blender before stirring it into the hot bouillon. That was a nice change from the sweet and cold stuff for me.
  20. Like
    Jhawaiianhny got a reaction from brennafaith in Pre-op and cheating ... advice please!   
    I don't think it will affect it, depends though...on what you ate, do you plan to do it again and what kind of pre-op diet plan you're supposed to be on.
    I'm 7 weeks post sleeve and I know how hard it is to be on liquids. My pre-op diet was 2 weeks of just liquid! That was torture! But I just kept thinking of what I was going to be doing and the outcome if it all, to be successful, depended on me doing what my surgeon and his team had planned out. So 2 weeks liquids, had surgery, 2 more weeks just liquids...Lil over a month of just liquids! I know how frustrating and hard it is!
    You can do it though. Just have as many varieties, that are allowed, then it don't get too repetitive lol. sugar free popsicles and SF Jello really helped!
    Hope everything goes well! Good luck and just keep thinking of the end result and all the reasons why you chose to do this! You got this!
    HW: 419 SW: 341 CW: 314
  21. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to 504chic in Pre-op and cheating ... advice please!   
    @gr2016. lol I know I shouldn't be laughing but I have been having 2 Protein shakes a day and chicken with broccoli or green Beans since 12/11/16 and today is my second clear liquid diet. Surgery is sometime tomorrow. But I would admit I went to Kroger and picked up a lemon pie. I threw it back on the shelf and said no I have to be strong. Then yesterday this liquid diet had me starved. My husband had a bag of chips and a jar of sliced pickles. I kept thinking I'm going to suck the chip and drink the pickle juice. But I just took myself to sleep. I am happy to say I didn't cheat.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to LittleBill in Pre-op and cheating ... advice please!   
    Probably one lapse will not affect your surgery. The larger question though, is will the underlying mindset affect your overall success? That is a question only you can answer.
    My program has the philosophy that things (food) should not be absolutely forbidden. That's a good thing. However, there are times when it HAS to be forbidden. You just gave in to a craving pre-op. All your insides are still in their original condition, so it probably didn't do too much damage. I can't really say.
    I can tell you for sure though, if you decide two or three days post-op, that you need to give in to the same craving, and chow down on a Big Mac, you are going to be sorry. And it might be a whole lot worse than just some temporary guilt or discomfort. There are reasons why you need to follow your plan strictly, and bending or breaking rules is a real bad idea until you get a handle on things and learn what is going on with both your mind and body.
    This process requires dedication and discipline. If you don't have those, you need to find them. Otherwise, you are going to be wasting time and money, as well as enduring a lot of pain and suffering for nothing.
  23. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to gr2016 in Pre-op and cheating ... advice please!   
    Surgery is on Friday however I cheated today and had mcdonalds because I was so hungry after a day of just shakes..
    Will this affect surgery?
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    Jhawaiianhny got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in How do I manage to get enough protein daily!?   
    Omg thank you for sharing!
  25. Like
    Jhawaiianhny reacted to woo woo in Nerve Pain in the Thigh - Ideas Please   
    Another possibility is herneated disk in your lumbar spine. This can press on the nerve that affects that part of the leg.
    I had this a year and a half ago. The nerve pain was much worse at night.
    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

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