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Navigating the Wilderness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Navigating the Wilderness

  1. Navigating the Wilderness

    Chipotle is life~

    Perhaps the real question you are asking is if anybody, once they are allowed solids, has gone back to eating comfort food from before surgery. I have, a couple times. I will tell you the experience for me was not the same as before surgery. It's not that I have a smaller stomach, (well that too) but it was the mental connection as well. It just didn't do for me what it used to. So what I am saying is that in your head it sounds awesome, but in practice it fails miserably to live up to what your brain hypes it to be, and I felt like **** afterward as well. Not as in regret, or physical stomach pain, I just felt off afterwards, like why did I ever like this crap before and how soon will it get out of me. It was almost like eating poison and having a reaction to it. Anyway, that is my story about comfort foods. The cravings should diminish once you start on solids.
  2. Navigating the Wilderness

    When will I feel normal again?

    I vote for Unjury as well. Not as tasty as Premier protein but less calories and sugar. My stomach started feeling better once I was allowed dense protein.
  3. Navigating the Wilderness

    Stall at 5 months...

    Everyone goes through some phase of stall at some time during this journey. A 2 week stall is in my opinion not something to worry about.
  4. Navigating the Wilderness

    Is the scale lying to me (and making me binge)?

    This is EXACTLY what I was thinking! I understand this, I really do, but you need to get out of that frame of mind. You need to eat healthy for health sake, not to lose weight. After all there will come a time when you hit your goal weight or a weight where you are happy at, you wouldn't then stop eating healthy just because you are not losing any more weight, right?
  5. Navigating the Wilderness


    Liquid diets = lots of trips to the bathroom.
  6. Navigating the Wilderness

    PCP won't write me a letter of necessity

    Yeah, unfortunately the best I can say is to find a better PCP. It is complete bullshit that they don't believe in surgery. Quite honestly I would have flipped out on them, but your time is better spent finding a positive PCP than mucking about with your current one. Sad that some 'doctors' are that shitty.
  7. Navigating the Wilderness

    PCP won't write me a letter of necessity

    What part of surgery does this 'Dr.' not agree with? Is it a philosophical I hate WLS issue or do they think you don't weigh enough to go that route yet?
  8. Navigating the Wilderness

    Salad anyone?

    I had it after 3 months. If you are craving it, I don't see anything wrong with calling your surgeon and asking about it.
  9. Navigating the Wilderness


    Actual pain did not last longer than the first evening for me. I was sore for a few days after, but not in pain.
  10. Navigating the Wilderness

    Sleeve completed!

    Awesome! Welcome to your new life!!
  11. Navigating the Wilderness

    Gym Anxiety!

    @BigViffer has some extensive gym knowledge. Hopefully he can share some good info with you.
  12. Navigating the Wilderness

    Eating out with family who doesn't know Help!

    Haha, thanks, its just how I am. I am ever happy to meet new people and potential friends, and give precisely zero fucks about what they think of trivial things like how fat or skinny I am. I have a fantastic woman, and really she is all I care about.
  13. Navigating the Wilderness

    Eating out with family who doesn't know Help!

    I know @OutsideMatchInside will come through this thread and light me up, but I honestly don't see why it has to be a closely held secret that you had WLS. I'd order whatever the hell I wanted in whatever portion I wanted (depending on if I wanted to eat leftovers for a few days) and run with it. If anyone asked me, I'd tell them the truth. If they made any nasty comments I'd tell them to f**k themselves. Yes I have told my mother-in-law to go f**k herself, a couple of times (including once when she commented that I was "chickening out" when I decided to postpone my surgery so I could do a sleeve instead of RNY). I have found though that 99% of the people who I tell are completely behind me and willing to help me along including motivation. Now, I wouldn't go out of my way to tell someone I had WLS, but if they ask, I can't see lying about it, because I just don't care if they have anything nasty to say. Just my $.02. Oh crap, here comes @OutsideMatchInside, running away now...
  14. Navigating the Wilderness


    I'd opt for the wine over the beer for several reasons, mostly due to carbonation as you said but also due to gluten which I am convinced is the worst thing on this earth . I had a glass of wine twice since surgery and had no issues, but everyone is different.
  15. I had very little nausea or gas, they also had removed the catheter by time I woke up. Everyone has a different experience coming out of surgery.
  16. Navigating the Wilderness

    Overweight Failure

    If you have been exercising a lot, it could very well be muscle mass you have gained. I had problems with water weight too.
  17. Navigating the Wilderness

    Dying for a Chia Tea Latte

    Hmm, @BigViffer good info, but I wonder why coffee is the only thing that affects me this way with reflux. I've had other high-caffeine content beverages without this issue. Oh well at any rate, no more coffee for this guy.
  18. Navigating the Wilderness

    20 in Mass, getting surgery in Florida

    Ok, I'm not familiar with that surgeon, I had one surgery with Dr. Simon in West Palm Beach and another with Jefferson Vaughan in Jupiter, both were good, Vaughan was exceptional. At any rate, like I said, the liquid diet is the worst, and it will get better! I was very unhappy while I was doing straight liquids and questioned the surgery constantly, but things progressed much better once I was allowed dense protein.
  19. Navigating the Wilderness

    Vsg & domestic abuse

    Please tell your husband that real men think he is a punk b***h for treating you that way. Stress that. Punk. b***h.
  20. Agree with @Joann454, the sooner you start the quicker you can start feeling the benefits.
  21. Navigating the Wilderness

    I killed that d@mn interview!

    I have been on the hiring side many times and I don't care what you look like, if you have the right skills and personality, you get the job. Of course, being 400 pounds at the time, I have a different take on obese people than say a 20 something fitness geek. The only time I nixed a candidate for non-skill related attributes was a person who reeked of moth balls so bad I got a headache from the smell. No way I was working with that. On a related note, my wife works in the legal business where turnover is very high. I can't remember how many times she thought she nailed an interview only to have it fall through. It seemed like the interviews that went unremarkably were the ones where she was always offered the job. Best of luck with the job hunt, it will work out!!
  22. Navigating the Wilderness

    Pre Op diet

    Definitely a question for your surgeon. Mine did not care if I lost anything prior to surgery.
  23. Navigating the Wilderness

    Surgery on June 9

    Congrats on taking the plunge, hopefully you will be home tomorrow!
  24. Navigating the Wilderness

    Dying for a Chia Tea Latte

    I had coffee...once...and that was all it took to let me know I would not have it again. Honestly it was the acid from the coffee that messed me up, not the caffeine. Not sure how acidic tea is though, you may be just fine, but I would definitely ask the surgeon before diving in.
  25. Navigating the Wilderness

    20 in Mass, getting surgery in Florida

    Liquid diet is the absolute worst part of the whole WLS journey in my opinion, and it gets better, it really does. I had surgery in Florida, who is performing your surgery?

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