Kyoto it is good that you've been able to eat but, there were times I could too. Basically what I'm saying is IF you've never had a swallow study except for right after the surgery and you've been having issues with throwing up AND you've chewed well, making the right choices and not over doing it then get a swallow study. Better safe than sorry. My doctor never thought I was having a big issue...the famous...UNFILL to solve it worked during the early issues but, every time I got refilled again it would start back up a week or two after. When my stomach was prolaspsed it could still hold food. I'd have an unfill and it open the passage a bit more so I could "tolerate" the not really feeling good so the signs were still there. I would talk myself into I was ok. But from what I know now...I know my band was slipped for a long time and because it was slipped it would kinda move around. Some days I could eat, what I thought was reasonably and other days where two spoonfuls of yogurt would make that ball in my chest and I'd throw up. Throwing up is a tell tale sign that you...have eaten too much, took too big of a bite or something is wrong in there. If you're eating mushies or liquids and it's happening it's not good. The safest bet, and I so highly recommend it, is to have a swallow study. It's quick, easy (taste gross but, only lasts a few minutes) and then you've got your peace of mind and your health. Wondering....doubting....throwing up...not being able to eat properly will only cause more damage in the long run. So look back at the last time you've had one, keep track of when you do have issues eating & throwing up or just being so tight you feel you can't eat and track the amount and what you're eating. I think you'd be surprised how often you have issues and for how long. I know I was. I do wish you the best with you band and your journey. Good luck and it's great that youv'e got the ball rolling by calling your docs office. Never let them go too long without getting a return call! It's your health so don't feel like you're being a pain, it's worth it to be safe.